At this moment, Sang Luo looked at Chu Yanshu and felt that he was taller and handsomer.

When Lu Changsheng and Lin Qinghan came with their swords, they saw Zhang Jianting running away with his swords.

Lu Changsheng frowned,

"Why did he drop so much in the blink of an eye? Why is he running?"

Lin Qinghan was expressionless, his eyes swept across the pillar in the center of the square, already looking for the object of the competition,

"Maybe he feels ashamed."

After such a short period of effort, he lost two games. If he were to draw his sword and kill himself, what kind of sword should he practice?

Lu Changsheng felt puzzled when he heard it,

"He's shameless, too."

Shameless, why are you afraid of having no face?

However, Lin Qinghan has already set his sights on Chu Yanshu who is next to Sang Luo. Is he No.2?
Seeing his expression, Sang Luo moved two steps forward, stood in front of Chu Yanshu, stared at Lin Qinghan,
"Do you dare to hit him?"

Just caught Xuan Yuanzong and squeezed them out, right?

Lin Qinghan also didn't want to confront Xuan Yuanzong, after all, he owed so much favor to Sang Luo, but who made Xuan Yuanzong rank first with Kunwu Sword Sect in terms of points, of course he would find Xuanyuanzong's people subconsciously.

But looking at Sang Luo now, he coughed unnaturally, turned around and flew up to the martial arts stage, and went to find Ji Qingfeng.

Sang Luo: "..."

This person is so annoying, that's the arena she wants to fight in!
Lu Changsheng had no intention of confronting Sang Luo, smiled at her, turned around and went to beat someone else.

Sword cultivators have an absolute advantage in this small heaven list competition. The Kunwu Sword Sect is still leading in terms of points. Xuanyuan Sect is all stubborn. How can it be as easy to bully as other sects?

The kung fu of playing Xuan Yuanzong is enough for him to win two or three games.

Chu Yanshu looked down at Sang Luo,
"What are you going to do next?"

Sang Luo raised her chin,
"Didn't you say that Ji Qingfeng is very strong before? It's not bad at the moment, let's see!"

She also wanted to see what it would be like for the Taoist No. 1 of the Golden Core Stage to meet this genius that the Kunwu Sword Sect had never seen in thousands of years.

Chu Yanshu looked at the two people fighting against each other on the martial arts stage, raised his eyebrows slightly,
"Who do you think will win?"

Sang Luo raised his eyebrows slightly,

"Lin Qinghan."

Lin Qinghan is almost invincible in the same realm, no matter how strong Ji Qingfeng is, he is still at the peak of Jindan now, how could he be Lin Qinghan's opponent.

As Chu Yanshu was speaking, he suddenly laughed in a low voice, and the breeze blew by, raising the broken hair on the young man's forehead, revealing his unrestrained eyebrows and eyes, and he looked at Sang Luo with great interest,

Sang Luo tilted her head,

"What are you gambling?"

Chu Yanshu took out a piece of jade pendant, spoke softly, with a slight tone of voice,

"If you win, I will give you the jade pendant. If I win, you can buy me a sachet."

According to the rules of the world, when a man gives a jade pendant, it is a sign of love.

Women give sachets, no less.

Sang Luo also understood this meaning, she raised her eyes to look at Chu Yanshu, her long and thick eyelashes curled up like crow feathers trembled a few times, and then she showed a bright smile,

"it is good."

For a moment, the smile in Chu Yanshu's eyes deepened.

On the martial arts stage, Lin Qinghan wore the blue fairy robe of the Kunwu Sword Sect, held the Immortal Slayer Sword, and felt a chill all over his body.

Opposite him was Ji Qingfeng, who was dressed in a light goose-yellow fairy robe, like the warm sun in spring.

Ji Qingfeng summoned the Shaoyang Sword, politely,

The moment his words fell, Lin Qinghan walked towards Ji Qingfeng with the bitter frost and snow.

This sword seems to have the sword intent of cutting the sky and cracking the earth.

Fourth update~
Good night~

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