
Chapter 950 No news is the best news

Jiang Jiu didn't come here to force her way in today. She just wanted to know where Jiang Siyan had gone.

According to Jiang Yi, Jiang Siyan was not found by Xiao Wenjing's people.

Seeing that the guards here were also very lax, Jiang Jiu observed the position of the cameras. Her years of vigilance as a reporter allowed her to perfectly avoid all surveillance and reach the two guards.

They seemed to be living a very leisurely life, drinking wine and smoking cigarettes, swearing and playing cards.

One of them lost and angrily threw down all his cards, "Damn it, why did I lose again!"

Another person laughed, "Quick, give me money, give me money."

The loser reluctantly gave the money and said, "Damn it, I will always win. Don't get too proud too soon!"

"All right, all right, I'll wait."

"Speaking of which, when can we go out? We have nowhere to spend our money here."

The man who won the money said, "I'll give you one day off a month, so be content."

The man who lost money was surprised, "One day?"

"Don't be ungrateful. If you smoke, drink, and play cards here, no one will care about you. If I give you such a high salary for a month, you can just treat it as a vacation. The month will pass quickly. If you don't want to think about it, I'll tell you. , if you miss this village, you won’t be able to find this store!”

"I just complained casually. I'm not used to it when I first came here. But who is the owner of this place and why does he spend so much money to hire someone to look after the house for him?"

The man who won the money said mysteriously, "I advise you to stop asking. Let me tell you, a man was killed by him from that small slope not long ago, and his body was thrown into the sea. There is no evidence of his death!"

"Kill, kill!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, you worthless guy!" The man who won the money cursed and said, "The owner here is a big shot, just take care of yourself, don't look at what you shouldn't see, and don't listen to what you shouldn't hear. Listen, don’t say what you shouldn’t say, otherwise you won’t even know when your little life will be lost, do you hear me!”

"Am I that kind of person? Come, come, play cards."

Jiang Jiu knew that they were talking about Jiang Siyan. It seemed that they really didn't find him.

Jiang Jiu bowed her body and left here carefully.

She didn't dare to go directly to the small slope because it was too targeted, so she could only go back to the reef and move down the cliff little by little.

But the reefs here are limited after all, and they will end after walking for a while.

Jiang Jiu took off her shoes, threw away her coat, and jumped directly.

The sea was not as calm as the river. Jiang Jiu was almost swept away by the waves when she jumped in. Fortunately, she was a good swimmer. She took a sharp breath and dived directly to the bottom of the sea.

It was still a little far away from the bottom of the sea. She kept diving down, and when she was almost out of breath, she swam up again, took another breath and continued.

After a few times, Jiang Jiu was a little tired and climbed onto the shore.

She didn't have a mobile phone at this time, and she didn't know how much time had passed, but Jiang Jiu just wanted to go down a few more times.

After regaining some energy, Jiang Jiu continued to jump into the sea, trying to expand the search area, trying to find some clues.

But there is absolutely no news about Jiang Siyan here.

No news is the best news.

There are no undercurrents or reefs here. Jiang Siyan's water quality is good, so he will be fine.

Suddenly, Jiang Jiu found a figure jumping into the sea and swimming towards her.

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