Sang Luo's complexion changed slightly upon hearing this,

"What, Master is injured?"

How could the master be injured? In this world, no one can be the opponent of the master, even if the immortal is alive, it is impossible.
The only person who can hurt the Master is...
"Is it the Floating Tower?"

Sang Luo looked at Lu Huaizhi nervously,

"What happened to the Fusheng Tower?"

Lu Huaizhi nodded,
"There are some changes, but they have been suppressed by the joint efforts of the uncle and Elder Huang Tian."

Sang Luo's face was not very good-looking, she looked at Lu Huaizhi,

"We encountered the remnant soul of the demon god in the mysterious territory of Hongmeng."

Lu Huaizhi lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice,
"The aura of the Twelve Demon Emperors in the Floating Tower is gone. It must be that the Demon God devoured them completely in order to get out of trouble."

He also didn't know until now that not only the twelve demon emperors were sealed in the floating tower, but also the most powerful demon god of the demon race.

If the demon god is born, no one can stop them on this interface.

"It has to be suppressed."

Sang Luo murmured, raised her eyes to look at Elder Zhou who was sitting on the main seat,
"I don't know if Tiansuan Pavilion can do it?"

Behind, Su Ruowan also looked up at Elder Zhou.

Her complexion is not very good-looking, and her figure is even a little shaky.

Ever since she stepped into Howling City, she felt a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

Somewhere, she seemed to sense something.

Elder Zhou walked down from the main hall slowly holding the secret weapon of Tiansuan Pavilion, and said to Sang Luo,
"There is a way, but it's all about children."

Sang Luo was stunned for a moment.

Elder Zhou walked to their side and stopped in front of Su Ruowan.

For a moment, Su Ruowan seemed to have guessed something.

Elder Zhou looked at the blood-stained woman in white clothes in front of him, and said softly,
"Su Ruowan, the 312th generation disciple of Tiansuan Pavilion, obeys the order."

Su Ruowan closed her eyes deeply,

"The disciple is here."

Elder Zhou looked at Su Ruowan,
"The decree of the previous suzerain, Su Ruowan will inherit the position of the pavilion master of the Tianshu Pavilion, and will take office immediately."

Su Ruowan opened her eyes and looked at Elder Zhou, her face was pale and bloodless,
"The disciple has fallen into the Asura Way, so please ask the elder to temporarily take the position of Pavilion Master. After Zhou Wenting breaks the Dao, he will be passed on to him."

Tiansuan Pavilion, the owner of the pavilion who has never fallen into the way of Shura.

Elder Zhou's face changed slightly after hearing this,
"You have fallen into the Asura Way."

Lu Huaizhi was also breathless, and looked sideways at Su Ruowan.

Su Ruowan nodded,

The hands under Lu Huaizhi's sleeves were slightly clenched, and he suddenly felt pain like a needle prick in his chest. Although they had already reached this point, it was hard to accept it when it really came to this day.

Fallen Asura Taoist. Eternally Falling into Yama
Zhou Wenting looked at Su Ruowan, the light in his eyes dimmed for an instant, senior sister... it's too hard.

Elder Zhou paused for a long time before speaking,
"In that case, I will take the place of suzerain temporarily."

He said, looking at Sang Luo,
"Please, my friend, come back to Tianji Pavilion with me."

Sang Luo listened with doubts in his eyes,

"Go to Tianji Pavilion, what are you doing?"

Although the demons retreat temporarily, there are still a large number of incarnate powerhouses hiding behind the Canglanhai, and the remnant souls of the demon gods are still staring at the floating tower, ready to move.

Although Moming died, no one knew what kind of calculations he left behind after his death.

In fact, in the last battle, if he wanted to avoid it, he could dodge it.

But he chose to die by her hands.

I'm afraid the purpose is to let the race relax its vigilance.

But right after Moming's death, the demon god was born, so it doesn't matter whether the demon clan has this demon god or not.

There will be new people to lead the demons
Second update~

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