
Chapter 848 It’s not worth it for him

Xiao Wenjing looked at her, "Do you want to stand up for Jiang Siyan?"

Jiang Jiu shook his head, "I only want it for myself."

"I thought that at that time, you would use your job convenience to investigate the people behind it for Jiang Siyan. But I really tell you, those people are really dangerous, and it is not worth it for Jiang Siyan."

Jiang Jiu still had a look of indifference on her face, "I said, I'm not doing it for him. Don't mention him in front of me in the future."

Xiao Wenjing glanced at her, "Did you have a quarrel?"

"We broke up, otherwise why would I move out?"

Jiang Jiu spoke frankly, without any concealment.


"I'm just asking you, can you help me investigate the people behind this? As long as you give me a clue, I will do the rest myself. If not, you can just finish the meal quietly. "

Xiao Wenjing looked at the impatient look on Jiang Jiu's face and finally said, "Okay, but I also need some time."

Jiang Jiu nodded to express his understanding.

After eating, Xiao Wenjing naturally couldn't stay any longer, so he left.

He called Jiang Yi, "Xiaoyi, it's me."

"Xiao Wenjing, you haven't contacted me for a long time. Now you think of me. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, it's just that your sister and Jiang Siyan seemed to have a quarrel."

Jiang Yi heard this and immediately slapped his thigh, "I knew it!"

Xiao Wenjing tentatively said, "You know?"

Jiang Yi couldn't help but said, "Grandma passed away a few days ago. She has been taking care of my sister since she grew up. My sister must be sad!

But at that time, my sister and my brother-in-law acted like something was wrong. I thought at the time, it might be because of my grandma’s incident, and it was normal for her to be sad, so I had a conflict with my brother-in-law. "

"that's it?"

Jiang Yi's eyes widened, "Otherwise, what else do you want? My sister is heartbroken now, and she will definitely have a little temper. It's normal for her to have trouble with my brother-in-law!
I said, I shouldn't have left that day, I should have stayed to give him more advice. "Xiao Wenjing hung up the phone, stood up and walked back.


At this time, the ward.

"I asked, do you have any humanity to drink in front of patients?"

Zheng Yunhao's arm is still undergoing reconstruction and has not recovered. Naturally, he cannot drink alcohol. It will take some time before he is discharged from the hospital.

Jiang Siyan and Makawa Rin did not go to the bar. Instead, they brought a bottle of wine to the ward and started drinking in front of Zheng Yunhao.

Makikawa Rin heard this and said, "I want to see who sent the message saying that being in the hospital is too boring and asking us to come over. But we are here and you don't let us drink. Why are you sitting here and staring at each other?" ?”

Jiang Siyan said nothing, picked up the wine glass, drank it in one gulp, and filled himself another glass.

Zheng Yunhao said in a mean voice, "This brother came to my place to get drunk. What, but Jiang Jiu had a quarrel?"

"She moved away."

Zheng Yunhao immediately said, "What situation is so serious?"

Jiang Siyan drank another glass of wine and said, "I was troubled by someone, but that person took revenge on Grandma Jiang."

Zheng Yunhao's expression changed, "You mean, Grandma Jiang's death... wasn't an accident?"

Makikawa Rin couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"

Jiang Siyan poured himself another glass of wine and then said, "Grandma Jiang, was murdered. The murderer was very ruthless. There were splashes of blood everywhere in the room. I didn't dare let Jiang Jiu see this scene. So after catching the murderer, Grandma Jiang's body was cremated.

Jiujiu blames me now, for not letting her see Grandma Jiang for the last time, and for luring the wolf into the house.

If I didn't insist on sending Grandma Jiang back, didn't come here on a business trip, and didn't get involved with Grandma Jiang, then the murderer wouldn't have caused trouble to Grandma Jiang. "

After Jiang Siyan finished speaking, the ward fell into strange silence again.

Jiang Siyan poured himself another glass of wine and took another sip.

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