In the middle of the square, Sang Luo's name lit up, and he was on the list again.

Defeat No.12 Zhang Jianting, get [-] points, and enter the top [-].

If you want to enter the top ten, you have to continue to win about five games.

Sang Luo's battle was swift, it was over as soon as it started, and his popularity increased immediately.

On the audience stage of the martial arts test, many monks were cheering.

On Zhang Jianting's side, things were a little miserable.

It was already annoying to lose two games in a row, but just now he forgot to cut the trumpet because he placed the order in a hurry.

He placed an order with a large size, and the bet was that he lost.

Then he was knocked off the martial arts stage by Sang Luo.

Immediately afterwards, someone on the page of the mini program began to scold Zhang Jianting for playing fake matches, and then he was blacklisted by the gambling house.

Zhang Jianting: "..."

People are numb!
Not alive anymore!
His reputation is probably completely hopeless!

As soon as Sang Luo landed next to Chu Yanshu, she felt a chill behind her back. She couldn't help but look back, and met Zhang Jianting's sad eyes like a resentful woman.

Sang Luo shivered, Zhang Jianting like this is really scary,
"what happened to you?"

Zhang Jianting looked at Sang Luo with resentment on his face,
"I was blocked by the casino."

He was too hasty to bet just now, and he cut the wrong number.

Sang Luo was silent for a moment, comforting him,

"It's okay, although your reputation is completely ruined, you still have a trumpet."

The large size is gone, use the small size.

Moreover, his reputation is not very good.

Zhang Jianting listened, raised his sword and was about to attract thunder to strike him, with a look of lovelessness on his face,

"Not alive!"

Sang Luo turned to look at Chu Yanshu,
"What should I do?"

She is good at fighting and comforting others, but Zhang Jianting, she can't!

Listening to Wei Lin, Chu Yanshu raised his hand and threw a storage bag to Zhang Jianting.

Zhang Jianting took it subconsciously, looked at Chu Yanshu warily,
"What are you doing?"

Chu Yanshu spoke lightly,
"Here you go, don't go crazy."

Zhang Jianting opened the storage bag suspiciously,

Before he finished speaking, his eyes widened.

"Lingshi?! There are so many!!"

At least millions! ! !
He looked at Chu Yanshu in disbelief,
"For me?"

Chu Yanshu hummed,
"It's for you, don't die."

Afraid that Chu Yanshu would regret it, Zhang Jianting immediately put away Tianlei, then turned and ran away.
"You said it, don't regret it!"

Chu Yanshu looked at the figure of Zhang Jianting leaving with the sword, then turned to look at Sang Luo,

"He should have thought about it."

Sang Luo raised his eyes, looked at Chu Yanshu, and said quietly,

"How many spirit stones did you give him?"

Chu Yanshu paused for a moment, then said,

"No count, about 100 million."

Sang Luo's momentary heart attack,
"Give it to him, 100 million high-grade spirit stones?"

The hands under her sleeves were clenched unconsciously, her eyes were closed tightly, and her face was full of regret. Now she felt that she should let Zhang Jianting find his own death.

Anyway, the scourge will last for thousands of years, and he will not die.

That's 100 million high-grade spirit stones! ! !
Chu Yanshu looked at Sang Luo, took out another Qiankun bag, and handed it to her.

Sang Luo looked up at him and asked,
"Spirit stone?"

Chu Yanshu shook his head,
"It's the spirit marrow. I got it from the warehouse when I left home."

One spirit marrow can be worth millions of spirit stones.

Sang Luo took a deep breath,

"Give it to me?"

Chu Yanshu nodded, with a slight smile in his penetrating black pupils,
"If you like, I'll move out all the things in the Chu family's warehouse for you."

The third update~
Money ability strikes~

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