Chapter 115 Five Fire Village (23)

During that time, there was an endless stream of monks who came to Wuhuo Village, but no matter whether they were invited by the village chief or uninvited, none of them could solve the problem of Wuhuo Village.

In the end, the village chief sent someone to Fu Mozong.




In Wuhuo Village at this time.

"You stay here now and don't move around." Qing Yuan looked at the resentful soul floating in mid-air, and said to Qing Xi.

The situation in Wuhuo Village is serious this time. He can be said to have mobilized all the elites of Fu Mozong who are still in the sect. There are even 20 monks, and I didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

Evil ghosts have cultivated to a certain level, and their minds will be the same as when they were alive, but for resentful souls who can cultivate to this level, there must be corpses... mountains... blood... seas behind them, and the only thing left in life is The little bit of humanity is also gone at this time.

The leading ghost general among these ghost generals is only separated by a thin line from the ghost king, and the cultivation bases of the ghost king and ghost generals are far apart. The combined cultivation of the three ghost generals is worth a ghost king, so although Qing Yuan can't defeat the ghost king A strong player at the same level, but if you want to fight a ghost general, that ghost general can be said to be powerless to fight back.

When the ghost general came out, he saw Qing Yuan in front of the mansion at a glance, then Fu Xiao who was sitting in front of the mansion, and finally looked down at the monks who were standing in a row forming an formation, facing the ghost generals.

A single monk is not enough evidence, but these monks are best at using formations, which can display their own abilities ten times or a hundred times. Once the number exceeds a certain value, it is almost an overwhelming victory for ghosts.

And besides the monks of Jindan Realm and Nascent Soul Realm, there is also the old thing Qingyuan who practiced Void Realm, and even the only ghost king here is not with them...

That young scholar!At that time, it was agreed that we could have a big meal, but now it is just to use us as a shield so that myself and Sanniang can escape quickly!

Shameless boy, when I see you again, I will definitely tear you to pieces!

Many ghost generals saw that the situation was not good, so they planned to run away, but they didn't want Qing Yuan to give an order: "End the formation!"

In an instant, countless golden lights lit up in the sky and went straight to those ghost generals.


Painful wailing came from the formation, and two hundred ghost generals were wrapped in the sword formation.

It's just that the stronger the formation, the longer it takes to activate, countless sword intents descended from the sky, and the resentful souls rushed left and right in the sword formation, trying to attack the monks outside the sword formation.

At this time, Qing Yuan added another talisman array to the sword formation, which separated the cultivators in the sword formation from the resentful souls. Eliminate most of the Yin Qi trapped in the sword array in a few breaths.

Xu, the leader of the ghost generals, has been with the scholar for a long time, and his intelligence seems to be much higher than those of the ghost generals who only attack randomly and waste their power in vain. Its cultivation base is higher than the other ghost generals, and it can Staying in the sword formation for a longer time, at this time, when the strength of these ghost generals has been greatly reduced, he has completely absorbed these ghost generals regardless of friendship, and his own strength has greatly increased. The formation broke directly.

After the sword array was broken, countless monks were backlashed by the sword array and fell to the ground after being hit by the aftermath of the sword array. There were even monks with insufficient cultivation, their internal organs were damaged on the spot, and a mouthful of blood came back from their throats.

The relationship between the resentful ghost and the resentful ghost is originally a relationship of devouring each other. In the past, the difference in strength between everyone was not too big, and they were still safe and sound. ··Transfer··internalized, unable to... unite... countless resentful souls devoured each other.

In the end, only one ghost won this cruel devouring battle, and it was the leader of the ghost general.

That ghost general, no, it should be called the ghost king now. After devouring the remaining two hundred resentful souls whose strength was greatly reduced, he was finally promoted to the ghost king. down into.

"You guys... are too deceitful!" The ghost king squeezed a soft persimmon as soon as he broke through the sword formation, and rushed towards a monk at the Golden Core level. Being able to watch the ghost king approaching, he couldn't help but close his eyes.


At this time, the monk who closed his eyes only felt a gust of wind blowing around him, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw Fu Xiao, who was sitting on the sidelines watching the battle, floating in mid-air like a puff of smoke, and slapped the newly promoted ghost king on the chest. go.

Even Qing Yuan, who was still flying into the air, had to sigh with emotion at Fu Xiao's speed.

This ghost is very talented, but it's a pity that he went the wrong way.


