
Chapter 520 What's Your Purpose?

Back at the TV station, Jiang Jiu didn't look at Zhao Xun's diary anymore, took a cup of coffee, and took a few sips silently.

Ruan Yuan asked, "Teacher, are you okay?"

Jiang Jiu shook his head, "It's fine."

"Teacher, the matter of Zhao Xun is almost clear. Should we start recording directly? With this diary, we can prove that Zhao Xun actually committed suicide."

Although the people around may be accomplices, it is true that Zhao Xun jumped off the building because of the pressure, not because of bullying, nor because of the teacher's exclusion.

Jiang Jiu frowned tightly, "Don't worry, I'll think about it again, you go to work first."

Ruan Yuan nodded, "Okay."

Jiang Jiu finished his coffee and returned to his seat, lost in thought for a long time.

Soon, it was time to get off work. Jiang Jiu packed up her things and went back. After thinking about it, she still took Zhao Xun's diary with her.

It was a small book, but it was so heavy that Jiang Jiu couldn't breathe.

In the diary, Zhao Xun did not address "Mom and Dad", but only referred to them as "he" and "she".

The person closest to him became the person who hurt him the most. The only time he asked for help, the head teacher turned a blind eye.

When he got home, Jiang Sixan hadn't come back yet, Jiang Jiu felt very tired and was lying on the sofa.

Doug walked over slowly and called out to Jiang Jiu, "Meow~"


Jiang Jiu picked up Doug and put him in his arms.

Doug was quiet and well behaved.

I don't know how long it took, the sky was completely dark, and Jiang Jiu realized that she forgot to turn on the light.

She had just gotten up when a phone call suddenly came from the living room.

Jiang Jiu glanced at it, it was Jiang Yi's cell phone.

The man didn't know where he went, so he left the phone in the living room.

"Jiang Yi, call!"

Jiang Jiu got up to turn on the light, but Jiang Yi in the room did not respond. Jiang Jiu looked at the mobile phone on the coffee table. There was only a string of numbers on it, and no caller was displayed.

The ringtone had been hung up, but soon another call came in.

Maybe there was something urgent, Jiang Jiu answered the phone.

"Little brat, you finally answered my call, where are you, get out of here!"

This voice is... Jiang Shuhong.

Jiang Jiu held the phone in a daze for a few seconds, until an impatient voice came from the other side, and she said, "He's not here."

Jiang Shuhong still refused to let go, "Who are you, where did you hide Jiang Yi, let him answer the phone for me immediately!"

Jiang Jiu hooked the corner of her mouth coldly, "You can't even hear my voice?"

Jiang Jiu told herself that she should hang up the phone and stop talking nonsense with Jiang Shuhong, but when she knew that the other party didn't know who she was, she suddenly wanted to disgust Jiang Shuhong like a prank child.

Jiang Shuhong still didn't recognize who she was, and asked, "Who are you!"

The corner of Jiang Jiu's mouth was cold, "I'm Jiang Jiu."

There was only a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and Jiang Shuhong's voice was still high and coercive, "Jiang Jiu, what exactly do you want to do, what is your purpose in taking Jiang Yi away! Let me tell you, let Jiang Yi come back immediately, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Jiang Jiu hung up the phone directly, feeling a little tumbling in her stomach.


That's right, Jiang Shuhong made her feel sick, she shouldn't have tried to test Jiang Shuhong just now.

In his heart, he doesn't have a daughter at all, he only has a son.

At this time, a figure came panting and greeted Jiang Jiu when he saw it, "Sister, you are back."

Jiang Yi went to the refrigerator to get water to drink on his own, sweating all over his body.

"What have you been doing?"

"I'm bored staying at home. I just went to my brother-in-law's gym to practice boxing. My brother-in-law taught me."

Surprised, Jiang Jiu turned around and saw Jiang Sixan silently following behind him, wearing only a black vest, showing a muscular figure.

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