Records of Beating Workers Forced to Save the World

Chapter 192 Extra Story 4 The World Is Sad

Chapter 192
Ah Yao and her sister were squeezed into the same sedan chair, and it was even difficult to squeeze two buttocks in the narrow seat.

Scattered blows and blows could be heard outside the window of the small sedan chair, and there was a man riding a rough horse on either side of the sedan chair to block the two windows, for fear that the woman in the sedan chair would jump out of the window.

The elder sister moved with difficulty, stepped back by herself, and then pushed Ah Yao inward.

"Sister, I'm afraid... Where are we going..." Ah Yao held her sister tightly, trying to gain some sense of security from her.

"..." My sister is two years older than Ah Yao, and knows more than Ah Yao, "I can't see it with a red hijab."

"Isn't that the way home is invisible?!"

Ah Yao was so anxious that she wanted to stick her head out of the sedan chair, wanting to look in the direction of her home, but her sister pulled her back: "Don't look, you will be home when you go to your husband's house in the future, and this is fate."

"Then what about our own house?!" Ah Yao anxiously lifted the worn red cloth on his head, neither understanding nor willing to understand, "Aren't we going back?"

The elder sister just lowered her head, the red cloth covered her terrified face, she couldn't panic, the elder sister gently grabbed Ah Yao's hand: "It's okay, there will be a new home in the future."

Ah Yao still didn't understand, she didn't understand why she followed two men she had never seen before into this sedan chair, and she also didn't understand why everyone had beaming smiles on their faces, as if they were doing something great: " I don’t want it! I want to go back to my original home!”

The older sister grabbed the younger sister who was about to climb out of the narrow window, and she couldn't let the men outside see her, otherwise her life would never be easy: "Come back quickly! This is fate, do you understand! This is fate!"

When Ah Yao was dragged back by her sister, she still didn't understand. Yesterday, she saw that her parents were holding a bag of broken silver. The pigweed was dragged back by the mother, and she just babbled a few times that she went to live a good life, you won't blame me in the future, and then she didn't even change her clothes, and put a piece of red cloth on her face.

In a daze, Ah Yao heard the children in the neighborhood running on the street, shouting "Ge!!"Out of the cabinet! An old girl who came out of the cabinet at 22 will become an old girl if she doesn't leave the cabinet at the age of 20!

The toddler was holding a candy bar in his mouth from the man in the red dress, smiling happily, running around and shouting happily.

Ah Yao vaguely understood what happened, but she still refused to believe it in her heart. Looking down from the gap not covered by the red cloth, she saw countless children peeping curiously under the red cloth.

The road ahead is unknown, and the original road cannot be returned.

The sedan chair swayed and walked for a long time, and Ah Yao was sore all over from sitting, extremely uncomfortable.

When the sedan chair finally landed, one hand lifted the sedan chair violently: "Come out."

Ah Yao heard her sister take a deep breath, pulled Ah Yao to stand up slowly, Ah Yao held her sister tightly with both hands, not daring to let go.

Under the blood red in front of his eyes, Ah Yao was forced to separate from his sister and was pushed into the room alone.

She held tightly to the pigweed knife hidden in her clothes with both hands in fear, not daring to let go for a moment.

Soon, there was a noise in the room, and Ah Yao's right hand holding the knife suddenly tightened, the veins on the hand were bulging, and the knuckles of the knuckles were even a little white due to the force.

Someone from inside the room quickly approached Ah Yao, and stretched out a skinny hand, trying to lift the hijab on her face. Ah Yao suddenly raised her hand. Although she is thin, she has worked hard all year round and is very strong. Crazy, it's really not easy to subdue.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" the man's shrill scream came from inside the room, Ah Yao cut the man's arm with a knife, and the man immediately lay down on the ground, his whole body twitching.

Ah Yao was also taken aback by this turn of events, she didn't dare to get close to the man, she bypassed him and wanted to run out the door.

But before he could take a few steps, he was blocked by a tall and thin man at the door: "What's wrong!"

The man was still holding on to his sister's hair, Ah Yao's eyes were red, he raised the hog grass knife again and slashed at the man's arm. The man obviously didn't expect that there were still untamed and fierce animals in this docile species. She dodged suddenly, but she didn't let go of her hand.

The man had obviously practiced some kung fu, so he kicked Ah Yao away with one kick, and looked down at the thin man who was still screaming on the ground: "This woman just wants to beat you, you know! If you don't beat me, you will not be docile!"

After finishing speaking, he slapped his sister's face with his palm, Ah Yao let out a scream, endured the severe pain in his abdomen, picked up the knife again and swung it at the man. The man obviously didn't expect that Ah Yao still had the ability to resist, and there was a hint of it in his eyes. Fear, but he will not admit it, but throws his sister down, blocking Ah Yao's knife: "Take care of your wife!"

Then he spat out and bought two bad lucks for three taels of silver, and went back to his room without looking back.

Compared with Ah Yao, her elder sister is thinner and weaker. She is different from Ah Yao. Even if Ah Yao's parents beat and scold her, she never spits out the fine grains that she snatched from her brother's bowl. Swallow it and pass out.

