
Chapter 412 Why are you so stupid

Before Jiang Sixan could react, Jiang Jiu turned around and ran to the bedroom.

It was obviously only ten meters away from the bedroom, but the smoke caused Jiang Jiu's eyes to hurt badly. She covered her mouth and coughed continuously, finally saw the computer on the table, and picked it up quickly.

Jiang Siyan came to her and grabbed her hand, stuffed Doug into her hand, and tied the towel to her face, "Cover it!"

When those two people went out just now, they closed the door, and the air pressure in the room dropped, making it difficult to open the door. What's more, the door was on fire at this time, and the doorknob was all red!
Jiang Siyan quickly took a piece of cloth and wet it, tied it on his hands, and directly touched the door handle, trying to open the door with great effort.

Jiang Jiu looked at Jiang Sixan's hand, her face was full of worry, "Ahem, Jiang Sixan, your hand!"

Jiang Sixan didn't speak, but continued to tug on the door vigorously.

Doug threw herself into Jiang Jiu's arms, obviously because she was afraid of running around, she could only hug him tightly.

The door was harder to open than expected, and the blue veins on Jiang Siyan's arm were obviously protruding. Jiang Jiu saw that Jiang Siyan's hand had been burned by the fire, and her heart ached. She was thinking of how to help. Finally, the door was finally opened. A gap opened.

Immediately afterwards, there were screams and shouts from outside. It should be that the people living nearby discovered the fire.

Jiang Jiu hurriedly shouted, "Help! Cough cough, help! Cough cough, there are still people in the house!"

The people outside heard it, and finally someone kicked open the door. Jiang Siyan quickly hugged Jiang Jiu in his arms, and the two ran out together.

The alarm was triggered for the whole building, everyone woke up, and the property and firefighters came and rushed to put out the fire.

And the man who kicked the door just now was Jiang Sixan's bodyguard who arranged to protect Jiang Jiu. The man didn't leave that night, and rushed up immediately after discovering the fire.

But Jiang Sixan's right hand was a bit horrible, Jiang Jiu's eyes were red, "Why are you so stupid!"

The doorknob was burnt red a long time ago, and the door was doused with gasoline. With fire, Jiang Sixan could be destroyed in just a few seconds!
Jiang Siyan smiled, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt."

Looking at Jiang Sixan's bloody hand, Jiang Jiu's tears fell even more fiercely, how could it not hurt.

Jiang Si extended his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of Jiang Jiu's eyes, "Don't cry, my heart hurts even more when you cry."

Jiang Jiu couldn't stop crying, "What should I do? Why hasn't the doctor come yet!"

Chen Yan said, "Boss Jiang, I'll take you to the hospital!"

"No, the ambulance is here."

Jiang Sixan raised his head, the ambulance stopped not far away, and several doctors and nurses came down.

He took off the thing under Doug's neck. It was a small cat's paw pattern. Jiang Jiu thought it was just a cat card at first, but now it seems that it is not, it is a USB flash drive.

"Chen Yan, you bring this thing to the lawyer tomorrow. Those people should come here for this."

Chen Yan took it immediately, "Understood."

Jiang Jiu's eyes were red, "This is?"

"Evidence about all of Chu Kuo's crimes over the years."

Jiang Siyan smiled, and touched Jiang Jiu's cheek with his left hand, "Sorry, I didn't expect that I would still bring you danger."

Jiang Jiu shook her head, "It's not your fault."

Soon, the nurse came to treat Jiang Sixan's hand, but his burn was too serious, so after a simple treatment, he still went to the hospital.

Jiang Jiu hugged the notebook and Doug, and hurriedly followed.

Jiang Sixan took off his shoes and put them in front of Jiang Jiu, "Put them on."

"I do not need."

"Hey, don't worry me."

Jiang Jiu finally nodded, and got into the ambulance wearing the man's large slippers.

The mobile phone didn't bring out anything, Jiang Jiu sat on the bench in the corridor, wearing thin pajamas, looking embarrassed and haggard.

Well, thank you very much for your liking for "The Loincloth". I hope to see the little cuties here will vote more, give more rewards, and leave a lot of comments. It's the end of the month, Xiaolu wants to rush down the list~ Please, please, Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have one, as long as you are happy, I love you~

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