
Chapter 738: One hit?

Soon, the group chose what to eat, and the boss here was kind enough to give them two pieces of meat and a piece of fruit for free.

Bai Yiran was already hungry, so he poured the meat into the pot.

But when I was about to eat it, I immediately vomited it out and said, "Why does this meat smell weird?"

Jiang Jiu took a bite and said, "No way."

Sun Weiwei next to her also rinsed a piece of meat, "I don't think so either."

Bai Yiran was surprised, "Don't you feel it?"

Jiang Jiu cooked the meat for her again, "Try this."

Bai Yiran hadn't eaten yet, but he just came closer and smelled it, and immediately frowned, "No, no, this meat also has a strange smell."

Jiang Jiu sniffed it carefully, but still didn't smell it.

Zheng Yunhao put the vegetables in front of her, "You eat some vegetables."

Bai Yiran tried rinsing it and found that vegetables were fine.

Originally, everyone ordered two pot bases, one spicy and one non-spicy. Now everyone consciously uses the spicy pot to rinse the meat, leaving the non-spicy one for Bai Yiran to rinse the vegetables to ensure that there will be no odor transfer.

Jiang Jiu sat next to Bai Yiran, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

But the other party didn't notice it.

However, Bai Yiran couldn't eat anymore at the end. The whole box smelled of meat, and she felt too uncomfortable.

Could it be that I haven't eaten well in the past few days and have gastrointestinal problems?
Bai Yiran looked at the slices of meat in the spicy pot and finally couldn't help it. He covered his mouth and stood up, "You guys eat, I'll buy some stomach medicine."

After Bai Yiran finished speaking, he stood up and walked out. Zheng Yunhao had been paying attention to her. When he saw her getting up, he also got up and said, "I'll go take a look."

Jiang Jiu whispered to Jiang Siyan, "Tell me, Bai Bai is pregnant, right?"

Jiang Siyan did not expect this level, and was a little surprised when he heard this, "Zheng Yunhao is a doctor, he will know."

Bai Yiran left the hot pot restaurant, covered his mouth and ran under a big tree, retched a few times, but didn't vomit anything.

At this time, someone next to him handed over a bottle of water. Bai Yiran took a look and saw that it was Zheng Yunhao.The mouth of the bottle was already opened. Bai Yiran took it and took a few sips before feeling much better.


After saying that, Bai Yiran stood up and left. Zheng Yunhao followed, "Where are you going?"

"Buy stomach medicine."

Zheng Yunhao grabbed Bai Yiran's arm, frowning slightly, "Don't take medicine carelessly. How long has it been since you had your period?"

Bai Yiran was stunned for a few seconds, and then went crazy, "Zheng Yunhao, we have separated. Believe it or not, I will sue you for harassment!"

"No, I mean, are you...pregnant?"

Bai Yiran, "..."

She was stunned and looked at Zheng Yunhao blankly. The two looked at each other silently for several seconds.

Bai Yiran immediately shook off Zheng Yunhao's hand, "Don't talk nonsense to me. I just have a bad stomach, how can I be pregnant!"

Zheng Yunhao caught up again, trying to figure out how to speak, "The last time I was at your house, I didn't take any protective measures."

Bai Yiran paused and looked at Zheng Yunhao with wide eyes in disbelief, "What did you say!"

Zheng Yunhao was also a little nervous, "It's true."

Bai Yiran punched and kicked Zheng Yunhao, "You bastard, why don't you do it!"

Zheng Yunhao didn't dare to resist when he was beaten, "Because at that time, you didn't give me anything."

Bai Yiran seemed to remember that she was a little drunk that day in order to seduce the man in front of her.

Later, she thought it was too troublesome to take measures and was not happy with it, so she just did it.

Who would have thought it would be a hit in one go?

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