
Chapter 523 Thank you for believing in me

Jiang Jiu felt a little guilty, "I'm sorry, is it because I was typing too loudly on the keyboard."

Jiang Sixan shook his head, "No, are you done?"

Jiang Jiu nodded, "Well, I'll make a suggestion tomorrow and plan to do another live broadcast."

"it is good."

Jiang Sixan naturally supported any of her actions.

Jiang Jiu lay beside him, put her hands on his waist, and said, "Thank you for trusting me."

Jiang Sixan slightly hooked the corners of his lips, "Just do it, I'll take care of you, don't worry."

Jiang Jiu giggled, "Okay!"

The next morning, Jiang Jiu rushed to the TV station early to discuss next Thursday's program with Zhai An.

"You want to broadcast live?"

"Yes." Jiang Jiu said, "The news about Zhao Xun is quite special. Now Bao Xiangyu and the others have been blocking the school to ask for an explanation, forcing the school to fail to operate normally, seriously affecting other people's schooling, and the school has been coldly treating Bao Xiangyu and the others without responding positively. Now the public opinion is overwhelming.

The only interview Bao Xiangyu accepted was our TV station. It can be said that we have an exclusive advantage. If there is another live broadcast, the gimmicks will definitely be fine, and I believe the ratings will be fine. "

Zhai An thought for a while, and agreed, "Okay, I will do as you say. You do things calmly, and I trust you."

Jiang Jiu thanked Zhai An, immediately contacted Bao Xiangyu, and told her about the interview plan.

Hearing that the head teacher and teachers of the school would come to the scene, Bao Xiangyu agreed.

Jiang Jiu sent another message to Yao Chunya, and there was obviously some resistance there, "Reporter Jiang, haven't we already interviewed, and I've said everything that needs to be said, I don't think we need to meet Zhao Xun's parents, right?"

Jiang Jiu said, "You can rest assured that there will be a lot of people in the studio, I believe they will not dare to do anything to you, and I have also investigated something very important here, I believe you will be interested."

Yao Chunya still hesitated, "I see."

Jiang Jiu smiled and said, "Teacher Yao, if you don't want to come, I'm afraid that the school will be proven to be a guilty conscience at the interview site, and you won't even dare to meet your family members. Why don't you think about it?"

Hearing what Jiang Jiu said, Yao Chunya still agreed.

After all these were dealt with, Jiang Jiu went to the police station again.

Zhao Xun's cell phone has been restored, and Jiang Jiu contacted Officer Wu Kai, and finally got part of the chat records, which are about F.

It can be said that Zhao Xun's life is very simple.

In the first year of high school, he was also a very cheerful little boy, who could play games, chat with others about his favorite anime and Lego, travel, eat delicious food, and was very enthusiastic.

Jiang Jiu saw the chat records between him and F.

When he was young, he met an almighty big boy F. He would take him to play games, play difficult Lego games, suggest places to travel, cook good dishes, and have good academic performance. He was in the high school that Zhao Xun yearned for.

So Zhao Xun quickly developed a good impression of F. The two had a good time and had the same interests. Zhao Xun confessed his love.

【I like you, can we be together? 】

This is the end of the news about him and F, and Jiang Jiu almost knows the next thing.

When Bao Xiangyu saw the phone, Zhao Xun's life instantly fell into hell.

Jiang Jiu packed up her things, thanked the police, and left.

Back at the TV station, Jiang Jiu checked the script for next Thursday over and over again, took a sip of coffee.

At this time, the person at the front desk came over, "Jiang Jiu, someone is looking for you."

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