
Chapter 411 There is someone in the living room!

Jiang Sixan patted her buttocks lightly, "Don't move around."

Jiang Jiu's face turned red instantly, "...Jiang Siyan, I will fight you!"

How old is she, and she was spanked!
This bath is naturally smoky, and her body is delicate and soft, Jiang Jiu only feels that she is going to be ruined.

Men in their early twenties have extraordinary physical strength and stubbornness in this regard. Jiang Jiu found that her waist would fail if she continued like this.

"You bastard, it's only Friday tomorrow!"

Jiang Sixan kissed her forehead, "You should be glad it's Friday, otherwise it's not over yet."

Jiang Jiu was speechless for a moment, "Jiang Sixan, hasn't anyone complained about how strong you are?"

"No." Jiang Sixan put his glasses aside, and stared at her with deep eyes, "You are my first."

Jiang Jiu's ears turned red slightly, and she looked away a little, "Okay, what are you talking about?"

Knowing that he was shy, Jiang Sixan stopped the topic in time.

"Go to sleep."

Jiang Jiu was also a little sleepy, she didn't sleep well last night, she got up early in the morning, and she just tossed about again, now she was very sleepy.

She closed her eyes, while Jiang Sixan hugged him in his arms, and the two hugged each other very intimately.

Jiang Sixan's muscular chest muscles were okay to the touch, but they were a little stiff when lying down. Jiang Jiu rubbed them in disgust, but she couldn't help falling asleep because of sleepiness.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Jiu suddenly heard a shrill meow.


She opened her eyes in doubt, and Jiang Sixan next to her also woke up.

"Why... uh!"

Before Jiang Jiu finished speaking, Jiang Sixan covered her mouth. The man lowered his voice, "Shh, there's someone in the living room!"

Jiang Jiu was taken aback, is this a thief? !

Jiang Sixan got up, "I'll go out and have a look."

Jiang Jiu nodded and whispered, "Be careful."

Jiang Sixan gently opened the door, and turned on the light suddenly. Sure enough, he saw a man wearing a hood and a mask. The living room was in a mess. The man obviously came in to look for something.

Seeing the light turned on, the other party was stunned for a moment, then turned and ran away, while Jiang Sixan rushed out and grabbed the other party's shoulder, but the other party turned around and took out a dagger!
Jiang Jiu stood in the room, seeing the other party so rampant, looked around anxiously.

She didn't have time to put on her slippers, so she ran directly to the kitchen to get two knives, handed one to Jiang Sixan, and said fiercely to the other party, "Break into the house, grab a dagger in your hand, I tell you to throw the dagger quickly, or we will be fined." What did you really do to you, at most it was self-defense!"

The other party obviously didn't expect this woman to be so powerful, and both of them woke up!

He glanced at Jiang Jiu and Jiang Sixan, and then at the bedroom behind him.

In the next second, the other party whistled, and in the next second, a figure suddenly appeared at the door. The other party was holding two bottles of wine, but they were wrapped in cloth and lit on fire.

I didn't expect there to be an accomplice at the door, and the other party was obviously looking out for the wind!

In the next second, the other party directly attacked Jiang Jiu and the others with the burning wine bottle!

Jiang Siyan rushed towards Jiang Jiu and hugged him tightly!
With a "bang", the wine bottle ignited the sofa and immediately caught fire!
There were a lot of combustibles in the room, and another wine bottle ignited the curtains, and the room was instantly filled with smoke.

Not only that, they even spilled gasoline at the door, and the flames shot up into the sky, blocking their way out!
Are these people here to seek money and kill? !

Jiang Jiu was taken aback. The room was filled with smoke, making it hard to open your eyes.

Jiang Sixan got up, hurried to the bathroom to get a wet towel, covered Jiang Jiu's mouth and nose, "Let's go!"

Jiang Jiu glanced back at the room, the sofa and the cabinet were already on fire, the curtains in the room burned and the bed was also burned, and the flames became uncontrollable in the blink of an eye.

"Meow meow!"

Doug's voice became more and more miserable, Jiang Jiu quickly pushed the towel to Jiang Sixan, the computer in the room was used by her for many years of work, and there was a lot of information in it, she had to take it out!

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