
Chapter 508 Don’t You Think He’s Poor [Addition 1]

Chapter 508 Don’t You Think He’s Poor [Addition 1]

Jiang Jiu couldn't help asking, "Does Zhao Xun have any hobbies?"

Bao Xiangyu shook his head, "This kid just likes to read, he will read whatever books I buy."

"What about extracurricular readings, such as novels, storybooks and magazines, etc., does he read them?"

"That stuff is rubbish, it's a cancer, I won't show it to him if he can't get into college after reading it. He is also very sensible and never reads it."

As if thinking of Zhao Xun, Bao Xiangyu started crying again, "My poor son, it's his school that hurt him! If I had known earlier, I should have transferred him!"

Jiang Jiu can already understand what Jiang Yi said. Bao Xiangyu is completely interfering in the growth of a young man, disrespecting his privacy, ignoring his hobbies, and using her so-called love education to keep Zhao Xun in a long-term depression. environment.

Ruan Yuan glanced at the alarm clock, and Jiang Jiu quickly understood, "Aunt Bao, does Zhao Xun usually have no other hobbies, such as playing football? I think there is only an alarm clock in the room, and nothing else."

"What kind of football do you play? I always tell Zhao Xun to hurry up to school. It's time for the college entrance examination! The alarm clock is for him to tell the time, otherwise there should only be books in his room!"

Jiang Jiu frowned, "He doesn't have a cell phone?"

"Yes, but he has been chatting with some dubious people on his mobile phone, so my father and I took the mobile phone away."

Ruan Yuan's complexion has become ugly, this Bao Xiangyu doesn't feel that he has done anything wrong.

Jiang Jiu looked at Bao Xiangyu, her eyes were red and swollen, and no one could help but say that it was a poor mother whose son died unexpectedly, but what she said made Jiang Jiu feel cold all over her body.

"Aunt Bao, don't you think Zhao Xun like this is very pitiful? He is dead, but he has no hobbies of his own, no space for himself, and has been forced to study."

"What nonsense are you talking about! What do you do if you don't study? If you don't study, how can you get into college? If you don't get into college, he's a scum, a bug! From now on, you can only do some hard work like me, and you'll be forced to do anything! "

Bao Xiangyu suddenly became irritable, and she glared at Jiang Jiu, "You keep asking us what Zhao Xun is doing, you should go and interview the principal, and ask him why he let those murderers who killed our Zhao Xun go!

You should ask them how we Zhao Xun were bullied at school!

Why are you hiding like a tortoise and not daring to see me now! "

Jiang Jiu comforted, "Aunt Bao, don't be angry, we will also go to the school to interview, and we will investigate the matter clearly."

Bao Xiangyu was obviously still very angry, and later refused the interview, insisting that Jiang Jiu and the others go to interview the school's teachers and principal first.

When Jiang Jiu and Ruan Yuan left Zhao's house, they met Zhao Kangde who came back.

The man nodded at them, his face still maintaining his due calmness.

Ruan Yuan couldn't help but said in a low voice, "This Bao Xiangyu and Zhao Kangde are too strange. Bao Xiangyu is emotional, and at first glance she loves her son very much, but this kind of love is abnormal, it's too depressing, I almost rolled my eyes just now!

And that Zhao Kangde, who was so calm, didn't look like his son had just left. "

Jiang Jiu nodded, "The situation is not well understood yet, we need a comprehensive interview and continue to investigate."

When Jiang Jiu went downstairs, she met a few neighbors, so she inquired about the Zhao family. Everyone knew that there was a child upstairs who left the school, but many people didn't know much about the Zhao family.

On the contrary, an old man said, "That baby in the Zhao family is too pitiful. I remember hearing Bao Xiangyu scolding the child for having low grades at the stairway. She must have been spoiled by wild children outside. But when I looked at the grades, Not bad, almost full marks!"

After leaving the building, Jiang Jiu and Ruan Yuan got into the car.

Jiang Jiu said, "I feel a little strange why Bao Xiangyu always thinks that Zhao Xun was bullied because of campus violence. Including when he was playing with his mobile phone, he said that Zhao Xun was chatting with dubious people outside. The one just now The old man also said that Bao Xiangyu suspected that Zhao Xun failed in the exam because of wild children outside, so she believes that her son did not cause this series of behaviors for other reasons?"

(End of this chapter)

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