When Fu Xiao was ten years old, a casual cultivator came to Shangcheng to recruit apprentices. Fu Xiao's father brought his three sons and two nephews, and even the neighbor's sons, but he did not bring Fu Xiao. , Fu Xiao trotted all the way to the door to stop the carriage and questioned his father why he left her alone, his father just said flatly: "Why is my daughter running around outside?"

In the end, none of the boys brought by Fu Xiao's father was qualified, but he gave his father a few pills, saying that they could prolong life. Fu Xiao's father was grateful and invited the monk to his home as a guest.

The monk's kindness was hard to refuse, so he followed Fu Xiao's father back home.

Fu Xiao was very dissatisfied with her father. She knew she was the only daughter in the family, but she often felt neglected by her father. Even though his father never shorted her for food and clothing, he loved her very much on weekdays.

She once complained to her friends in her boudoir, feeling that her father didn't pay enough attention to her, and her friends shouted that Fu Xiao was not satisfied. Among the girls in the city, only Fu Xiao had the best life, but Fu Xiao was not satisfied.

Fu Xiao had also suspected that her father loved her very much, and would give her whatever she wanted, pampering her lawlessly, pampering her ignorantly.

But there is a difference between favor and respect.

That day, the magpie in the cage in her room yelled loudly through the cage. After Fu Xiao heard the sound, she immediately got up from the collapse. She knew that she was hungry again.

She hastily picked up melon seeds from the table and poured some on the magpie, who knew that the magpie just glanced at it, then kicked away the food box in dissatisfaction.

"You, you, I don't eat this or that, I'm used to it."

After Fu Xiao finished saying this sentence, she suddenly trembled all over. She remembered that her father brought back the best rouge in Beijing yesterday, and gave herself a box, and also gave a box to the house-filling lady. Fu Xiao heard that the house-filling Also, she immediately dropped the Rouge that she couldn't put it down just now: "Father, she has it too, so I don't want it if she has it too!"

The father just smiled helplessly and patted her head: "You, you, don't want this or that, I'm used to it."

After this incident, Fu Xiao wanted to be treated the same as her elder brother and younger brother, to learn martial arts and business, but her father just patted her head: "You are going to marry after all, so you don't need to learn these things."

But Fu Xiao was not reconciled. She knew that the monk was coming today, so she hid behind the screen and peeked at the monk. The monk felt that there was a peeping sight, so she looked behind the screen.

This was unbearable, the monk immediately got up excitedly, and brought Fu Xiao out from behind the screen: "Master Fu, this child has excellent bones, and he will definitely be able to do something if he takes him up the mountain!"

Fu Xiao was suddenly dazzled by the good news. It turned out that she could practice too. It turned out that she was also qualified to practice like other brothers...

But Fu Xiao's father didn't focus on the monk's joy, but opened the monk's hand and pulled Fu Xiao behind him: "What do you mean! How do you make my daughter marry in the future!"

The monk was at a loss for a moment: "Master Fu... what I mean is that if Ling Ai can cultivate the truth, she will definitely make great achievements..."

Fu Xiao's father interrupted him at this moment: "Practice with you as a man?! What can a daughter's family do, see off guests!"

"Father...Father...Maybe if I really can cultivate, I will be able to take care of our family..."

"Shut up!" Fu Xiao's father interrupted Fu Xiao abruptly, "In a few years soon, you will be too late, even your brother can't do it, how can you! This person is probably a liar, you won't let him What about cultivation!"

But at this moment, Fu Xiao was very unwilling. She crawled out of the boudoir in the middle of the night, and wanted to go out to find the monk in the dark, but unexpectedly, her father had expected her behavior and locked her in the attic. On weekdays, only female teachers who teach women's studies can come in and out freely, and Fu Xiao is alone in the room for the rest of the time.

When she was a little older, Fu Xiao's father finally allowed her to go out, but at this time, Fu Xiao was no longer what she used to be. She began to look forward to her future husband-in-law. Whose girl is out of the cabinet today, and whose husband-in-law was released in high school a few days ago.

Looking down from her boudoir, the cook in the kitchen is struggling to pick vegetables, talking about rumors that she has only heard in the past few days. When he was excited, he laughed twice from time to time.

On the other side, my brother was sitting in the yard outside the kitchen, playing chess and chatting with his friend. The friend seemed very dissatisfied with the loud chatter of the cooks. From Fu Xiao's point of view, the man seemed to be saying: "It's too vulgar. .”

