Chapter 928 Su Changluo Ningxi 9 Death Struggle
Who in this world can see a person dying in front of him and not help him?
Especially when you can do it easily.

"It's right to save people."

The sycamore tree spirit closed its eyes,

"You can tamper with the cause and effect, and you will be punished by heaven."

Su Changluo laughed angrily at this theory.
"Is it possible that when I save someone, I have to see through his past and present lives, past and future, and know whether he will be a good person or a bad person in the future before I can save him?"

Things are unpredictable, who can make the final decision?

The sycamore tree spirit fell silent.

Ning Xi woke up early the next morning.

When she woke up, Su Changluo had already dug the hole and went back and forth between the village and the capital to take a look at the Ning family for her.

The Ning Mansion was brightly lit last night, and he used some tricks to get the letter to the Ning family early.

When Mrs. Ning saw the letter, she lost her temper and smashed everything in the house.

But when she calmed down, she said to the master of Ning Mansion,

"This beautiful lady has always been very scheming. Now she wants to die and she wants to trick me. I won't fall into her trap."

The candlelight reflected on the woman's graceful and beautiful profile, but it looked particularly cold and stern.

"Now that she is dead, you can take the child back if you want, but she cannot be my daughter!"

Her daughter is a talented girl in this capital and the future prince and concubine. As for the others, she doesn’t recognize them and won’t believe them!
She has been with her father, Qin Se, for more than ten years, and they have a son and a daughter. They are the head of the family who is envied by everyone in the capital. She cannot accept that she is raising a daughter for the person she hates most in her life, let alone her own. The daughter has been raised by Yu Niang and left to be a concubine!
Therefore, Yu Niang’s letter is fake, and it can only be fake! It's just her own death struggle!

"My only daughter is Yao'er!"

The master of the Ning Mansion rubbed his brows and accepted his wife's statement.

It doesn't matter to the madam, and it doesn't matter to him either. No matter which one she is, she is his daughter. The important thing is that Ning Yao has been raised by his wife since she was a child. She is a talented and well-known girl in the capital. She will soon enter the palace to accompany the princess, and she will at least be a prince's concubine in the future.

As for the other one, it doesn't matter whether she is his wife's daughter or Yu Niang's unscrupulous words before she died.

After being raised in the countryside for decades, it has long since become useless.

"Then just follow what the lady said."

Lord Ning spoke,

"But she is the daughter of the Ning family after all. She cannot be left alone. I will send people to find her. If she has lost her virginity, she will twist her hair and send her up the mountain to be an aunt, so as not to come back and annoy the madam."

Mrs. Ning said nothing, but she acquiesced to Mr. Ning's statement.

The couple's words decided the rest of Ning Xi's life.

They couldn't bear the loss and harm that this matter would bring to them if it were true, so they could only insist that this was just nonsense from Yu Niang and she was just struggling to the death.

Su Changluo lowered his eyes slightly as he listened to the conversation between the couple, and disappeared into the night.


When Ning Xi woke up, she didn't know when the injury on her arm had healed.

Moreover, the whole person walks very lightly, and you can even see many small light spots.

For a moment, she thought she was dead.

But when he saw Su Changluo, he was brought back to reality.

But why is there still someone standing next to him?

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