
Chapter 527 His wife is not good at wearing ties

Jiang Jiu covered her face in embarrassment, and Jiang Siyan lifted the quilt to cover the two of them with an indifferent smile on his face.

The lights were turned off, and the room was plunged into darkness. Jiang Siyan closed his eyes quietly, as if falling asleep.

Jiang Jiu opened her eyes and looked in his direction, sneaked closer, and was hugged by Jiang Sixan, "Stop dawdling, go to sleep."

Jiang Jiu leaned on the man's body, smelling the familiar breath with the tip of her nose. The heavy suffocation feeling on her body today has long since disappeared.

Jiang Sixan's hand gently patted her on the back, coaxing her to sleep like a child.



"Nothing, I just wanted to call you."

Jiang Sixan said in a low voice, "Don't think that I don't dare to touch you now, so you just tease me indiscriminately. What you owe will be made up in the future."

Jiang Jiu, "..."

She pretended to be stupid, pretended not to hear, and closed her eyes to sleep.

The next day was the weekend, Jiang Sixan turned off the sound the moment the alarm rang in the morning.

Confirming that the person in his arms was still soundly asleep, Jiang Sixan gently removed her hand, got up and went to the bathroom.

Jiang Jiu is resting today, so he doesn't have to get up so early, so he doesn't intend to wake her up.

However, due to the biological clock, Jiang Jiu still woke up. She opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Jiang Sixan standing in front of the mirror, arranging her clothes.

A man is always so meticulous in arranging the buttons of his clothes. He likes the cufflinks given by Jiang Jiu and wears them all the time.

Jiang Sixan picked another tie from a row of boxes. Coincidentally, this one was also given by Jiang Jiu.

Obviously he has the same type of tie, but the things Jiang Jiu gave him always made him feel particularly fond of them.

Jiang Jiu folded her eyes and got up, "Ah Yan."

Jiang Sixan turned to look at her, "Excuse me, did I wake you up?"

Jiang Jiu shook his head, "No."

After a night of sleep, Jiang Jiu's long hair looked a little frizzy. She was wearing a loose white pajamas. Because of her sleeping position, she exposed a white and round shoulder, but she didn't notice it at all. She hugged the quilt and was slightly dazed. She looked cute and cute.

Seeing that Jiang Sixan liked it, he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, "Keep sleeping, I'll get someone to bring breakfast later."

Seeing that he was still holding a tie, Jiang Jiu stood up, "I'll tie a tie for you."

She stepped on the ground and reached out to tie Jiang Siyan's tie seriously.

Jiang Siyan looked down, "I don't wear shoes."

"not cold."


Now that the weather has turned cold, Jiang Jiu stepped on the floor barefoot just after waking up, Jiang Sixan naturally disagreed.

Jiang Jiu, however, was concentrating on wearing a tie, lowered her eyes, and looked serious, as if she was doing something sacred again, cautiously.

Jiang Sixan picked him up, and Jiang Jiu exclaimed, "What are you doing, the tie was almost crooked."

"It's ok."

Jiang Jiu smiled and tugged at his tie, "If people see the dignified president of Laisheng Group, who usually has even a button neatly done, but ends up wearing a crooked tie, what do you think they will think?"

"Probably thinking that his wife is not good at tying ties."

Jiang Jiu's cheeks flushed slightly, "Okay, let me down quickly, time is running out, I'll go prepare a sandwich for you."

"No, I'll just eat something on the way, you go to rest."

"I can't sleep, and the sandwich is fast."

Jiang Jiu didn't change her clothes, and went directly to the kitchen. After washing her hands, she took two slices of bread and two eggs.

Whisk the eggs, pour them into the pot, put in the bread, dip both sides in the egg wash, then put in the cheese slices, luncheon meat, lettuce, and pour the salad dressing. In less than 5 minutes, the sandwiches are ready and the milk is heated. Jiang Jiu brings the breakfast.


Jiang Sixan has a stomach problem, and Jiang Jiu has been trying to take care of it.

At this moment, the door of the room next door opened, and Jiang Yi appeared with a chicken nest head on his head, and touched his stomach, "It smells so good, sister, what are you having for breakfast this morning?"

"If you don't mind, eat a piece of bread to cushion your stomach first, and you don't have a sandwich."

After all, she was afraid of delaying Jiang Sixan's work, so she didn't prepare too much. Besides, Jiang Yi was not a morning person.

Jiang Yi was stunned for a second, then let go of his voice and shouted, "The world is so cold, the world is getting worse!"

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