
Chapter 522 Ignore them to show affection

Jiang Yi chuckled, "These are all delicious."

"Don't you think you bought too much!"

"It's alright, I'm ordering everyone's favorite food, and you can eat a lot by yourself, so what if I don't order more and have nothing to eat later?"

Jiang Jiu was so angry that she wanted to roll up her sleeves and give Jiang Yi a slap on the head, "You're justified in spending money, right?"

Jiang Sixan persuaded, "Eat first."

The room was full of the aroma of food, Jiang Jiu opened "Story of a Small Town", and Ruan Yuan was still inside.

Compared with the first time hosting the show, Ruan Yuan obviously calmed down a lot in the second time, and made obvious progress.

Jiang Yi ate the pizza with big mouthfuls and said, "Sister, are you unemployed?"

"To shut up."

After Jiang Sixan ate a few mouthfuls of sushi, he peeled the shrimp for Jiang Jiu, which made Jiang Yi very envious.

"Brother-in-law, my sister already has a bowl of shrimp meat, why are you still peeling it for her, why don't you give me some?"

Jiang Sixan said lightly, "Do it yourself."

Jiang Jiu looked at Jiang Yi with a half-smile, "What a beautiful dream, peel it off yourself!"

Jiang Yi ate the barbecue with big mouthfuls, ignoring their show of affection.

Jiang Jiu pushed Malatang in front of Jiang Sixan, "Do you want to eat?"

Jiang Sixan shook his head, "I'm full."

After comparing the food intake with Jiang Yi, Jiang Jiu almost suspected that the other party grew up drinking dew, and was full after eating a few mouthfuls of sushi.

Jiang Jiu frowned, "Is it because the food he ordered was too heavy, and you eat so little?"

"will not."

"Then you can eat a few mouthfuls of Malatang, if you can't finish it, leave it to me."

Jiang Sixan couldn't help it, so he ate a few more mouthfuls of Malatang. Jiang Jiu ate the rest of Malatang without the slightest bit of disdain, and brought him two more skewers of barbecue.

Jiang Yi didn't even notice, "Sister, brother-in-law, he's doing it to keep fit."

"Don't interrupt when adults talk, children."

Jiang Yi muttered something, and continued to eat hard.

After "Small Town Story" was over, Jiang Jiu was finally full.

Except for the crayfish, there was nothing left. Jiang Yi hiccupped his stomach, expressing that he couldn't eat anymore. He would continue to eat the crayfish tomorrow.

Jiang Jiu cleaned up the table and was about to take out the trash when Jiang Sixan said, "I'll do it."

Jiang Sixan went out to throw out the trash, Jiang Jiu sat on the sofa, looked at Jiang Yi, "Are you familiar with Zhao Xun?"

Jiang Yi didn't even raise his head, "Why are you talking about him so well, I don't know him very well, what's wrong?"

Jiang Jiu thought about it, but she didn't tell Jiang Yi, "It's nothing."

Zhao Xun's life is too dark and heavy, no one has helped him, Jiang Jiu must help him get justice.

When they returned to the bedroom, Jiang Jiu and Jiang Sixan shared their thoughts.

The other party nodded, "Do as you want."

"I'm afraid I'm going to get fired, or screw it up."

Jiang Sixan asked, "Why did you become a reporter?"

Jiang Jiu was almost enlightened by the man's words, "I understand."

For some people, being a reporter is a job, or a love, or for justice and light.

Jiang Jiu has been a reporter for so long because she has been at the bottom for a long time and knows the importance of speaking out.

She not only wants to speak out for herself, but also for those who are also trapped in the cage of the abyss.

For the faith in her heart, she must do it.

If she is timid, she will violate her original intention of being a reporter.

Jiang Jiu couldn't fall asleep, so she picked up her notebook and immediately started planning. It wasn't until early in the morning that Jiang Jiu stopped typing on the keyboard. She looked back and saw that Jiang Sixan was still asleep.

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