Sang Luo thought of everything very clearly, Mo Ming spent so many years of painstaking effort, and set up such a game, every time it was against the Fusheng Tower.

It is impossible for him to catch his long-cherished wish without his hands.

It must be, he calculated, what his death can bring him.

Moreover, it will not affect the follow-up plan in the slightest.

Sang Luo couldn't guess Moming's other plans, but his ultimate goal must be the Fusheng Pagoda.

So what they can do now is to guard the Floating Tower.

Elder Zhou leaned over to salute, and only said three words,
"Save the common people."

Sang Luo quickly supported Elder Zhou, but she didn't quite understand what he meant.

Chu Yanshu seemed to have thought of something, and his complexion was not very good-looking.

He raised his hand to grab Sang Luo's hand, and brought her behind him.

The young man looked up at Elder Zhou, his voice was cold,

"Save the common people? How to save the common people? You Tianji Pavilion, you'd better explain the matter clearly."

How to save common people?
How can it be considered as saving the common people?

What Sang Luo has been doing all along, killing demons and killing immortals, isn't that beneficial to the common people?

Now, what is the meaning of Tianjuan Pavilion's presenting this grand ceremony?
The scene of the blood sacrifice in his previous life suddenly flashed in his mind, the long sword pierced through his heart, blood flowed all over the ground, and the severe pain seemed to tear his soul apart.

He can return to the starting point, but Sang Luo may not have such luck.

Tian Suan Pavilion's selfless help has always been purposeful.

If the ultimate purpose of these help is to make Sang Luo a blood sacrifice like his previous life, Chu Yanshu is naturally unwilling.

He didn't want to go to the end of the road arranged by Tianjuan Pavilion.

Salvation and sacrifice are not completely equated.

What's more, after the blood sacrifice, it may not be possible to exchange Cang Wu's life.

Blind offerings and sacrifices are meaningless at all!
Sang Luo looked at Chu Yanshu's changing expression, looked up at Elder Zhou, and said,

"I also ask Elder Zhou to make it clear."

Su Ruowan also raised her head, and in father's last hexagram, the figures of Chu Yanshu and Sang Luo appeared.

But how can the two of them save the common people?

"Elder Zhou, I also want to know what is the last ray of life in Cangwu Fourteen Prefectures?"

Elder Zhou's eyes darkened when he heard this, and he raised his hand to grab Chu Yanshu on top of the hall——

Sang Luo's face changed slightly, and he immediately stopped him with a sword.

The phoenix fire burst out from the body, and stirred with the force in the center of the hall, and the aftermath spread hundreds of miles away.

At the corner of the clothes of the City Lord's Mansion, Su Changli opened his eyes, his complexion changed slightly,
"Sang Luo."

The next moment, he disappeared in place.

Elder Zhou's sudden action shocked everyone in the hall.

Su Ruowan seems to have seen something through many causes and effects.

A blush flashed across her eyes, and she arrived in front of Elder Zhou in an instant, and was about to walk towards his heart when she raised her hand.

But Elder Zhou seemed to have expected it a long time ago, raising the scepter in his hand was to make a killing move towards Su Ruowan.

"Ah night!"

Lu Huaizhi's complexion changed slightly, and he walked towards Su Ruowan. At the same time, he raised his hand and shot out a talisman, towards Elder Zhou.

The three forces landed on Elder Zhou at the same time. Zhou Wenting looked at Elder Zhou, who was bleeding from the corner of his lips, and ran two steps forward, with scarlet bloodshot eyes,

The boy stopped in front of his father, his eyes filled with tears.

He saw that his father was surrounded by black air, which was... the breath of magic.

how could be?

It's only been a few months, how could he transform into a demon!
The third update~

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