
Chapter 737 She doesn't regret it

"Shut up! You have done something shameless, and you want to take it out on a woman, how shameless!"

"That's right, we men's face was completely lost by you!"

The aunt next to me had also watched "Small Town Story". When she saw someone attacking Jiang Jiu, she immediately pointed at Xu Wenhao's nose with her hands on her hips and cursed, "Killing with a Thousand Swords, who has such a tough bastard like you in the bastard cave?" , even if you are embarrassed, you still want to kill people, people like you should be in jail for the rest of your life!"

Xu Wenhao was accused, but still refused to admit his mistake, "What's wrong with me, what's wrong with me!"

Finally, the police came and took Xu Wenhao away. Naturally, they also took Jiang Jiu and Jiang Siyan to take notes.

But Jiang Jiu insisted on taking Jiang Sixan to the hospital to bandage the wound first, and the police naturally agreed.

They left two policemen to question the people around them, but the matter was very simple and clear, so they also finished their statements to Jiang Jiu and the others on the way to the hospital.

This man was obviously one of the members of that website, and when he saw Jiang Jiu, he suddenly became murderous.

When Bai Yiran arrived, the crowd watching the excitement had almost dispersed, but there were still many people chatting.

When she heard the news, she immediately called Jiang Jiu, "Are you okay? I heard that someone killed someone with a knife, and was someone else injured?"

At this time, Jiang Jiu and Jiang Sixan were rushing to the hot pot restaurant in Zheng Yunhao's car. Jiang Sixan's wound had already been treated. Fortunately, it was cold and Jiang Sixan was wearing a thick woolen coat, so the knife scratched him. When I opened my arm, the wound was not deep, but the blood flowed a little scary.

After Zheng Yunhao bandaged him, he was about to leave work, and when he heard that they had organized a dinner, he had to keep up with everything he said.

"Well, it's nothing serious. I'm on my way back. You can take the children to the hot pot restaurant and wait for me."

From Jiang Jiu's calm tone and the fact that he could rush back immediately, it should be nothing serious.

Bai Yiran took Sun Weiwei and the others and asked for a private room.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Jiu returned to the hot pot restaurant. The kind-hearted owner couldn't help but ask, "Reporter Jiang, are you okay?"

Jiang Jiu smiled slightly, "It's okay, thank you." With that, Jiang Jiu led the people back to the box, and everyone's faces were full of curiosity.

Bai Yiran held his cell phone and said, "You are on the hot search again, and now everyone on the Internet is blaming the guy with the knife."

Jiang Jiu didn't expect that what happened here would spread online so quickly.

Lu Junhao held his cell phone and said with a serious face, "They said that it is because of excellent reporters like Jiang Jiu in the world that they have hope!"

Lu Manman was also looking at her phone, "Yes, they said that cousin, you have made a lot of enemies because you dug up a lot of confidential information, and you have been to the hospital many times for this, but you are not afraid of power and fight resolutely!"

Jiang Jiu smiled, "Okay, it's not that exaggerated. Let's eat first."

Jiang Jiu had indeed been in the hospital several times before because of work matters, but she didn't feel how great she was.

After all, there were too many seniors of hers, and she had already foreseen the dangers when she took this path, but she had no regrets.

As a reporter, it is her responsibility to bring the truth to everyone.

Bai Yiran asked, "You are not injured, are you?"

Jiang Jiu explained, "Ah Yan's hand was scratched and just came back from bandaging, but luckily it wasn't serious."

Lu Junhao said, "It must be me, Dr. Zheng, and Brother Zheng who bandaged it, right?"

Zheng Yunhao smiled and said, "Okay, let's order food first and then chat. Aren't you hungry?"

When Bai Yiran saw Zheng Yunhao, he already understood it, but pretended not to see it.

Now that Zheng Yunhao spoke, he just looked at the menu silently.

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