
Chapter 472 You Can't Escape Today

Jiang Jiu hardly hesitated, "Let go for nothing!"

As he spoke, the sharp beer bottle in his hand directly stabbed the opponent's arm.

In an instant, Wang Xingwang's arm was bleeding profusely, which was very frightening.

Jiang Jiu's chest heaved violently, she had no time to be afraid, she pushed Wang Xingwang away and helped Bai Yiran up, "Bai Bai, are you okay?"

Bai Yiran looked a little embarrassed, clutching his throat and coughing painfully.

When did the Bai Yiran in my memory feel so embarrassed?

Every time she had an accident, Bai Yiran always stood up for her, chasing after the scumbag and cursing, or buying things to comfort her, and helping her solve all difficulties.

Jiang Jiu's eyes turned red immediately, and she tightly guarded Bai Yiran behind her.

Wang Xingwang and the man who was kicked just now had already stood up, and several people looked at them with unfriendly expressions.

The owner of the food stall came out and said hastily, "Brothers, don't fight, don't fight, and speak up when you have something to say!"

However, Wang Xingwang directly slapped the food stall owner away, and said to Jiang Jiu viciously, "You can't escape today!"

These people all smelled of alcohol, and it was obvious that they were drunk, and the attack was not serious.

Soon, four people began to push Jiang Jiu and the others, and two of them wanted to take them to the alley to continue the violence. After all, there are too many people here and it is inconvenient.

Jiang Jiu kept struggling, while protecting Bai Yiran and retreating tightly.

Wang Xingwang looked ferocious, picked up a piece of broken glass on the ground, and was about to scrape it at Jiang Jiu's eyes!
Bai Yiran's eyes were sharp, and when she found out, she immediately stretched out her hand and pressed the glass shards in the opponent's hand. Blood slipped down her fingers in an instant. She didn't care about the pain, and stepped on Wang Xingwang's toes hard.

She was wearing high-heeled shoes, and it was naturally painful to step on them heavily. Sure enough, Wang Xingwang couldn't hold back his wailing.

Bai Yiran took advantage of the situation and gave Wang Xingwang another elbow, beating him to the ground.

The chef in the food stall also rushed out to watch the fun, Jiang Jiu immediately picked up the large colander in the opponent's hand, and slammed it fiercely at the person in front of him.

This thing is very heavy and heavy, and it is naturally very painful when it hits a person.

Jiang Jiu has not been a reporter for nothing all these years, and she has never been afraid of fighting.

For a while, they were not at a disadvantage, but they couldn't bear the fact that there were so many of them. In the chaos, Jiang Jiu was kicked flying and knocked over a table.

With a "crash", the things on the table fell to the ground.

Jiang Jiu clutched her abdomen in pain, her face was pale, cold sweat kept falling, and she couldn't straighten up for a long time.

With a gloomy face, Wang Xingwang directly picked up the hot pot that had just been served next to him, and walked towards Jiang Jiu step by step, looking as if he was about to pour the hot bottom of the pot on Jiang Jiu.

If it falls down, Jiang Jiu's face will be ruined!
Suddenly, Wang Xingwang's collar was pulled away, the hot pot was overturned, and fell directly on his own chest. The hot Wang Xingwang wailed like a pig, and the pain was so painful!

With a cold face, Jiang Sixan pressed his face to the ground.

The ground was covered with broken glass, Wang Xingwang was pressed firmly, half of his cheek was bloody, but Jiang Sixan didn't let go at all.

He raised his hand and punched Wang Xingwang fiercely. The man was beaten so badly that his mouth and nose bleed instantly. He struggled to resist, but soon the second and third punches fell, and Wang Xingwang lost the ability to resist in an instant. Three of his teeth were knocked out, and his mouth was covered in blood, which looked scary.

Under the golden full moon, green watermelons are planted.The young Runtu held a steel fork in his hand, and stabbed vigorously at a horse.But Na Yun twisted her body, "Everyone is stealing melons, why did you stab me! Is it because my readers and good friends didn't give you a reward? Or they didn't give you a reward! I don't accept it!"

Yi knelt directly at Yuanyue, "Please give me a reward, please vote, the author's baby will definitely add more!"

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