She didn't understand that even when the whole family went to the fields, she didn't lose a share. It was her job to cut pigweed and cook, and even go up the mountain to chop firewood.

But she didn't understand so much, and she didn't want to think so much, she just grabbed it when she wanted to eat it, and resisted when she was beaten, even if her own father blocked her from eating, she would get a slap in the face.

Over time, she actually grabbed some meals as well.

But the elder sister is different, she has always obeyed her mother, everything is her life, she dare not grab food, she even has to grab a share from her younger sister to barely eat a few mouthfuls, although she is praised for being cute, she can only pretend to be cute.

Just like just now, my sister passed out with a kick, and Ah Yaohe managed to save her sister even though she was awake.

But the next day was not so easy. Her brother-in-law thought of a good way to deal with Ah Yao. As long as Ah Yao resisted, he would pull over her sister and beat her. Beat my sister unconscious.

This is the elder brother Liang Dashen helping his younger brother Liang Xiaoshan tame a wild dog. Only by firmly grasping the gate of life can it crawl to the ground and be regarded as the master.

But even so, after my sister woke up, she still said to Ah Yao: "Our dowry gift, silver, was given to my brother to marry him by my parents, so let's leave like this, and their brother will trouble my parents. This is fate, sister accepts her fate." Ah Yao, you run away."

Ah Yao did not run away, because her sister was in the hands of her brother-in-law, and she was afraid that she would be beaten to death if she left her sister.

Ah Yao's husband is easy to talk to. After being scared and fainted by Ah Yao on the first day, he never dared to get close to Ah Yao. Three months have passed without incident.

One day three months later, when my sister was spinning at home, she suddenly vomited profusely. Ah Yao was very worried, and immediately took the money from the spinning and took her sister to the clinic to invite a doctor.

Doctor No. [-] pulse, he congratulated his sister: "Miss, you are pregnant."

Also from that day on, my brother-in-law seems to have changed a little bit, at least he doesn’t play so frequently. He used to eat three meals a day, but now it’s changed to once a day. My sister is already very content, touching her stomach every day, looking forward to it. Children can bring her a good life.

"It's better to be a boy." Ah Yao said, if it's a boy who can help his sister beat back when he grows up, if it's a girl, I'm afraid they will be beaten together.

But my sister didn't say anything, just nodded lightly: "It's fate after all, if you get reincarnated, you can't enjoy the blessings, it's all fate."

Ah Yao didn't believe in fate at first, she felt that the days would pass and the better, and she wouldn't be forced to die, but this day, she really didn't have any hope.

The elder sister's belly gradually grew bigger. When she was five months old, the soldiers were recalled from the border, so the brothers had to go back to the barracks, and Ah Yao and her elder sister were forced to go together.

The journey was very bumpy, but after all, the baby in my sister's womb survived, and when she gave birth at full term, her brother-in-law waited in front of the delivery room for the first time, and every time the midwife came out, she would ask: "My son is coming out!" ?"

The midwife was annoyed by the question: "How are you sure this must be the son?"

The midwife was also beaten, just because she cursed him that the Liang family had no descendants.

Maybe it was the midwife's curse that came true. My sister really only gave birth to a girl that day. When my brother-in-law saw that it was a girl, he didn't want the child to survive on the spot. If you can't survive.

Ah Yao was not allowed to accompany her in the delivery room, and women who had never given birth were not allowed to enter the delivery room, but Ah Yao entered, she put the knife on the midwife's neck in a fit of anger, and was able to enter.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw my sister was covered in red, and her pale face was like white paper.

Ah Yao cried and grabbed her sister's hand, asking her if it hurt, but her sister just stared at the midwife and asked weakly, "Is it a boy?"

After hearing that it was a girl, my elder sister lowered her head dejectedly, knowing that her hard life could not end.

But from that day on, my sister's life became even more difficult. During the day, Liang Dashen and Liang Xiaoshan had to go to the city defense battalion on duty. He used a knife to break into my sister's house many times, and my brother-in-law would get better for a while at this time, but there were always times when Ah Yao couldn't guard against it, and every time this happened, my sister was beaten even more miserably.

The elder sister doesn't care much about the younger sister, and she is full of thinking that there will be another one, and life will be easier. Ah Yao looked at her elder sister who has aged a lot. Now she is no longer as delicate as when she was a girl at home, and the flesh all over her body is so soft. like a piece of hair cake,
Ah Yao couldn't bear to look at her current sister: "Will it really get better?"

The elder sister raised her head and looked at the blue sky with her remaining good eyes: "Maybe you won't have to be beaten."

Day by day passed, and soon my sister was pregnant again.

At this time, chaos began outside the city. Although there were no major conflicts between these big countries, there were still small frictions. Liang Dashen, who had passed the sword, came back alive.

After her husband died, Ah Yao's life suddenly became difficult. There was no land to farm here, and Ah Yao was not as popular as her elder sister. Without her husband's monthly half-hang money, her life suddenly became difficult.

Ah Yao had no way to survive and could only sell small things in the streets and alleys. Her sister's leg was broken, so she helped her sister sell handkerchiefs.

