Chapter 246 Cheating
As soon as Huang Tian said this, many disciples wailed,
"Elder Huang Tian, ​​this paper has more than 20 pages, how can I finish it in an hour!"

As soon as these words came out, Elder Huang Tian accurately found the disciple who spoke first among the crowd, and said coldly,

"If you don't want to take the exam, you can go out! Quit the Xiaotianbang and return to your family. Anyway, your family will not point you to fight for this title."

As soon as he said this, the teenagers who wanted to speak up just now fell silent.

Song Qingyun, who was eager to try and take advantage of the chaos, also lowered his head, and hurriedly read the paper on his stomach.

And Zhang Jianting, who wanted to follow suit, also coughed, and obediently looked down at the paper.

Sang Luo looked at the more than 20 pages of the paper, glanced at it briefly, and the corresponding answer appeared in his mind, and began to answer without panicking.

Chu Yanshu who was behind also started to answer the questions in a calm manner.

In the third row, Zhang Jianting was hanging his pen in his mouth, and kept rolling his eyes at Elder Huang Tian who was not far away.

But Song Qingyun at the back was anxious when he saw the paper, so he picked up a pen to fill in the gaps, and began to fill in the omissions after answering a question. He couldn't do nearly half of the questions, and he wrote slowly. It is endless.

But at this moment, he saw a young man with shredded paper not far away.

But he has good eyesight, and he can see the writing on the piece of paper, but he can't make out what is written on it.

But looking at the boy's scribbling, it can be seen that it is a cheat sheet.

Song Qingyun slapped his head and began to regret, why didn't he think of it!
But at this time, Elder Huang Tian swept his gaze over the group of sword cultivators sitting in the south one by one, and finally landed on the young man, his gaze was like a torch.

The next moment, a fingernail-sized page flew out of the boy's arms, with densely written words on it.

The boy was shocked, Elder Huang Tian scoffed,
"Do you think I can't see it if you cover it with cause and effect?"

He slightly raised his hand, threw the boy out, and said coldly,

"Su's family, Su Chen cheated, and he will be punished directly to make up the exam!"

Song Qingyun, who was still thinking about how he hadn't thought of this, held his breath, and then lowered his head to write. Damn, it's so dangerous, but luckily he didn't cheat.


Elder Huang Tian was very strict in proctoring the exam, but it had nothing to do with Sang Luo, she handed in the test paper half an hour earlier and left the door.

As for Chu Yanshu, he handed in the papers and went out after her.

In the examination room, Ji Qingfeng also finished answering the questions early, but kept checking for mistakes carefully.

Yun He frowned and thought for a while, and scratched his head for a while, always filling in the blanks and feeling that something was not quite right.

And Lu Changsheng, like Ji Qingfeng, was a steady type, and after finishing the questions a quarter of an hour in advance, he began to check.

Lin Qinghan sat at the desk and wrote the answers stroke by stroke. In order to save time, he skipped the answers he didn't know. He just answered all the answers he knew before closing the paper. It should be no problem to pass.

After all, what he is good at is not theoretical knowledge, but actual combat in the martial arts field.

As for Zhang Jianting, this guy also finished answering the questions early, but he neither handed in the paper nor checked, and kept rolling his eyes at Elder Huang Tian, ​​and poked Ji Qingfeng next to him, asking him,
"Hey, you Daozong elder is so annoying, are you living a hard life?"

 Fourth update~
  Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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