
Chapter 736 She's Guilty

Doug rubbed Jiang Sixan's palm, looked up at him, and saw two scratches on his daddy's shoulder, which looked like his paw prints.

Jiang Siyan got up, went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water and returned to the bedroom.

There are also several scratch marks on his back, which are red. Doug doesn't understand, and he didn't scratch him himself.

But the room was quiet.

The next day was the weekend, Jiang Jiu asked everyone to have dinner together.

Bai Yiran happened to pass by Sun Weiwei's residence, so he could bring her over.

Lu Manman and Lu Junhao came here by car together. Jiang Yi is now in the school outside, and he has no time to come back, so he can only post several emoticons in the group with an angry face, and finally Jiang Jiu lost a few After the red envelope passed, the anger was calmed down.

During this period, because of Cui Bin's incident, Jiang Siyan was at work almost all Saturdays. Now Jiang Jiu sent him a message: "Where are you?" 】

【Come on, we'll be there soon. 】

Jiang Jiu replied to him, [Don't worry, take your time and concentrate on driving, no need to reply. 】

Jiang Jiu got out of the car, packed her things and went to the hot pot restaurant.

But now there are many people in the store, Jiang Jiu is waiting at the door, and by the way, she takes out her mobile phone to check the box number she reserved.

At this time, a man came over and said, "Jiang Jiu, right? The host of "Small Town Story"?"

Jiang Jiu originally thought that the other party was a fan, and was about to agree, but found that something was wrong with the other party's eyes.

"What's up?"

Jiang Jiu has been in this line of work for a long time, so she naturally became vigilant.

She looked up and saw that Jiang Siyan was coming. She immediately walked towards Jiang Siyan, but she was grabbed by the arm.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry? I haven't given you anything yet!"

After saying that, the man took out a fruit knife hidden in his pocket.

It was winter and he was wearing thick clothes, so he didn't notice that he had hidden the fruit knife in his pocket.

Jiang Jiu was stunned for a moment, seeing that the dagger was about to stab her in the chest!

In the next second, a hand was placed in front of her.

Jiang Siyan hugged Jiang Jiu behind him, and at the same time lifted his foot and gave him a heavy kick.

The opponent was kicked to the ground, and hurriedly turned over to run away, but Jiang Sixan grabbed his shoulders, and suddenly fell over his shoulder, pinning him to the ground.

There are a lot of people eating here, and it quickly attracted attention. A brave elder brother stepped forward and kicked away the crime tools.Jiang Jiu immediately picked up her mobile phone to call the police, and at the same time stepped forward to check Jiang Sixan's situation, "Are you okay?"

Jiang Sixan shook his head, "It's okay."

However, bright red blood flowed from the back of the man's hand, Jiang Jiu froze for a moment, "You are bleeding! Where are you hurt!"

Jiang Sixan actually didn't feel it, he raised his hand and found a cut on his arm.

The situation was too urgent just now, Jiang Siyan saw Jiang Jiu being entangled by someone, so he quickly stepped forward.

In the end, it was discovered that the other party had drawn out a knife. Jiang Sixan didn't have time to think, so he stepped forward directly, protecting Jiang Jiu and retreating.

His forearm should have been scratched at that time, but at that time he only had Jiang Jiu in his mind, so he didn't even notice that he was injured.

Jiang Jiu was anxious, "I'll take you to the hospital first."

Jiang Siyan said with relief, "It's okay."

"How can it be okay! There's so much blood!"

Jiang Jiu anxiously pulled Jiang Siyan to get up. The person underneath him felt loose and struggled to get up to escape. Fortunately, the brave brother next to him stood up again, directly hugged the other person's neck and threw the person to the ground.

"You're trying to run away after killing someone!"

The man was thrown and shouted loudly, "I am here to avenge us men! This woman is going to kill me!"

Jiang Jiu supported Jiang Siyan and looked at the man on the ground angrily, "Don't talk nonsense!"

But the man shouted, "Her name is Jiang Jiu, and she is this female cousin who sent us all to jail! She is guilty! She is guilty!"

At this time, the people around also recognized Jiang Jiu one after another, knowing that she was the host of "Small Town Story".

The man kept shouting "revenge", but after asking, he found out that this man was also a paying user of that website. He was worried about being caught by the police and lived in fear. He even had a knife in his pocket.

Many of the "good brothers" in the group have been arrested, and he doesn't dare to bubble up in the group now, and after some people are arrested, their wives are separated, and their wives are about to divorce.

He was afraid, he couldn't get a divorce, he couldn't live without a family.

He doesn't understand, he pays to watch a video, what's the problem, why should he be arrested?

It's all that damn host, it's all her fault!

Unexpectedly, he met Jiang Jiu when he came out. He suddenly became murderous and wanted to avenge those "good brothers" in the group!

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