Chu Yanshu looked at the scroll in his hand, and his expression gradually became serious. He looked down at Sang Luo,
"What do you want to do?"

Sang Luo pondered for a moment,

"I want to visit the Fusheng Tower."

There are too many mysteries that have not yet been solved, and in the chaos, Sang Luo can only grasp the key of the Fusheng Tower.

It seems that everything started with the Fusheng Tower.

1000 years ago, it was the Fusheng Pagoda that changed, and her ancestor was sacrificed in blood. In the end, Xuanyuanzong was targeted, and the master and uncle became demons.

And in another world of mortals, at such a point in time, after they entered the Primordial Secret Realm, the Floating Life Pagoda moved, and her master sacrificed his body with blood.

The past cannot be changed, but what has not happened in the future can be planned for a rainy day.

Chu Yanshu smiled at her,
"Waiting for me for half a day, I will accompany you."

He said, reaching out his hand towards Sang Luo,
"Give me the medicine I took earlier."

Sang Luo pointed to the stone table under the Enlightenment Tree,

"No, where are you?"

Chu Yanshu raised his foot and walked towards the stone table, and Sang Luo followed, and then saw him take out the medicine cauldron and start refining medicine.

So she squatted beside him in boredom,
"What kind of medicine are you refining this time?"

Looking at this posture, it doesn't look like a good thing.

Chu Yanshu raised his eyebrows at her, with a slight smile in his eyes, he said two words from his thin lips,


Sang Luo clicked his tongue and said nothing, waiting for him to refine the medicine.

And Chu Yanshu didn't seem to be refining poison for the first time. He set fire to refine medicine in one go, and he made several bottles in a short time...

He packed them in different categories, and finally put the snake elixir into Sang Luo's palm,
"All of its spiritual power is hidden here. I added some things to it and re-refined it. You can use it as a thunderbolt."

He said, and paused slightly,
"It should be able to injure Huashen."

It won't kill you, but half dead should be enough.

Sang Luo seemed to think of something, and turned to look at the snake and dragon souls who were huddled together and frightened by her, and they were a little out of order.

"What about the two of them? Keep it closed?"

Chu Yanshu nodded,
"Close it first, it will be refined soon."

He realized a little bit of Taoism from the fruit of life and death, and combined with the puppet technique, he can control the wandering soul and become his help.

Now the snake soul and dragon soul are both soul bodies, so they can naturally be used to refine them into puppets for his subordinates.


The flow of time in the space is slightly faster than the real world. It has been several days since Sang Luo and Chu Yanshu entered, while the real world is only a day old.

The two pretended to stay in Daozong for another day, then they went to Huang Tian and Yun Xingzhi to say goodbye.

Huang Tian looked at Sang Luo, frowning slightly,
"You just recovered from your injury, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Sang Luo also understood Huang Tian, ​​knowing that if she spoke out, Huang Tian would stop her and not let her go, so he said,

"My senior brother had some troubles during his training a few days ago, and he insisted on going to the mortal world to practice. My second senior brother sent me a message asking me to go back and help him look after him."

When Huang Tian heard this, his face dropped,

"The battle between humans and demons is approaching, and the Primordial Realm is about to open. What are you doing running to the mortal world at this time?! Why are you so nonsense in this business time sequence?"

Sang Luo coughed,
"After all, my senior brother and my Uncle Chuxue have had a deep relationship these years. It is common for him to be unable to accept my Uncle Chuxue's departure for a while. I'll just go back and persuade him."

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