
Chapter 509 This News Is Difficult 【Addition 2】

Chapter 509 This News Is Difficult 【Addition 2】

Ruan Yuan couldn't help but said, "Teacher, what do you mean?"

"Nowadays, the main reason why children play mobile phones is that they are addicted to online games, and they do not do well in exams, and there are even more reasons.

The old man said that Zhao Xun did well in the exam. I think it is very likely to be true, because Fang Fang said before that Zhao Xun had good grades in the first year of high school, but he stopped studying for a while in the second year of high school. Something must have happened in this matter.

I'm not sure if these things happened to make Bao Xiangyu become more controlling towards Zhao Xun, the high probability is that Zhao Xun knew someone. "

But these are speculations, and investigation is needed to find out.

Jiang Jiu tried to contact Zhao Xun's teacher again, but the phone was still off.

In the afternoon, Jiang Jiu took Ruan Yuan to an interview near the school, hoping to get some clues.

Just then, a strange call came in.

Jiang Jiu pressed the answer button, "Hi, hello."

"Reporter Jiang, I'm Zhao Xun's head teacher."

Jiang Jiu didn't expect that the other party would use another number to call him, so he immediately agreed.

The two agreed to meet in a high-end teahouse. When Jiang Jiu arrived, he found out that the principal of the school, Fang Qiming, was also there.

Yao Chunya cut straight to the point, "Reporter Jiang, I have read your "Small Town Story". I believe you are a good reporter, and I believe you will clear me and the school."

Fang Qiming nodded and poured tea for them, "The public opinion on the Internet is too strong now, we have to turn off the mobile phone, please understand."

Jiang Jiu understood that the reporter might be the first and only time they approached a reporter.

In this way, the interview in Jiang Jiu's hands can be said to be exclusive.

"I heard from Bao Xiangyu that Zhao Xun was bullied at school? Maybe he was treated unfairly by teachers?"

"This is utter slander!"

Yao Chunya was very angry, "Now Bao Xiangyu is completely using public opinion to talk nonsense. Our teachers have never used corporal punishment or treated students unfairly!"

Jiang Jiu looked at her, "Where is the bullying?"

"Definitely not!"

Jiang Jiu looked at Yao Chunya, "Teacher Yao, why are you so sure?"

Yao Chunya avoided Jiang Jiu's gaze, "Zhao Xun is a bored kid, some kids don't even bother talking to him, who bullied him."

Fang Qiming also nodded, "Teacher Yao is right. We have always taught children to be united, friendly and helpful. It is impossible for them to bully others."

"Then can the school obtain relevant monitoring, such as what happened to Zhao Xun the day he jumped off the building?"

Fang Qiming took a tough attitude, "We have already given the relevant information to the police, and it is inconvenient for others to disclose it."

Yao Chunya continued, "Bao Xiangyu probably wants money for doing this, please tell Reporter Jiang that our school will organize donations, but the premise is that she will stop attacking the school.

Other children still have to go to class, and now they can't even study well.

Now that I am walking on the road, I am afraid of being poked in the spine and cursed! "

Jiang Jiu looked calm, "Mr. Yao, you have a disagreement with what you said just now. Whether or not Bao Xiangyu is targeting the school with your organization of love donations are two different things. There is no causal relationship between them.

What we have to do is to report the truth. I believe that if the school and the teachers are innocent, the police will soon give everyone their innocence. "

Yao Chunya opened his mouth, but he didn't continue to say anything.

Later, Jiang Jiu asked a few more questions, but the answers she got were similar to those she got from Fang Fang.

What is certain is that people like Zhao Xun, who are not good at grades, don't get much attention in the class.

At the end of the interview, Ruan Yuan couldn't help but said, "Teacher, I think this news is a bit difficult."

"take it easy."

Jiang Jiu also noticed it. He thought that he could get news about the reversal from the teacher's side, but in the end there was no useful news.

The two of them went back to the station to continue sorting out the materials. When they were about to leave work, Bai Yiran sent a message, [I'll pick you up tonight to see the man with abs! 】

(End of this chapter)

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