After the divorce failed, I brought Long Ao Tianjuan to renovate the real world

Chapter 904 Shang Shixu Chuxue 2 Kill the person you want to kill

Chapter 904 Shang Shixu Chuxue 2 Kill the person you want to kill
The fate of Po Jun, who was supposed to be an extremely human minister, was replaced by seven kills, and he was about to die suddenly.

Even if he is born in the mortal realm, he has spiritual roots. Even if he does not enter the spiritual path, with such a physique, he will definitely live a long life in the mortal realm.

But now, someone has dug up his spiritual roots.

Originally, his life should have been a smooth road.

But now, even if he survives, he will probably be in a bloody storm for the rest of his life.

Murong Chuxue sighed softly, raised her hand to concentrate, transferred the spiritual power into the young man's body, and said softly,

"It's your luck to meet me."

In her opinion, even if it is a bloody life, it is better than death.

In the past, when Murong Chuxue encountered this kind of thing, it was all based on her mood. If others died, they would die, and it had nothing to do with her.

But in those years, Yuheng taught her to care about the common people and to be compassionate to the world.

With the introduction of spiritual power, Shang Shixu, who was originally seriously injured, gradually regained his consciousness, his eyes focused, and the clear shadow gradually became clear——

It seems like the moon in the sky, not like a mortal.

"Is he an immortal?"

The young man murmured in a low voice, his eyes full of confusion. Is this a hallucination before his death?
Or he was really lucky enough to meet an immortal.

Murong Chuxue looked at the young man who was full of vitality and spoke softly,
"Destiny has been decided, and the path forward can still be changed. Are you willing to worship me as your master and be my disciple?"

What she likes to do most in her life is to reverse her destiny.

Heavy snow like goose feathers fell from the sky, and the cold wind hurt people's faces.

But where the woman stood, the snowflakes avoided each other, and it was as warm as spring.

As the injury improved, the young man's eyes gradually became clear. He got up from the ground, looked at the stunning and beautiful woman in front of him, kowtowed to her, his voice was low and hoarse,
"Disciples discuss the timing and pay homage to the Master."

"The demons are rampant in the city. I wonder if I can ask Master to bring order to the chaos and save the people of Dasheng."

The second prince is not a wise king. If he ascends to the throne, the war will continue and people will be in ruins.

Murong Chuxue raised her eyes and looked in the direction of the imperial city. Dark clouds covered the sun, full of evil spirits.
"If you don't tell me, I will also kill the demon." The immortal ignores human affairs and can only protect and not interfere.

But this man seeks power in the mortal world by being able to see a bit of destiny. He deserves to die.

She raised her hand to take Shang Shixu and flew away directly into the air.

The afterimage of the immortal passed over Shengjing. Shang Shixu looked at the old house that had just been set on fire in the northwest, feeling dazed for a moment.

The next moment, he appeared in the imperial city.

Shang Shixu looked at Murong Chuxue, a little worried.

"Master, that demon's methods are very powerful. He has a handle on floating dust."

"no need to worry."

Before he could finish speaking, Murong Chuxue interrupted him.
"It's just a small foundation building. You can kill him yourself without me taking action."


Shang Shixu was stunned.

Murong Chuxue condensed a long sword and a magic formula in his hand, with a cold tone.
"This sword will be your sword from now on."

"In a quarter of an hour, learn this technique, enter this imperial city, and kill the people you want to kill."

"This is your first lesson in becoming my disciple."

"If you can't do it, I will help you kill him, but this is the fate of you and me, master and disciple."

"From now on, you can stay in the mortal world and be a good official."

She doesn't seem to be joking.

Shang Shixu also calmed down his mind, took the sword and the technique, and said in a deep voice,
"Thank you Master for the sword."

He said, looking up at Murong Chuxue,
"Disciples must live up to Master's expectations."

He will definitely kill the demon, pass the test, and follow her.

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