And the elder brother could only comfort him: "It's all the same, bear with it."

Her last resistance was to disobey her father's will and insist on marrying her husband-in-law.

She missed it when she was alive, missed the opportunity to cultivate, missed the good son-in-law chosen by her father, missed the opportunity to save Huaniang, and still missed it after death, missed the opportunity to become a ghost cultivator, missed the good opportunity to save herself...

Countless mistakes make up her, making up her ridiculous life.


"You are clearly a ghost, why do you help these damned monks!" The newly promoted ghost king received Fu Xiao's slap, and the resentment towards Xiao in his eyes even far surpassed that of the monks below.

Fu Xiao looked at the new ghost king, and suddenly said, "I am happy."

Soon, Fu Xiao fought with the new ghost king again. Qing Yuan flew into the air, stretched out his sleeves, and countless talismans flew out of it, quickly forming a spiritual formation in front of the new ghost king.

The ghost king was blocked by the magic talisman, his movements suddenly slowed down, and he took two blows from Fu Xiao.

The new Ghost King exuded a burst of Yin Qi, which was completely absorbed by Fu Xiao: "Why do you..."

At this time, Qing Yuan also found the right time to quickly change the talisman formation, and a lightning formation descended from the sky, immediately dissipating most of the Yin Qi around the ghost king again.

At this time, the ghost king was no longer the opponent of Fu Xiao and Qing Yuan. Although the two joined forces for the first time, they unexpectedly cooperated well, almost beating the ghost king to death within half a stick of incense.

After the two returned to the ground, the person who didn't believe that Fu Xiao would assist the monks to defend against the enemy finally opened his eyes today, and looked at Fu Xiao with a different color in his eyes.

Did this evil spirit eat something wrong?

This question lingered in the hearts of all the monks, but since Fu Xiao had indeed saved them, no one could say this.

Qing Yuan bowed to Fu Xiao: "Thank you, Miss, for saving me."

If Qing Yuan were to deal with this new ghost king alone, he might have to spend a lot of twists and turns. At this time, Fu Xiao's joining can be said to be twice the result with half the effort and the effect is extraordinary.

"You don't need to thank me. My benefactor asked me to do this. If you want to thank me, just thank her."

After Fu Xiao finished speaking, he sat on the chair again, quietly watching the monk not far away, his body seemed to be integrated with the chair, like an ornament placed on the chair, lifeless.

The monks looked at Fu Xiao who had returned to the chair, and for a moment didn't know what to say. You looked at me and I looked at you, all with complicated expressions.

Who did they tell that they were rescued by an evil spirit, and that person would pour him two bowls of hangover soup, suspecting that he drank too much yesterday, but at this moment, this moment, this place, this is something that they have not seen for thousands of years. The miracle actually made them meet, and the complexity of their emotions can be imagined.

Do you want to thank this evil ghost at this time?They can say that they have killed countless ghosts, but they have never thanked the ghosts, so they feel awkward no matter what they think.

"By the way," Fu Xiao suddenly spoke after the two sides had been deadlocked in an embarrassing atmosphere for a long time. She didn't seem to notice the unspeakable embarrassment spreading between the two parties, but it was more like she was concerned about the embarrassment between the two parties. Don't care, "You guys kill me, like just now."

All the monks were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect Fu Xiao to say that.

"Miss, why did you say that?" Although Qing Yuan did not overdo the Ghost King, the matter is not without possibility of success, "Miss, don't worry..."

"No," Fu Xiao interrupted, her eyes were still erratic, she seemed to be looking at Qingyuan, but also seemed to be looking at an invisible distance, "I just... suddenly feel that the loss of soul is not so scary."

"I was thinking that Huaniang also dissipated in this way. Maybe one day, another Huaniang will grow in this world. When I go to reincarnate, she may not be able to find me..."

"She disappeared in the Flower City." Fu Xiao seemed to be completely lost in memory, "Among the flowers, she was very happy that day, smiling so brightly in the flower field."

She brushed her hands along the pinnae of her ears: "She just put the flowers behind her ears like this. She is very beautiful. I was too cowardly before. I was sorry for her. Now I want to find her."

 small theater:

  Qing Yuan: You stay here and don't move around, I'll go and buy some oranges.

  (Douzi turns on the stereo and plays the background sound: my old father)
  Qingxi:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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