In the end, it was Shang Shixu who took the blame, Huang Tian let him go, and Sang Luo and Chu Yanshu came out of Daozong and went straight to the nearest city.

Daozong is not far away from the Canglan Sea. If Yu Jian flew over, the two of them would die of exhaustion.

So the rich woman Sangluo decided to directly use the teleportation array to go to the northern city, and then go to the vicinity of the Floating Tower with Yujian.

The two swiped their cards at the city at the foot of Daozong Mountain, and in the blink of an eye they were teleported to Howling City near Canglanhai.

Just after stepping out of the teleportation array, Sang Luo felt that the atmosphere around him was a bit wrong.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

The guards behind the teleportation array began to urge people, and groups of young monks appeared in Howling City.

Sang Luo moved his steps, and walked out of the teleportation formation together with Chu Yanshu.

And the strange thing is, after leaving the teleportation array, Howling City seems to have returned to normal, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Howling City is located on the border of humans and demons, and the climate is bitter and cold. However, in recent years, there has been a large guard for the city, and there have been interventions from aristocratic families, setting up merit halls, and issuing missions. , in exchange for training supplies.

At this moment, the streets are quite prosperous, the surrounding shops are wide open, and there is an endless stream of casual repairs coming and going.

Sang Luo frowned,

"Just now, was it an illusion?"

Chu Yanshu pursed his lips slightly, and said in a deep voice,
"No, Howling City, there is indeed something wrong."

Sang Luo looked at Chu Yanshu, who tilted his head and whispered in her ear,
"Howling City is in conflict with the three boundaries between humans, demons and demons. To the north is the border of the Canglan Sea, and to the south is the Yueming Mountain. There are many casual cultivators who come to exchange military exploits for resources and go to the Yueming Mountain to find opportunities. The air should be It smells like blood."

As Sang Luo listened, his gaze swept across the group of casual cultivators on the street. Although those casual cultivators were dressed casually, they had a faint fragrance on their bodies, and they didn't have the smell of blood that had been on the battlefield all year round. Indeed, something was wrong. .

She was thinking about what to do next, and the next moment, a male voice came from behind,
"Hey, isn't this the personal inheritance of Xuan Yuanzong? Why did you condescend to come to my cold wind city?"

The two turned their heads, and what caught their eyes was a young man dressed in red with a beautiful belt. He held a jade fan in his hand, and waved it twice from time to time to pretend to be elegant. Sang Luo and Chu Yanshu,

"Isn't this Senior Sister Sang Luo, who is at the top of the Xiaotian list, and her good-for-nothing fiancé? Why, why don't you prepare for the Grandmist Secret Realm in Xuanyuanzong, and come to Howling City when you have time?"

Sang Luo stared at him for a long time, maybe there were too many things going on recently, so he didn't remember who this person was, but he looked familiar.

"you are?"

The girl's eyes were full of hesitation, she really didn't remember who he was.

Hearing what Sang Luo said, the boy in red almost turned his face in anger, and said angrily,

"Su family, Su Jinyu! You don't even remember who I am?!"

What is a punch in cotton? !
This is!
Su Jinyu was very angry, he still wanted to provoke.

But Sangluo opened her mouth coldly,
"Oh, Su Jinyu, I remember that you didn't even make the top [-] in the Xiaotian ranking competition, but Chu Yanshu made the top five. You said he is a waste, aren't you even a waste?"

As she spoke, she glanced at Su Jinyu up and down, and said with a sneer,

"Hey, the Nascent Soul is in the middle stage? Why are your steps still so vain? You must be on drugs."

Fourth update ~ good night ~

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