
Chapter 972 He is those hands

Jiang Jiu's psychological problems arose after the death of Grandma Jiang.

During that time, Jiang Jiu and Jiang Siyan were separated, so during Jiang Jiu's most painful period, she almost spent it alone, which also caused her psychological pressure to increase.

Zhu Yixue treated Jiang Jiu several times and found that she was still trapped in the scene where Grandma Jiang was killed. She was afraid of the red liquid sprayed out over a large area, which reminded Jiang Jiu of blood.

There was also the last call Grandma Jiang made to her in the studio. Jiang Jiu did not hear the danger on the other end of the phone, including hanging up the phone in a hurry due to work reasons. These were Jiang Jiu's inner demons.

Even though Ge Hongcheng was dead, Jiang Jiu's inner demons still didn't disappear.

Later, after Jiang Siyan's accident, Jiang Jiu's insomnia became more and more serious, and she stopped going to Zhu Yixue's psychological consultation room.

This is not the way to go.

So Zhu Yixue suggested that Jiang Jiu learn to forget first. If she can't let go, forget it temporarily.

After all, Jiang Jiu is a very strong person. Even in such painful circumstances, she still chooses to exercise to ensure her condition. She knows that something is wrong with her situation, but she still works hard to overcome it.

Jiang Jiu herself has a strong determination to leave the abyss, and now she only needs a pair of hands.

And Jiang Siyan is those hands.

Seeing Jiang Jiu sleeping peacefully, Jiang Siyan felt a little more relaxed.

After all, everything in the Shuang Cities is tense now, and Jiang Jiu is not suitable to stay in that place.

Jiang Siyan and Zhu Yixue chatted for a while, and the other party's feedback was also good. The next step was to desensitize Jiang Jiu bit by bit.

Putting down his phone, Jiang Siyan hugged Jiang Jiu, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, Jiang Jiu woke up early and opened the curtains as usual, only to find several pairs of eyes staring at her outside the window.

It's an elk!
Jiang Jiu never expected to see wild elk in this place!

She opened her mouth in surprise, but didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of scaring them away, so she pushed Jiang Siyan gently.

The man opened his eyes quickly, and Jiang Jiu immediately lowered his voice and whispered, "Look, there are guests!"

Jiang Siyan glanced out the window and stood up. The quilt only covered his waist and abdomen, and his perfect upper body was exposed to the air.

The elk next to him even turned his attention to Jiang Siyan.

Jiang Jiu laughed loudly, "It seems that these elk are also attracted by your handsome appearance!" Jiang Siyan nodded in agreement, "It can be seen that you are also a member of the Appearance Association."

Jiang Jiu looked out the window eagerly, for fear of disturbing them.

"Would you like to feed them something?"

Jiang Jiu's eyes widened, "Is it okay?"

Jiang Siyan nodded, "These wild elk come out to forage in winter and will often go to people's doorsteps to beg for food."

Jiang Jiu immediately took the carrots and went out. Unexpectedly, these elk were not afraid of animals and actually approached them actively.

"Be good, I bought a lot of carrots for you to eat."

Four or five elk surrounded Jiang Jiu, eating carrots obediently. Jiang Siyan also put on clothes and came out, taking out her mobile phone to take pictures of her.

Jiang Jiu smiled, "I haven't even washed my face."

"It's okay, you look good no matter what."

Jiang Jiu was only wearing a long coat at this time, and her long hair was scattered casually. In Jiang Siyan's eyes, the snowy mountains and trees in the distance were not as beautiful as Jiang Jiu's smile.

After the elk were finished eating, Jiang Siyan took the person back to the house. In such a short period of time, Jiang Jiu's hands had become cold.

Jiang Siyan poured her a glass of warm water and asked her to warm up the fire while he went to prepare dinner.

Jiang Jiu curled her legs up on the sofa, feeling very happy now. She couldn't wait to find someone to share this happiness with.

She opened her circle of friends, only to find that Bai Yiran was hosting a full-moon banquet for Qixi and Babao.

Jiang Jiu immediately clicked on Bai Yiran's profile picture and said, "The babies are having a full moon party. Why didn't you tell me? I didn't even prepare anything." 】

Bai Yiran quickly sent a voice message. It was probably very lively over there, and the voice was a bit noisy, "It's okay, just come to the [-]-day banquet. I didn't plan to do it. After all, it was just a full moon. These two little guys are still in the incubator.

However, my family and Ah Hao’s family all felt that etiquette was essential, so we decided to do it. Everyone will be happy, so you can rest easy. "

Even so, Jiang Jiu still transferred a big red envelope to the two little guys.

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