
Chapter 949 Going to the Island Again

Jiang Jiu sat on the beach and watched the rolling waves silently.

It turns out that the sea at this time is so dark, like spilled ink, but when the waves roll up, there is a striking white color.

Seeing this, the boatman just now asked her to come in and sit down, "You've been blowing your head all night while sitting there. You must have caught a cold. Come in and sit down quickly. When it gets daylight, I'll take you there, okay?"

The boatman was also kind-hearted. Seeing a little girl so lost, he was naturally worried.

The boatman's wife came out with a kettle and said, "Drink some ginger tea. If you are hungry, there are instant noodles."

Jiang Jiu thanked me and sat on the small bench obediently, "Thank you. You can go and rest. Don't worry about me. It'll be fine."

The boatman's wife smiled and said, "We won't rest anymore. The fishing boat over there is coming back soon, and we are still waiting to help unload the cargo."

After asking Jiang Jiu, she found out that someone in their family also drove a fishing boat. They would help unload the cargo later, and their work and rest schedules were different from theirs.

Jiang Jiu nodded, but he didn't expect such a thing.

The boatman's wife had a good temper, "If you are tired, just lean over and relax for a while."

Jiang Jiu shook his head, "I slept for too long during the day, and I can't sleep now."

Soon, the fishing boats came back, and the boatman and his wife also went to work. Jiang Jiu discovered that the early morning here was so lively.

Soon, many people who drove over to buy seafood showed up. Almost as soon as baskets of seafood were brought to the table, they bought whole boxes by the box.

Before dawn, the place was already busy.

It wasn't until six or seven in the morning that the boatman came back, carrying baskets of seafood in his hands.

"It's not in good quality, but the food is fine, so we'll keep it for ourselves."

Jiang Jiu nodded, "So that's it."

Soon, the boatman's wife went in to cook seafood. The boatman said to Jiang Jiu, "Let's go after breakfast."

Jiang Jiu nodded, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed, "You've been busy all night. You must be very tired. Do you want to take a rest?" "It's okay. I'm used to it."

Soon, Jiang Jiu smelled a scent. The boatman's wife cooked a portion of fish noodles and put it in front of Jiang Jiu. There was also a lot of shrimp on it. "Eat it, it must taste fresh. You can eat it outside." Not even that.”

Jiang Jiu was so grateful that she didn't know what to say. She thanked him again and again before picking up the noodles.

It's exactly what she said, fresh and delicious.

After breakfast was finished, the boatman set off to send Jiang Jiu out to sea.

As she got further and further away from the shore, Jiang Jiu discovered that there were several piers here. The place where Chen Yan took her away last time was not the place where she went to sea today.

When they arrived at the island, Jiang Jiu got off the boat and took out all the money and put it on the boatman.

The other party waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, it's too much."

Jiang Jiu smiled and said, "It's not much, just one night's accommodation fee, breakfast fee, and the fee you paid for sending me here. I also want to ask you to come back at noon to take me back."

"But this is too much."

Jiang Jiu shook his head, "Just accept it, otherwise I will feel uneasy about my conscience."

After saying that, Jiang Jiu stood up and jumped off the boat and said, "Remember, you also came to pick me up here at noon. Don't go to other places. Do you understand?"

The boatman repeatedly agreed, "Don't worry, I'm reliable at what I do."

If Xiao Wenjing bought this island, he would definitely notice the approach of others, so Jiang Jiu just asked the boatman to park the boat beside a relatively flat reef, which was still some distance from the beach.

After the boatman left, Jiang Jiu secretly walked onto the island and took a glance.

Not far away, there were two gatekeepers playing cards, and there were people sitting at the door of the villa. It seemed that there was still someone guarding the place.

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