
Chapter 521 You Are Always Better Than Others

Jiang Jiu originally thought that Jiang Sixan hadn't come back yet, but she didn't expect that he was already at home and just went to the gym, she didn't pay attention.

Jiang Siyan stepped forward and looked at Jiang Jiu, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Jiu shook her head and handed the phone to Jiang Yi, "Jiang Shuhong called just now."

Jiang Yi frowned and took the phone.

"Sorry, I saw that there was no note. Seeing that he kept calling, I thought it was an important call, so I picked it up."

"It's okay, I blocked his number, and he kept calling me from other numbers. I just forgot to bring my mobile phone in, so I should see him once, and block him once!"

Jiang Siyan looked at Jiang Jiu, took her hand and walked towards the room, and said to Jiang Yi without looking back, "I won't cook tonight, Jiang Yi, order a takeaway."

"it is good."

Jiang Yi is a snack foodie, and after only two or three days of living here, he has figured out all the delicious shops nearby.

He quickly placed the order, then went back to his room to take a shower.

At this time, in the bedroom.

Jiang Siyan looked at Jiang Jiu with a pale face, and asked again, "Did Jiang Shuhong make you unhappy?"

Jiang Jiu looked at Jiang Sixan, and put her head on the other's chest, "Actually, it's not a big deal, but I feel a little uncomfortable today."

"Can you talk to me?"

Jiang Sixan's deep voice made her feel relaxed.

"I've been following a piece of news these past two days. The victim was a child. I read his diary and felt a little uncomfortable... After I came back, I just received a call from Jiang Shuhong. He didn't even know who I was."

"Actually, I'm quite funny." Jiang Jiu smiled self-deprecatingly, "I originally wanted to scare him, but he didn't recognize my voice, and when I said my name later, he didn't feel surprised at all, but was angry that I hid Jiang Yi.

I'm so stupid, Jiang Shuhong doesn't care about me at all, otherwise why didn't he come back to find me back then, but I still thought that he would feel a little bit of guilt and self-blame, after all, I was thinking too much. "

Jiang Sixan touched her head, "You are not stupid, you are empathetic and kind. With me, you will always be better than others."

Jiang Jiu finally smiled, "Are you looking for beauty in the eye of the beholder?"

"I'm just stating the facts."

Jiang Jiu leaned against him, feeling the heat from his body, "I feel better."

Jiang Sixan hugged her, and after a while, he said, "I'm covered in sweat."

Jiang Jiu couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, "I don't dislike it."

"I don't think so, I'm going to take a shower."

Jiang Sixan got up to go to the bathroom and asked, "Together?"

Jiang Jiu froze for a moment, "Jiang Yi is still there."

"What are you thinking about, I mean, just taking a shower, what are you thinking about?"

Jiang Jiu, "..."

In the end, Jiang Jiu went to the bathroom with Jiang Sixan.

There were still traces of last night on his body, Jiang Sixan turned on the shower, warm water poured down from the top of his head, and a trace of mist quickly rose in the bathroom.

Jiang Jiu's body still bears marks from last night, especially the fingerprints on the inside of her thighs.

Jiang Siyan's eyes were as black as ink, and he stretched out his hand to stroke the mark he left last night inch by inch.

The atmosphere in the air was a little ambiguous, and the awe-inspiring justice that he said just now seemed to be nonsense.

But Jiang Sixan didn't make it to the last step, he just settled it hastily outside.

Finally, when the takeaway arrived, Jiang Yi yelled outside the door, "The takeaway is here, are you asleep, hurry up!"

Only then did Jiang Jiu change into her home clothes in a hurry, and walked out, Jiang Syan followed behind him unhurriedly.

As soon as I went out, there were a lot of takeaway bags piled up on the dining table.

Jiang Jiu was surprised, "Jiang Yi, what did you buy?"

"I bought everything delicious."

Jiang Jiu faintly had an ominous premonition.

She opened the takeaway box, hamburger, fried chicken, coke, French fries, pizza, very good.

There are another bunch of garlic crayfish, spicy crayfish, and thirteen-flavored crayfish. It's hard for him to find such a plump lobster in this season.

Then open another pile, barbecue, malatang, sushi platter and lo mei.

Jiang Jiu had a big head, "Jiang Yi, are you going to take refuge? You bought so many things!"

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