Chapter 489 Stop Bragging
The moment the flexible bead rose, it instantly lit up the deep darkness, and as the two of them fell, the corridor seemed to become narrower and narrower.

Sang Luo gasped, and finally saw the blurry figure clearly.

The stone wall under the abyss is covered with frost, and under the frost, there are beautiful and hideous faces.

"Human body and fish tail, is it a shark?"

Sang Luo's long eyelashes trembled slightly, looking at the merman who was frozen on the stone wall.

Those sharks have different shapes, some have human body and fish tail, but still keep the original appearance, some have upper body turned into white bones, but still have complete fish tail, and some have intact body, but the fish tail is scorched.

But these sharks, without exception, were frozen here.

Chu Yanshu looked up, closed his eyes slightly, then raised his hands to cover Sang Luo's ears,

"Don't look, don't listen."

Sang Luo was stunned for a moment, then turned his head immediately.

But the next moment, I heard beautiful singing one after another.

"Fall, sink, stay here, live forever..."

Light and shadow changes appeared in front of her eyes, and a merman with a peerless face walked out of the water gate, stretched out his hands towards her, and said,

"Come on, I will take you to live forever."

Sang Luo met those blue eyes, shook his head, and immediately wanted to take out the Fengli sword in his hand and chop at it.

But she couldn't summon Fengli, and she couldn't even condense sword energy.

So I can only close my eyes, not to see, not to listen.

But the bewitching sound of the merman continued,

"I will give you everything you want, glory and wealth, supreme rights, and eternal life..."

The shark's voice was nice, but Sang Luo was extremely irritable when he heard every word he said.

If she had a sword in her hand now, she would have slashed through it long ago!
But now being suppressed, the feeling of not having a sword in hand is very bad!
And she can't summon the sword now, it is most likely because of this broken shark!

So when he heard the chattering of the broken shark, Sang Luo became even more irritable, wishing he could take off his shoes and throw them over to smash him to death!
But now separated by the enchantment, he definitely can't lose his shoes, but when he closes his eyes, the broken shark hasn't disappeared yet.

Sang Luo was so annoyed that she immediately opened her eyes and looked at the shark,
"Shut up, you're sick of it!"

Her scolding made the shark stunned for a moment.

Sang Luo was stunned when he saw the shark, and he was also stunned. Does this thing have emotions?

Isn't it just a phantom?
"Are you dead or alive?"

Sang Luo stared at the shark and asked, eyes full of doubts,

"How can I get out?"

"What is the undercurrent under the water?"

"Why are there so many merman corpses sealed here?"

"Also, why is it so cold here? Did you bring us here?"


This series of question marks almost stunned the shark.

Sang Luo stared at the merman for a long time, then regained his composure, looked at her and said,

"Stay here, come with me, and I will take you forever."

The words are exactly the same as before, and the expression is also the same, like a god who is not stained with dust in the nine heavens.

Sang Luo rolled her eyes when she heard that,
"Stop bragging, you may not be able to escape yourself, and take me with you forever?"

This merman doesn't even draft drafts for bragging!
Hearing Sang Luo's words, the shark was stunned again.

He stood at a loss for a long time, his eyes were full of bewilderment, he has stayed here for thousands of years, has he never encountered such a situation?

 the second
(End of this chapter)

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