Chapter 191 Xiaoyaozong ([-])

The crowd complained, but the monk who sent the message came and ran fast, and he knew that he would be scolded, so he might as well run fast so as not to hear a word.

The face of the woman holding the baby was much ruddy compared to the morning, she was still a little surprised, usually she lost the strength to hold the fat doll for less than an hour, but today she seemed to have inexhaustible energy.

Ji Mingzhao was still standing next to her, found a place to sit down, took out steamed buns from his backpack and slowly stuffed them into his mouth.

From the corner of her eyes, the woman saw Ji Mingzhao eating white steamed buns, and couldn't help swallowing and spitting.

When Ji Mingzhao saw this woman earlier, he knew that the woman must be pale and thin due to not eating enough for a long time, so he handed the steamed bun to the woman: "Do you want to eat?"

The woman was a little hesitant. After all, it was a gift from a stranger, but she couldn't resist the aroma of the food, thinking that even if it was poisonous, she wouldn't care too much: "Eat!"

Ji Mingzhao handed the steamed bun to the woman, and the woman took the steamed bun as if rushing, her eyes were full of longing, Ji Mingzhao even faintly saw the corners of the woman's mouth soaked with saliva constantly secreted from the woman's mouth.

Resisting the urge to bite down, the woman pinched a bit of steamed bun with two fingers, and stuffed the remaining half into the little girl's hands.

The little girl took the steamed buns and handed them to the woman first. The woman smiled and shook her head at the little girl: "Auntie is not hungry, you eat."

Only then did the little girl stuff the steamed buns into her mouth with confidence.

"Slower, slower."

The woman looked around vigilantly, and was relieved to see that no one was paying attention to this corner, but she still didn't dare to relax and covered the little girl in her arms, covering the little girl's face with her sleeves, and also covering the steamed buns.

Ji Mingzhao couldn't stand it anymore. Although her life was not satisfactory when she grew up, she had never been hungry. Even when the family was in trouble, there was still a meat dish for every meal. She had never seen anything Even real hungry people have never experienced that kind of hardship.

She took out another steamed bun from her backpack and stuffed it into the woman's hand: "Eat it."

The woman saw that Ji Mingzhao took out steamed buns from nowhere, she was surprised and refused to accept them anyway: "You seem to have escaped, one is enough, I can't take your things."

Ji Mingzhao looked at the blue clothes on his body. He had been walking in the deep mountains and old forests for the past few days, so it was inevitable that they would be scratched. In addition, he hadn't washed for a long time... and he looked like a refugee certified by refugees.

"It's okay, I still have some." Ji Mingzhao didn't care about his makeup and hair, "you can eat."

No etiquette or morality can last long in the face of hunger, and the woman didn't have time to say thank you, so she snatched the steamed buns from Ji Mingzhao's hand and stuffed them into her mouth in two bites.

"Slow down..." This time, it was Ji Mingzhao who looked around vigilantly. There are people here who really want to cultivate and realize their dreams, but most of them are refugees who fled for various reasons, and there are too many to eat. Food, even poor people who have been starving for several days, Ji Mingzhao has limited food in his hands, and he can't share some with everyone. He can only say that he can help everyone as much as possible.

After the woman ate the steamed buns in two or three bites, she quickly took out the water bag in the package and gave herself a mouthful, and then gave the little girl another mouthful. Then she found a chance to thank Ji Mingzhao: "Thank you, miss, what's the name of the girl?" ?”

"My surname is Ji, so my name is Xiao Ji."

"Doesn't the girl have a boudoir name?" The woman looked sympathetic, "I also don't have a name. I became the Liang Sun family when I got married. Because I am the youngest in my family, I named myself Ah Yao."

Ji Mingzhao didn't know how to answer, he was silent for a long time, and said, "...My name is Ji Mingzhao."

"Girls are blessed and have a good life," Ah Yao said with envy on her face, "I have read some books, the name is really nice."

"Auntie." At this time, the little girl in Ah Yao's arms finally gnawed the steamed buns in her hands. Although she was talking to Ah Yao, her eyes were fixed on Ji Mingzhao. This little girl saw Ji Mingzhao. Ming Zhao gave Ah Yao steamed buns, so he felt that Ji Mingzhao must still have some in his hands, "Still hungry."

"Be obedient, the little baby can't eat too much, worms will grow in the stomach." Ah Yao ate half full, and finally regained the dignity that had been left behind. It's not easy to give them, but this doll still wants it, it's a bit shameful.

Ji Mingzhao didn't answer, there are too many people here, and if he really brought out more food, he might not be able to keep it, so he changed the subject: "Is this baby your child?"

Ah Yao held the little girl upright, patted her on the back lightly a few times, trying to put her to sleep, and she would not be so hungry when she fell asleep: "My sister's child, my sister and I have a bad life, we were sold by our parents to soldiers , accompanied the army to the border gate, my man died two years ago, my sister gave birth to this girl, her father didn't like it, so my sister gave birth to another one, her life was not good, and it was another girl, in the end, only this girl's life was good It's the boss, who survived."

Ji Mingzhao didn't want to hear about the suffering in the world anymore, but Ah Yao seemed to have no one to talk to for a long time, so he immediately opened up the conversation: "In March this year, my sister is going to give birth again, but this time the fate is not good, the child is too old If you don’t come down, my brother-in-law split my sister’s stomach with a sword for the sake of the child, and what was pulled out was a girl, something that has been condemned by God, it deserves nothing.”

When Ah Yao said these words, Ji Mingzhao still had a shocking numbness on her face. She attributed all her suffering to her life, and supported her numbly in pain, like an old tree with a hollow heart.

The little girl in her arms moved, and Ah Yao seemed to be forcibly pulled back from her memories, and she shook the child in her arms: "I don't have a name, and I haven't read a book, so I named this girl Xiaomei." "Miss, you have read some books, give this girl a nice name, and when you become a monk or a fairy, you can also call it well."

Ji Mingzhao looked at the little girl, and filled his mouth with anger, unable to spit out or swallow it. The anger that had nowhere to vent seemed to burn out her reason: "What happened to that man later?" gone?"

Ah Yao looked at Ji Mingzhao strangely: "Of course it was in the military camp. After my sister lost her breath, my brother-in-law looked for this child everywhere. He wanted to kill him so that he could find his wife again. Fortunately, I ran fast, so I took the little girl away." Bring it out."

"I think I've already found it. I don't know which girl is a poor girl." Ah Yao resented her brother-in-law for killing her only sister, but she couldn't do anything about it. The difference in body size between her and her brother-in-law was so huge that she couldn't even eat. , I don't even have the strength to hold a knife, let alone revenge.

But she still has hope in her heart. If she really cultivates immortality in the future, she will take her little sister back to take revenge, and smash this bastard to ashes!
 small theater:

  Ji Mingzhao magic time:
  Ji Mingzhao: Look, I only have one steamed bun, right?

  Ah Yao: Yes!

  Ji Mingzhao (quietly taking out his backpack): Now there are two!
  Ah Yao: Wow!

  Xu Guangbai: Where did you pick up this idiot...

  Fu Xiao: Does the benefactor despise Fu Xiao...

  Ji Mingzhao: fault...don't cry, don't cry...

  Ah Yao: You actually picked up someone else?

  Ji Mingzhao: ...

  Xue Wen: ...Is there no one to speak up for me?

(End of this chapter)

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