
Chapter 862 Stimulation

After watching Zhen Jingshan go in, Jiang Jiu stopped making trouble.

"Okay, if you don't want to go in, you won't be allowed in, and you still make it so mysterious."

The man obviously didn't expect Jiang Jiu to be so fierce, and was a little frightened. "You are really too bold. What if something happens to you?"

"Going out to play is naturally exciting. What's the point of following the rules? It's not fun at all."

Jiang Jiu spoke casually, pretending to be a fun-loving person, "We are not the same as you."

Seeing that the lamb was about to run away, the other party immediately said, "If you really want to play something exciting, I can take you to a place that is more exciting!"

Jiang Jiu stretched out her finger and lightly poked the other person's chest, with charming eyes and seductive movements, "Don't think I don't know what you have in mind, but I didn't have all the fun here tonight, so I'm going to have some fun here." That’s enough, if you can’t take me to play, just go further away.”

The man said quickly, "I guarantee you will have a great time. I know there is a secret passage here, a hidden cave!"

Jiang Jiu slowly raised her eyes, "Really?"

"of course it's true!"

"Then you take me there."

The man led the way, Jiang Jiu followed slowly, and Ruan Yuan who came out of the bathroom followed them calmly.

The other party took Jiang Jiu to an empty box and said, "Come here."

Jiang Jiu was wary, "It's right here, don't try to trick me, right?"

The man immediately waved to her and led her to a shelf filled with decorations. He pushed the shelf hard to reveal the wall behind it, and saw a hidden compartment inside.

The man said, "This box has been renovated. Originally, the hidden compartment was used to store decorations, but the back part didn't look good, so it was renovated. I don't know why, but the hidden compartment in this room was not dealt with. I spent the night here last time." , I accidentally burned the wallpaper and was worried that it would burn a big hole, but I found this when I pushed it open.”

Immediately afterwards, the man removed the wooden board on the hidden compartment and discovered that this room had a clear view of the next door.

"How about it? This room next to it is specially used for doing things. Honey, you can scream with others, it's exciting just thinking about it!"

Jiang Jiu felt goosebumps all over her body, but she didn't show it.

She stepped forward and took a closer look. The decoration of the room next door was obviously different from this one.The hole is obviously obscured by a sightseeing tree in the next room.

Jiang Jiu raised her hand and said, "Turn off the lights and leave the ambient light on."

Make the ambient lighting dim so you won't be noticed by people next door.

The man behind him obviously couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately turned off the lights, then took off his clothes and walked towards this side, "Baby, let's have a sex tonight too!"

Jiang Jiu said coldly, "When the police are handling the case, squat against the wall with your head in your hands. I have already memorized your face, don't even think about running away."

The other party was so frightened that he softened for a moment, "You, don't scare me, no police officer handles a case alone!"

Suddenly, the door was opened.

Ruan Yuan was afraid that something would happen inside, so he opened the door and came in.

As soon as the man saw Ruan Yuan, he secretly thought something bad and immediately squatted against the wall, "Comrade policeman, I was just having fun, I really didn't do anything!"

"To shut up."

The other party immediately shut his mouth honestly.

Ruan Yuan didn't know why, so he walked to Jiang Jiu and said, "Teacher."

Jiang Jiu made a silent gesture.

The decoration of the room opposite is the same as here. It is brightly lit and no one is there.

Suddenly, a slight murmur came from the other side.

Jiang Jiu immediately took a closer look and found that there seemed to be a person lying on the ground. However, the position of the bed just blocked the person's body and only exposed a pair of feet, so Jiang Jiu did not notice it just now.

Why do the other party's pants feel familiar?

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