
Chapter 471 Bai 1 Ran Dangerous

Wang Xingwang passed by a table, directly picked up the wine bottle on it, walked towards Jiang Jiu and Bai Yiran with a grim expression, and was about to open the bottle for Bai Yiran.

Jiang Jiu didn't have time to react, and hurriedly reached out to block it.

With a "bang", the beer bottle exploded, and Jiang Jiu felt a severe pain in his arm, as if someone had snapped it off.

Bai Yiran raised his head suddenly, and saw Wang Xingwang's wine bottle hitting Jiang Jiu's arm, he got up quickly, and pulled Jiang Jiu back several steps.

Wang Xingwang is tall, while Jiang Jiu and Bai Yiran are both thin and small. You don't need to look to know that the two girls can't handle him.

Moreover, Wang Xingwang was followed by three men, all of whom looked like tall and strong local hooligans.

These people were originally wine and meat friends with Wang Xingwang. When they heard that their money was cut off by these two women, they immediately expressed that they would teach them a lesson!
Wang Xingwang also noticed at this time that this Jiang Jiu and Bai Yiran knew each other, and they deliberately teamed up to bully them!
Wang Xingwang took the broken beer bottle and stabbed at Jiang Jiu fiercely again. If it wasn't for this woman, they would have already received the compensation by now. Coupled with the income from the short video platform, life must be getting better and better. As a result, Ruined by Jiang Jiu!
There were bursts of screams from the crowd, and Jiang Jiu also looked terrified at this time.

If he was stabbed by the mouth of this broken beer bottle, he would be crippled without dying!
Bai Yiran cursed in a low voice, "Damn, I really didn't read the almanac when I went out today, Jiujiu, are you okay?"

Jiang Jiu clenched his fist lightly. Although it hurt a little, it was fine.


"Okay, be careful."

Bai Yiran has learned a little taekwondo since she was a child. After all, her family wanted to train Bai Yiran as a family member, and taught her a lot of interest classes since she was a child.

However, Bai Yiran's taekwondo is only third-rate. It's okay to scare people in normal fights, but it's useless when it comes to the field.

There were four men in front of him, and Bai Yiran felt a little trembling in his heart.

Seeing them approaching step by step, Jiang Jiu directly picked up the empty beer bottle next to him and smashed it at Wang Xingwang.

The moment Wang Xingwang was stimulated, he was murderous and rushed directly towards Jiang Jiu!

The next second, Bai Yiran suddenly came out from the side, holding a folding stool in his hand, and slapped Wang Xingwang hard on the back.

I don't know if it's Wang Xingwang's thick skin or what, but he was unscathed after being hit so violently!

Wang Xingwang's eyes were scarlet, he raised his hand and grabbed Bai Yiran's collar, immediately threw him to the ground, and dragged him to the side!
"in vain!"

People passing by were frightened by the situation here, and did not dare to step forward to help.

Jiang Jiu just wanted to rush over to help Bai Yiran, but was stopped by several men around Wang Xingwang.

One of them raised her hand and was about to slap Jiang Jiu, but Jiang Jiu could barely avoid it. She raised her foot and kicked the opponent's abdomen, and the hurt opponent immediately squatted down covering his legs.

"Damn! A little bitch dares to beat my brother, you don't want to live anymore, do you?"

Jiang Jiu didn't dare to continue entanglement with them, Bai Yiran was in danger, she had to help!

Jiang Jiu suddenly picked up the beer bottle on the ground, smashed it with a "bang", and pointed a sharp beer bottle at them, "Get out of here!"

The remaining two men were instantly frightened by Jiang Jiu's aura and dared not move.

Taking advantage of their hesitation, Jiang Jiu hurriedly ran towards Bai Yiran. At this time, Bai Yiran was firmly pressed to the ground by Wang Xingwang. It was full of ferocious smiles.

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