
Chapter 973: Wait until you grow up and inherit the company

"Ayan, Qixi and Babao are holding a full moon banquet today. Do you want to express your gratitude?"

"You gave it to me first. My current number does not have their contact information."

For safety reasons, Jiang Siyan's previous number has been suspended and replaced with a new number, so no one else knows.

Jiang Jiu nodded and transferred another amount of money.

Bai Yiran was also smart and accepted it without asking any further questions.

After a while, Bai Yiran said with some embarrassment, "Jiujiu, my two fools want to talk to you."

Jiang Jiu looked at Jiang Siyan and saw the other party nodded, so Jiang Jiu replied, [Okay. 】

Soon, Bai Yiran's video call came. Zheng Yunhao took his mobile phone to an empty room and wanted to get into the phone.

"What about people?"

Jiang Siyan came to Jiang Jiu with a sandwich and two cups of coffee, and then he slowly started eating breakfast on his phone.


"You kid, tell Makikawa Rin not to tell me! It will hurt me..."

Afraid of being heard by others, Zheng Yunhao lowered his voice again, "I was kept in the dark!"

If Bai Yiran hadn't told him, he would still be worried and wouldn't even be interested in his son and daughter's full moon wine.

After Bai Yiran told him, Zheng Yunhao still couldn't believe it. He went directly to Makawa Rin and found out that they had already made a plan before.

Jiang Siyan took a sip of coffee leisurely and said, "You had so many things going on with you at that time, so Rin Makawa and I just wanted to not disturb you and take good care of our wife and children. Everything goes well for us."

Zheng Yunhao was naturally not really angry. After saying a few words, he started to care about Jiang Siyan's recovery.

And since Jiang Siyan appeared after such a long time, the previous situation must have been very dangerous.

The two chatted for a few more words, and someone outside the door seemed to be urging them. After all, Zheng Yunhao was the father of the children and could not be away for too long.

The two hung up their phones, and Zheng Yunhao opened the door and went out. The house was bustling.

This time, we didn’t invite too many people to our house for the full moon wine party. After all, the babies were still young and it wouldn’t be good to come into contact with too many people, so we simply set up two tables at home.

The two little guys Qixi and Babao are still much smaller than ordinary children.

When they were first born, the two babies were like kittens, one small.Zhuang Jiaxin hugged Qixi and teased her, "Why does my sister look exactly like Bai Bai when we were little? It's so cute. Sister, I am your grandmother."

Qixi opened her eyes and blinked, then let out a small yawn.

"Hey, our sister Qixi is sleepy, grandma will hold you to sleep."

Babao was held by Liao Fenglan, with his heart full of children, feeling distressed and happy at the same time.

Poor Babao suffered a lot at a young age, but now that Babao and the others have survived, Liao Fenglan is naturally happy.

"Look, this kid looks a lot like Ah Hao. There will be someone to succeed our company in the future."

Zheng Jiahe nodded, "Ahao likes to work in the hospital. I'm still worried about what our company will do. Babao, I'll let you inherit it from now on. I want you to grow up healthy and happy."

"in vain."

Bai Yiran looked up and found that Bai Chuanting was here.

Today, Baichuanting no longer needs to use a wheelchair. After several months of reconstruction, Baichuanting can walk normally, but his body is a little thin and still needs nourishment.

"Brother, you are here!"

Bai Yiran stepped forward with a smile, took Bai Chuanting's arm, "I'm just waiting for you."

"wait for me?"

"Send red envelopes to your nephew and niece."

Bai Chuanting smiled, took out two red envelopes from his pocket, and placed them on Qixi and Babao respectively, "I wish us Qixi and Babao happiness and peace."

"Okay, I'll accept it for them!"

The red envelope was as thick as a brick, and I didn't know how much Bai Chuanting had packed in it.

Liao Fenglan came forward with Babao in her arms, "Ating, do you want to hug Babao?"

To be honest, Liao Fenglan was still a little nervous.

After all, when Bai Chuanting had a car accident and had to lie down for so many years, their family was more or less responsible.

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