
Chapter 526 That's Because I Love You

Jiang Jiu got up, "It's nothing, I'll make dinner."

Jiang Sixan silently followed behind.

Jiang Yi opened his mouth as a fan, a little guilty, and secretly went to dispose of the cat litter for Doug.

"Little Doug, why do I feel that something is wrong today?"


Doug yawned lazily and strode away gracefully, ignoring him.

Jiang Yi finally found out that Doug is a tsundere at all, and every time he would show a good face to Jiang Jiu and Jiang Sixan, he would spread his body to beg for groping, but he would ignore other people at all.

Jiang Jiu looked at Jiang Sixan's gloomy face, reached out and poked his cheek, "Smile."

Jiang Siyan just looked at her silently.

Jiang Jiu withdrew her hand and couldn't help but said, "I'm giving you a slap for three minutes, it can't take longer."

Jiang Sixan silently took the spatula and started cooking.

Jiang Jiu couldn't help hugging him from behind, "I'm really fine, and I fought back on the spot, next time he dares to do something, I will definitely continue to teach him a good lesson!"

Jiang Sixan patted her head with his backhand, "Okay, go out and rest, I'll make a meal and call you."

Jiang Jiu smiled, "I want to be with you."

Jiang Yi hid at the kitchen door and knocked, "Then what, don't forget to heat up the leftover crayfish from yesterday."

Jiang Jiu took the takeaway box of the crayfish, and turned on another pot to heat it up.

Jiang Yi eats a lot, so naturally he has to prepare more dishes.

Jiang Sixan started the pot and made a simple sweet and sour pork ribs, boiled pork slices, and a fatty beef roll with enoki mushrooms, all of which were not troublesome meals.

Two people made a simple three dishes and one soup, plus two boxes of crayfish, which was enough.

Jiang Yi sat at the dining table, rubbing his hands and looking at the food, almost drooling.

"Sister, when will I make tomato scrambled eggs, let's have dinner."

"To shut up!"

Jiang Jiu's tone suddenly became serious, she glanced at Jiang Sixan, then pressed Jiang Yi's head and whispered, "Don't talk about this dish again, do you hear me!"

Jiang Yi didn't know why, but nodded tactfully, "Okay."

Jiang Sixan didn't care, and said, "Let's eat."

Jiang Jiu nodded, "OK."

While eating, Jiang Yi's cell phone rang several times, he glanced at it, replied quickly, and continued to concentrate on eating, Jiang Jiu didn't care.

Tomorrow is the weekend, Jiang Jiu can have a good rest.

At night, Grandma Jiang was worried and called again.

"Hey Jiujiu, how is your body, are you okay?"

Jiang Jiu felt a little regretful when she heard grandma's worried tone.

In fact, I shouldn't have told grandma, causing grandma to worry for so long.

"Grandma, I'm fine, don't worry."

Grandma Jiang was still worried, "I've already scolded your father, if he dares to beat you again, I will fight him with my old bones!"

Jiang Jiu said with a smile, "Grandma, I'm really fine. He hit me and I got angry, so I want you to educate him."

"Really okay?"

Hearing Grandma Jiang's voice was still full of worry, Jiang Sixan who was next to him answered the phone.

"Grandma, it's me."

"Syan, how is Jiujiu's situation? I won't tell her if I ask her. I'm really worried to death."

Jiang Siyan's tone was a bit relaxed, "Grandma, don't worry, Jiujiu was hit, and now I can't see it at all, and it doesn't hurt, it's really fine."

Then, Jiang Sixan said a few more words to grandma, which made grandma laugh, and the matter was considered to be over.

Jiang Jiu lay on the bed and sighed, "Now grandma believes in you, not me."

"She knows that you are afraid that she will worry and won't tell the truth, but I, like her, worry that you will be wronged and hurt. We are all in the same hatred for those who bully you, so grandma will naturally believe me."

Jiang Jiu could only feel a warm current running through her heart, "Ayan, I found that you are getting better at talking."

Jiang Sixan tapped the tip of her nose lightly, "That's because I love you."

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