
Chapter 863 Can't wait

Jiang Jiu saw the pair of shoes on the other person again and felt a chill go down his spine.

She remembered that she and Jiang Siyan had bought these shoes for Sun Weiwei before!
And if I remember correctly, these pants are Sun Weiwei’s school pants!
The person lying there turned out to be Sun Weiwei?
Jiang Jiu immediately asked the man squatting in the corner, "What is going on in the next room!"

The man thought Jiang Jiu was a policeman and didn't dare to hide it at all, "Just... just a worker? I usually just look at her and don't really do anything else. Comrade policeman, I am innocent!"

Jiang Jiu immediately put the person in the toilet to prevent him from doing bad things, and then immediately took out his mobile phone to call the police.

Ruan Yuan couldn't help but ask, "Teacher, what's wrong?"

"I suspect that this bar is indeed engaged in some kind of shady business. My sister is in the next room!"

After Jiang Jiu finished speaking, he walked out directly, and Ruan Yuan quickly followed behind.

There was no one guarding the door of the next room. Jiang Jiu went to open the door, only to find that there was no door card in this room and could not be opened at all.

Jiang Jiu took out her cell phone to send a message to Sun Weiwei, but something must have happened to Sun Weiwei and she couldn't answer the phone.

At this moment, someone came not far away.

Ruan Yuan immediately hugged Jiang Jiu and said, "Teacher, someone is here."

Jiang Jiu understood and wrapped his arms around Ruan Yuan's neck, and the two pretended to be ambiguous.

"Let's go back to the room."

Fortunately, the room card for the next room was still in hand, and the two of them swiped the card to enter without being suspected.

The people outside the door looked at this situation and couldn't help but joke, "Damn, you are so impatient, Boss Liu's business is good."

Boss Liu is the owner of this bar. He smiled when he heard this, "It's a small business, but this also shows that our place is very secretive. There are people guarding the door. If there is any trouble, someone must have tipped it off." It won’t be detected.”

The man chuckled, "I heard that Boss Lu found something interesting this time?"

"Of course, it's a fresh and clean peach, just waiting for Boss Liu to come!" Jiang Jiu pressed against the door and heard their words clearly.

Ruan Yuan waved and motioned her to come to the hole in the wall.

At this time, the door of the next room had been opened, and the man named Liu came in with a potbellied man.

The pot-bellied man's name is Wu Dazhi. He is rich, good at playing, and generous. He usually likes to come to some places to find young people.

Boss Liu likes to serve people like this who are stupid and have a lot of money, so he goes everywhere to find prey for him.

However, prey is hard to come by, so he offered a large price and asked Boss Liu to help find it.

As the saying goes, money can make the world go round. When someone gave him so much money, Boss Liu was naturally moved.

So the person guarding the door deliberately relaxed his guard and pretended not to see some students even though he knew they were coming in.

He even seduces some girls who are not attractive to the customers, giving them benefits and discounts, letting them come in with new looks, and even giving them food and drinks.

These naive people think that bars are the same as milk tea shops. Knowing that there are free benefits, they stupidly agree, so they will enthusiastically recommend people around them to come.

But this time, they found a good one, so they immediately found Wu Dazhi.

As soon as Wu Dazhi came in, he saw Sun Weiwei lying on the ground, "Isn't this... age enough?"

Boss Liu smiled flatteringly, "So, the peaches are fresh today. If you miss this village, you won't have this store."

Wu Dazhi immediately laughed obscenely, "I understand, I understand, get out."

Boss Liu went out naturally and didn't bother him.

Jiang Jiu looked at the time. Why was there still no movement from the police?
But right now, she couldn't wait any longer.

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