
Chapter 861 Locke Wild Rose

The news this time was that someone reported that the bar was poorly managed and students were allowed to play in it, which almost caused an accident.

This kind of thing happened more than once, and someone reported abnormal activities in the bar half a month ago.

In the evening, the three of them pretended to go in to spend money, sat at the bar, ordered a glass of wine, and drank slowly.

Ruan Yuan stood up and said casually, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Zhen Jingshan was much calmer. He raised his glass and walked towards a woman. The two of them had a very lively chat and even invited each other to have a drink.

If Jiang Jiu hadn't known about it in advance, he wouldn't have known that Zhen Jingshan was a reporter, more like he was here for an affair.

Jiang Jiu held back her laughter, thinking that Zhen Jingshan really had two hands.

Seeing Zhen Jingshan holding the woman's waist and walking away to another place, Jiang Jiu couldn't sit still anymore. Just as he was about to get up, he saw a man coming.

"Beauty, alone?"

Jiang Jiu rolled his eyes, but did not refuse, "Yes, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing. I don't know if beautiful women appreciate her. I'll buy you a drink."

Normally, Jiang Jiu would naturally refuse.

However, in order to better investigate the bar and prevent others from suspecting, Jiang Jiu agreed, "Okay."

The man thought he was in for a good show, so he immediately sat down next to Jiang Jiu and said, "Beauty, you look strange?"

Jiang Jiu nodded, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, "I heard a friend introduce this place, come here and relax, I heard what you want, do you come here often?"

The man smiled flatteringly, "I don't come here often, how could I meet you?"

With that said, the man said to the bartender, "Have a glass of Locke Wild Rose for this lady."

Jiang Jiu held her head and looked at the man in front of her, with a charming smile on her face, "Since you come here often, why don't you come and introduce me to me, what is better about this place than other places.

If I can't tell you, I won't come next time. "

The man immediately started talking, including the services, features, membership discounts, etc. introduced here. Jiang Jiu nodded very cooperatively, "I didn't expect you to know so much. It seems that it is really more fun here."

The man smiled and said, "You can ask me out anytime you want to come over in the future." As he said that, the other party boldly put his hand on the back of Jiang Jiu's hand.

Jiang Jiu withdrew his hand and said, "It's not convenient here. Please take me to an interesting place."

The man thought Jiang Jiu was because there were so many people here, so he immediately fell for it, "Of course it's no problem!"

Jiang Jiu stood up and left, and the man followed closely, not noticing at all that Jiang Jiu didn't touch the glass of wine he ordered.

Jiang Jiu has always been more cautious about the drinks invited by outsiders. After all, it is not that she has never encountered a secret code with the bartender to deliberately harm those ignorant girls.

Jiang Jiu glanced at it, and saw Zhen Jingshan not far away looking at a certain place.

She understood and walked directly there. Before she took two steps, she was stopped by the man, "Wait a minute, you can't go to that place."

Jiang Jiu asked doubtfully, "Why?"

"That's a VIP box, no outsiders are allowed in."

Jiang Jiu chuckled, "What did I think? It's just a VIP. Let's do it."

The other party immediately whispered, "If it can be solved with money, is it still a problem? It's just that the boss of this place only entertains VIPs he considers VIPs, and ordinary people can't help it."

Jiang Jiu said deliberately, "We come here to consume, why should we be treated differently?"

With that said, Jiang Jiu deliberately walked towards that place. As expected, two gatekeepers stopped her.

"This is not a place for you, please leave."

Jiang Jiu showed a very aggressive attitude, "How much does it cost? I want to go in."

The man behind him quickly stepped forward, took Jiang Jiu's arm, and said to the two gatekeepers, "Sorry, my friend, I drank too much."

Jiang Jiu was unwilling to give in, "Why? Why don't you let us in? Are you afraid that we can't afford the money?"

"Stop talking, or you'll be kicked out!"

Taking advantage of Jiang Jiu's attention, Zhen Jingshan sneaked in secretly.

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