After the divorce failed, I brought Long Ao Tianjuan to renovate the real world

Chapter 903 The first snowfall of Shang Dynasty 1 First meeting in Shengjing

Chapter 903 The first snowfall of Shang Dynasty 1 First meeting in Shengjing
On the 30th of the twelfth lunar month, there was a heavy snowfall in Shengjing City.

The imperial city had just experienced a bloodbath, and under the red walls and green tiles wrapped in silver, there was still an atmosphere of chilling.

The snow is still falling outside, falling one after another across the city. Red lanterns are hung at the door of every house, but they are closed.

At that time, Murong Chuxue was sitting on the second floor of the teahouse drinking tea.

After the war nine hundred years ago, Yu Heng died as a martyr and lost his soul.

But she didn't believe that he would die in this world, so she searched every inch of the world, from the fourteen continents of Cangwu to the mortal realm.

She always felt that one day, they would meet again.


Shengjing City, within the walls of the Mortal Realm Palace, had just experienced a change of power, and she happened to encounter it.

Above the solemn imperial city, purple and black auras intertwined, the true dragon aura was weak, and the emperor star was weak at the beginning, which was a sign of great misfortune.

Originally, she shouldn't get involved in matters in the mortal realm.

But it seems that there is a cultivator's handiwork in this killing.

Murong Chuxue withdrew her gaze and poured herself a cup of tea, but when she lowered her eyes, she saw someone.

To be precise, it's a silhouette.

The young man was dressed in thin white clothes, with long hair disheveled, almost blending into the vast snow.

Murong Chuxue was stunned for a moment, it looked so similar.

His figure overlapped with that of the man nine hundred years ago. In a daze, Murong Chuxue seemed to see the immortal coming towards her sword in the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. The breeze made his bones, and the snow and moon were his soul. He was unparalleled in the world. .

But in this moment of confusion, she appeared downstairs, and when she looked back, she was already standing in front of the young man.

Seeing this immortal who looked like a fairy from the Nine Heavens, Shang Shixu was also stunned for a moment.

Yesterday, he just experienced a family change.

The merchant has been the emperor's teacher for generations, and his grandfather was a minister of this prosperous dynasty. The family was prosperous, but once he was involved in the fight for the heir, he suffered a disaster. The second prince launched a mutiny, killed the emperor and the prince, and bloodbathed the merchants. Dynasties changed overnight, but he was the only one to escape.

Originally, he was calculating how long he could live and whether he could do anything before death, either to save his grandson or to assassinate the second prince.
My grandfather often said that the prince is kind, follows the way of a gentleman, can lead the people to recuperate, and is a king in a prosperous age.

The second prince is warlike and pursues the path of a hegemon. He can be a hero in troubled times, but now, the world has not long been settled, and it can no longer withstand wars.

As the blood drained, he could feel his life slipping away.

Before he was about to fall into coma, he saw that clear shadow appear in front of him.

The blood fell down with the clothes, and the dazzling red fell into the snow, and then was covered by the heavy snow.

Maybe, he thought, there was nothing he could do.

At this moment, he even thought he was in an illusion and muttered to himself,

"Is he an immortal?"

"It must be a god. But if a god comes, can it give the people of Dasheng a new way of life?"

Murong Chuxue was just stunned for a moment. The moment she saw Shang Shixu's face clearly, she came to her senses.

He is not him.

The backs are somewhat similar, but not.

And it was only at this glance that she saw the life that the young man in front of her should have spent.

He was born in a scholarly family. He was enlightened at the age of three. He is nearly as intelligent as a demon and is both civil and military.

Originally, at the age of seventeen, he was supposed to win three yuan in a row and become the youngest Jinshi in the Dasheng Dynasty, and then assist the young emperor to create the Qingming Dynasty.

But now, his life has been changed.

Phew~I'm back~

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