Chapter 490 Cultivation of Soul Sea
The next moment, the shark turned and ran away.

Sang Luo looked up at Chu Yanshu, only to find that Chu Yanshu was looking at her suspiciously,
"What happened to you just now?"

Suddenly talking to himself, no matter how he called it, he was ignored.

Sang Luo was taken aback when he heard that, and pointed to a direction not far from his side,
"A mermaid appeared somewhere just now, with blue hair and blue eyes, didn't you see it?"

It's been around for a long time, and I've been bragging about it for a while.

Chu Yanshu looked at the direction Sang Luo pointed for a long time, then shook his head and said to her,

"I don't see anything."

And... didn't notice any movement.

Sang Luo frowned slightly, with doubts in his eyes,

"How is it possible? I saw it, but you didn't see it? Could it be a phantom? That's not right... Phantom, how could it have emotions?"

Phantoms shouldn't have emotions!

The merman just now was obviously emotional.

Hearing what Sang Luo said, Chu Yanshu frowned slightly,

"Visions with emotions?"

Could it be that it is not an illusion, but the soul of the mermaid trapped here?
He looked around, the abyss was so cold that not even the mermaid who was the king of the water could escape, and the corpse was sealed here, so should the spirit be trapped here too?

What is it that can trap so many mermaids here, and what's more, the death is so terrible.

Sang Luo also felt strange, but at the moment, she was more uneasy.

When encountering danger, she has always been the one who rushes to the front, the one who tries her best to improve and fight. She is not used to the feeling that all her power is suppressed, which makes her very insecure subconsciously. feel.

Moreover, this is different from her previous distress, the other party is too strong, and it seems that it is very aimed at her.

Chu Yanshu saw Sang Luo's uneasiness, and raised his hand to slowly transfer the soul power in her body into her body.

Feeling the constant soul power in his body, Sang Luo was slightly stunned, and looked up at Chu Yanshu.

Chu Yanshu lowered his eyes and said in a low voice,
"Do you still remember the soul seal I left in your soul sea before? Use it to absorb soul power, store it in the soul sea, and supplement it with a spirit seal. Do you still remember the formation seal taught to you by Yaochi Xianzun? Use spiritual power If it can be produced, it can also be done with soul power."

Sang Luo froze for a moment, then looked into Chu Yanshu's eyes.

In the abyss, two people are still sinking.

And Chu Yanshu looked at Sang Luo with a pair of dark eyes, and said in a low voice,

"Sang Luo, you have to remember that you major in swordsmanship, but you are not only good at swordsmanship, you also have many things to survive."

As a monk, it is naturally impossible to rely on one point to walk on the road of longevity.

"You are the Phoenix Lord of the Phoenix Clan. You completed Nirvana when you were in the Nascent Soul Realm. After Nirvana, you have rebuilt your muscles and bones. Whether it is the physical body or the soul, it cannot be the same as before."

It's time for her to learn more.

Sang Luo lowered her eyes slightly as she listened, and the Phoenix Lord's order pattern in her palm was slightly hot. The power was very weak, but it allowed her to finally re-establish the connection with Linghai.

She raised her eyes to look at Chu Yanshu, a pleasant smile flashed in her eyes.

The soul power he crossed into her soul sea loosened the confinement in the soul sea. At that moment, she seemed to have caught something.

Chu Yanshu looked at the endless abyss and said softly,

"Just adjust your breath, and I will do the rest."

Sang Luo nodded, and gently condensed his spirit breath, using the soul seal in the sea of ​​souls as a guide, transforming all the spirit energy imprisoned in his body into soul breath...

(End of this chapter)

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