Chapter 245 The Essay Examination Starts

Sang Luo snorted, quite disdainful,

"It's no use."

If Xuan Yuanzong wants to win, they will win in a dignified way.

Do you need him?

What's more, Song Qingyun was born with sword bones and blessed with the Chongming Sword, so he might not lose.

If the Nascent Soul can't be formed, it's time to break through in the later stage of Jindan.

The bell on Lingyun Peak rang, and Sang Luo looked back,
"The essay test is about to begin."

Zhang Jianting Yujian took a step ahead,
"I'm going to change clothes first!"

Now he didn't dare to apply cleaning techniques to himself casually, and ran away naked if he didn't pay attention.

Sang Luo ignored him, and returned to the sect with Chu Yanshu Yujian, just in time for the opening.

Coincidentally, he ran into the children of those aristocratic families who met in Yunya City the day before yesterday.

A few children from the family headed by Su Jinyu walked past Sang Luo and gave her a sideways glance.

Sang Luo looked back at Chu Yanshu,
"What do they mean?"

Do you want to be beaten?
It's a pity that this exam is Elder Huang Tian's home field, and fighting with weapons is prohibited.

Chu Yanshu slightly raised his brows,

"Maybe, they think they can pass the exam higher than you?"

After all, the sword cultivators of this sect have always sneered at cultural lessons.

Usually, the schoolwork arranged by the sect is also to escape if you can, and never study hard.

In the aristocratic family, there are many assessments.

Sang Luo raised her brows slightly, suddenly feeling a little excited.

Exams, this is the real professional counterpart.

See how she crushes that group of family disciples!

Sang Luo strode directly into the examination room, showing no fear at all.

And Chu Yanshu raised his eyebrows, and followed Sang Luo into the examination room.

But compared to the calmness and calmness of these two people, Song Qingyun and Su Shiyi, who arrived late and were still carrying a book by heart, appeared to be in a lot of haste.

Song Qingyun took the key points of the painting given by Sang Luo in his hand and memorized each word in his head, but found that his mind was still empty after memorizing.

He has a mournful face,

"It's over, I'm going to be over! Senior Sister and Chongming Sword Spirit will beat me to death!"

The senior sister has highlighted the key points. If he hasn't passed the essay test, he will die!

Su Shishi also had a bitter expression on his face,
"Don't be afraid, Senior Brother Song, I will accompany you."

Song Qingyun cried and chirped,

"You Kunwu Sword Sect's cultural lessons are all bad, Elder Yuming will definitely not say anything, but we Xuanyuanzong, I am the only one who is bad!"

Therefore, it is useless for junior sisters to accompany her at this moment!
Su Shiyi hadn't spoken yet, but Chang Man was very dissatisfied with Song Qingyun, pointing at him and saying,

"Who do you say is poor in culture?!"

This kid really deserves a beating!

Song Qingyun was about to speak when Zhang Jianting, who had just finished washing up behind him, came late and clicked his tongue.

Song Qingyun glanced at Zhang Jianting with a look of vigilance,
"What are you talking about?"

Zhang Jianting stretched his waist,

"It's nothing, I owe Sang Luo a favor, and I won't hate you today."

After saying this, he also walked into the examination room.

The examination room is divided into six areas, namely Sword Cultivator, Talisman Cultivator, Dan Cultivator, Beast Cultivator, and Tool Cultivator.

The public courses include seven courses including the Ten Thousand Years History of the Cangwu Realm, Three Thousand Great Dao, and Floating Language, followed by a basic professional course corresponding to each monk.

On the main seat of the invigilator, Elder Huang Tian handed out the papers, and after flipping his fingers, a seal was formed on the main hall, and then photo stones were selected on the heads of the crowd.

Elder Huang Tian's eagle eyes swept across the young and girls in the examination room,
"The new generation in the Cangwu world, the Xiaotianbang literary test, begins. The time limit is one hour. When the time is up, the paper will be automatically handed in!"

 The third update~
(End of this chapter)

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