
Chapter 847 Who Is Behind

One day later, Jiang Jiu returned to Shuangcheng, packed up her things, and moved out of Jiang Siyan's home.

Doug watched Jiang Jiu carrying her suitcase and following her feet, meowing as if he knew she was leaving.

Jiang Jiu touched Doug's head, turned around and left.

Jiang Siyan sat on the sofa silently, watching her go away.

Bai Yiran drove to pick her up and looked at Jiang Jiu's suitcase, "Do you really want to do this?"

Jiang Jiu nodded, "Yes."

Bai Yiran helped carry the suitcase to the car and said, "You can live with me next."

Jiang Jiu shook his head, "No, I've already asked someone to help find a house."

"Why don't you stay at my place, Jiujiu? I'm worried about you now."

Jiang Jiu had a faint smile on her face, "I'm fine, it's just that you are pregnant now. My work sometimes leaves early and comes back late, and I have to work overtime, which will definitely disturb your rest.

And both of your parents will come to take care of you. You know, I won’t be used to it either.

Besides, it’s not like I’ve never rented a house before, so it’s definitely no problem. "

Bai Yiran knew that Grandma Jiang's incident had given Jiang Jiu a big blow, so he didn't say anything more, "Is the person who finds you a house reliable?"


According to the navigation requirements, Bai Yiran quickly arrived at the downstairs of a community and followed Jiang Jiu up.

The house is a well-decorated single apartment. You can move in directly with your bags. The room is also tidy and must have been cleaned by someone.

It has one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen, one bathroom, and a balcony, which looks pretty good.

Bai Yiran couldn't help but be picky, "No, it's too small. You can't do anything when you turn around. You can cancel the rent and I'll find a house for you."

Jiang Jiu stopped hurriedly, "Bai Bai, there's really no need. I like it here."

Bai Yiran was dubious, "Really?"

Jiang Jiu nodded vigorously, "Really."

Bai Yiran said nothing more, "Then I'll go back first. Ahao is still in the hospital. I'll go over and see him. If you need anything, remember to call me."

"Don't worry, drive slower."

After Bai Yiran left, Jiang Jiu took out the contents of the suitcase.

She had lived at Jiang Siyan's place with peace of mind for so long, and her things were getting more and more. She definitely couldn't move them out in one day, so she only took out some of her belongings.Jiang Jiu simply made the bed and ensured a place to sleep at night. She sat there for a while, thinking that she should buy some daily necessities and food.

At this moment, Jiang Jiu's phone rang, it was Xiao Wenjing.

"When will you move in? Let me help you move your things."

"It's okay. I've already moved in. Thank you for helping me find a house this time. I'm very satisfied."

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Wenjing smiled and said, "What's the matter? I'm glad you can ask me for help. By the way, I'll treat you to dinner tonight, as a celebration of the housewarming."

Jiang Jiu thought for a while, "I don't want to go out to eat, there is nothing to celebrate."

Xiao Wenjing said immediately, "Sorry..."

"How about I buy something and cook it at home, and you come to my place to eat."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Jiu would say this, so Xiao Wenjing naturally agreed.

In the evening, Xiao Wenjing came to the door with a bottle of wine and said with a smile, "I am too embarrassed to come in empty-handed, so I brought you a bottle of wine. The year of this bottle of wine is the same as the year of your birth, which is very meaningful."

Jiang Jiu didn't expect Xiao Wenjing to be so attentive, "You are so attentive."

"Should be."

As soon as he entered, Xiao Wenjing found that Jiang Jiu had prepared three dishes and one soup, and there was something burning in the kitchen.

"Your craftsmanship is very good. You have prepared so many things. It seems that I am in luck today."

Jiang Jiu smiled slightly and said, "Just wait, it will be fine soon."

Xiao Wending nodded and began to visit the room.

Maybe because I just moved in, there are very few things in this room, and the bedroom door is closed.

Seeing Xiao Wenjing watching, Jiang Jiu said, "The ventilation in the room is not very good. I was afraid that the fumes would get in, so I closed the door."

Xiao Wenjing was immediately changed the subject, "I should find you a better house, blame me."

"How can I blame you? I'm very satisfied to be able to rent such a house at this price."

When the last dish was served, Xiao Wenjing took the initiative to pour Jiang Jiu a glass of wine.

"I really didn't expect that you would take the initiative to contact me."

Jiang Jiu looked at him, "I contacted you for a reason. You said before that someone was going to deal with Jiang Siyan. I just want to know who is behind it."

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