Poverty also became the main theme of her life at this time. She had no fields, no crafts, and could not get enough to eat. She lived like a blade of grass.

From then on, she believed in her sister's fate, her sister was right, it was her fate, being a daughter was her fate, being beaten was her fate, and suffering was her fate.

My sister soon gave birth again, and she was still a daughter. Ah Yao imagined picking up a knife to protect the poor child like last time, but she lost the strength to hold the knife, and could only watch helplessly as the crying child was still crying the next second. He died in seconds.

It would be great if he had a field, if he had skills, if... he could go to the battlefield and fight.

Ah Yao went to the conscription office, but more than a dozen people came out because women were not allowed to join the army.

Ah Yao went to the shop to become a clerk, but was kicked out again because the woman was unlucky.

Insufficient in strength, Ah Yao didn't even have the ability to resist.

Some people are afraid of going to war and dying, because they still have a choice, they still have a field at home, and there is always a way to survive.

As for Ah Yao, there is no way out.

Ah Yao, who only left half of Liang Xiaoshan's money, could not keep it in the end. The brother-in-law angrily scolded Ah Yao for being a loser, killed Liang Xiaoshan, then took the money away, and drove Ah Yao out of the house.

Ah Yao was powerless to resist, if her sister was not pregnant again, the doctor must be a male this time, and her sister threatened the life of the fetus in her womb, so she left Ah Yao to continue living in the original house.

From then on, Ah Yao walked around the streets, and could only rely on selling her sister's fabrics to survive. In the hardships of countless days, Ah Yao thought day and night, maybe it was really her mistake in the past...I am just a dead star. .

It was really that she was so vicious that she didn't leave a concubine for her husband, and it was that she was too hard on her life and beat her husband to death, so that she lived like this.

It's all retribution.

She began to envy her elder sister. Although she was beaten every day, she could have food and survived starvation. Unlike herself, she didn't even have food.

Four months ago, my sister gave birth again. This time after the doctor said it was a boy, my brother-in-law bought food for my sister every day. My sister's belly was bigger than the previous two times, and there was a smile on her face every day. She felt that this child would definitely bring her a good life, but this time the delivery was not as smooth as the previous two.

Ah Yao stood in the yard anxiously waiting for news from her sister. The little girl next to her was holding a stone to grind her itchy gums, with an ignorant smile on her face.

The cries of pain in the room continued from day to night, and the midwife anxiously poured out basins full of blood.

Ah Yao didn't dare to count how many pots were poured, she never knew how much blood was in the human body, and she didn't know if her sister could live if so much blood flowed out, so she could only wait anxiously at the door, waiting for the news that her sister was safe.

Soon, the midwife ran out again, and Ah Yao didn't see the basin in her hand, so she finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Do you want hot water, I will prepare it..."

But the midwife just shook her hand at Ah Yao, and walked out the door quickly.

Not long after, the brother-in-law came in from the door and rushed straight into the delivery room where even Ah Yao, who didn't have a knife, could not enter. Ah Yao had a premonition, and quickly followed him in.

The older sister looked at her husband weakly on the bed, with a flattering smile subconsciously on her face, but before the smile was completely hung up, she saw her husband take out a long sword, raise the knife in his hand and drop it from the bottom up, from the bottom up Swiping quickly, my sister didn't feel any pain at all at this moment, only felt a cold stomach, and then the remaining blood in the body spurted out, Liang Dashen grabbed a child from the warm red.

His joyful expression gradually turned cold when he saw the child's lower back, and then looked at his wife who had stared wide-eyed on the bed, Liang Da was so angry that he threw the child down.

The child didn't even cry once, and then he lost his breath.

Ah Yao was stunned by the scene in front of her, she didn't even have time to react, the midwife in the room also slipped and fell to the ground limply, the room was completely silent for a moment.

Liang Dashen stood there for a long time, as if he suddenly thought of something, he turned and went out, and when he passed by Ah Yao, he also said to himself: "It's her bad luck, don't blame me."

At this time, Ah Yao seemed to have recovered from the endless shock and fear. Through the wide open door, she saw her brother-in-law walking towards the younger sister. The younger sister didn't know what happened. When she saw her father came back, she opened her eyes. He showed a smirk at Liang Dashen.

Ah Yao didn't know where the strength came from, and ran out the door quickly, hugging the child: "Are you going to kill my sister and then kill her only flesh and blood!"

Her prestige towards Liang Dashen is still there, and Liang Dashen doesn't know if this thin woman has a pig grass knife on her body, nor does she know that she has lost the courage to resist now, he thought about it, and put down the knife, Ah Yao didn't have time to care The elder sister's body rolled and crawled and led the younger sister out of the gate.

Ah Yao has nothing to do with her brother-in-law, as her sister said, this is her fate. If her brother-in-law is lucky and has a good pregnancy, he will live a more comfortable life.

 This chapter is intended to criticize the ugly feudal imperial power, not to bow to the evil forces, but to describe the suffering from Ah Yao's perspective.

(End of this chapter)

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