
Chapter 860 Her Symptoms

Maybe it was because the sobering soup last night was effective, so Jiang Jiu didn't feel uncomfortable when she woke up in the morning.

It was still early before going to work, so Jiang Jiu changed into her sportswear and went downstairs. After warming up, she started running slowly around the community.

She was not very familiar with this community, so while running, Jiang Jiu checked the construction of the community and found the building opposite.

The downstairs of this community is naturally lively, with many parents sending their children to school, but nothing seems out of the ordinary.

Jiang Jiu ran to sweat slightly, came back to bake bread, and took a shower while waiting.

After everything was settled, Jiang Jiu drove to the company.

Yang Sijie brought her coffee as usual, "She looks good today, and the color of her lipstick is also nice."

Jiang Jiu smiled and said, "I'll give you the link."

"it is good!"

Zhang Xiaoxiong brought a sandwich, but Jiang Jiu raised her hand to refuse, "Thanks, but I've already had breakfast."

Zhang Xiaoxiong opened his right hand, which was an apple. "The apple belongs to you, and the sandwich belongs to me."

Knowing that the two of them were worried about themselves, Jiang Jiu was naturally moved, "You two, don't keep bringing me food and drinks. I'm sorry. I'll treat you to lunch."

Yang Sijie smiled slyly, "Why do you think we invited you to breakfast? We were just waiting for your words!"

Knowing that the other person was joking, the three of them laughed.

Seeing Jiang Jiu finally smile on his face, everyone felt relieved.

In the new week, it is natural to start selecting news topics again, and Jiang Jiu handed over this task to Ruan Yuan.

Now, Ruan Yuan's vision has gradually become vicious, and he can judge the value of the news and the resonance of the audience from the topic selection.

Jiang Jiu also discussed with Zhai An that although Ruan Yuan has no talent, he is a down-to-earth and motivated person who is worth cultivating.

Zhai An heard the meaning of Jiang Jiu's words, "Do you want to train Ruan Yuan to host "Small Town Story" instead of you?" "Actually, he has always been my assistant, and he is quite familiar with hosting "Small Town Story", and I took a leave of absence before. For a while, Ruan Yuan was also in charge, and I think there is nothing wrong with him.

I'm just young and have little experience, but these are not problems. "

Zhai An pinched the bridge of his nose and seemed to have a headache, "But you have to know that "Small Town Story" was a program created by you, and you just gave up the children you raised to others like this?
Moreover, the audience has preconceived ideas, and many people are going for you. If you change someone else, many people will not buy it. "

How could Jiang Jiu not know, but now that she entered the studio, something felt wrong.

She can always hear her cell phone ringing.

She told no one about this situation, including Jiang Siyan.

Zhai An also understood what happened to her during this period, "If necessary, I can give you some rest first."

Jiang Jiu shook his head, "I don't need to rest. I also ask you to consider Ruan Yuan's matter."

After leaving the office, Jiang Jiu asked Ruan Yuan to do the planning this time and put him in charge of this project.

Ruan Yuan nodded, eager to try.

In the afternoon, Ruan Yuan compiled a plan and showed it to Zhen Jingshan with some trepidation, asking for any changes that needed to be made.

Zhen Jingshan also pointed out a few problems, and Ruan Yuan revised them before showing them to Jiang Jiu.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Jiu took a look and said that there was no problem with the planning project and that Ruan Yuan could do it according to his ideas.

Ruan Yuan was full of excitement, "Teacher, let's set off now!"

Zhen Jingshan put his arm around his shoulders and said, "The incident happened at a bar. It's not open yet. Let's rest first and go there at night."

Ruan Yuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and touched his head, "Oh, okay."

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