After the divorce failed, I brought Long Ao Tianjuan to renovate the real world

Chapter 929 Su Changluo Ningxi 10 Recruiting a Disciple

Chapter 929 Su Changluo Ningxi 10 Recruiting a Disciple
The man also looked like a young man, with long dark green hair, emerald eyes, cold white complexion, and an indifferent aura lingering around him.

For a moment, Ning Xi felt her head hurt.

Is it an illusion?

How could there be someone with dark green hair and emerald green pupils?

But why did she seem to have seen this person before?

The sycamore tree spirit glanced at Ning Xi. He knew that she had seen him, but he didn't say anything. He just glanced at Su Changluo and returned to the sycamore tree.

Su Changluo saw Ning Xi going out and took out a bowl of gruel from the kitchen.
"Have something to eat."

Ning Xi walked towards him, her voice was hoarse because she cried so hard last night,

"That person just now"

"It's a tree spirit."

Su Changluo said,

"You have entered the spiritual path and can see things that you couldn't see before."

"Spiritual path?"

Ning Xi's eyes were a little confused.

Su Changluo placed the bowl of porridge in front of her and said softly,

"Well, you are the legendary immortal. I see that you have spiritual roots. Come with me and become your teacher. I will teach you how to practice."

Ning Xi was stunned for a while. She had just experienced such a big thing, and now he was talking about cultivating immortals to her. She couldn't react for a while.

Su Changluo was not in a hurry, so he stayed beside her quietly to accompany her, giving her time to digest everything.

He helped her bury Yu Niang, and stayed with her in this wooden house for seven full days, the first seven days.

On the seventh day, Ning Xi kowtowed to Yu Niang, bid her farewell, and set off on the journey home with Su Changluo. The Wutong tree spirit continued to guard the yard day after day, protecting this piece of heaven and earth.

The day after Ning Xi and Su Changluo left, the Ning family arrived.

But those people didn't find Ning Xi and Yuniang. They only saw a new tomb, which was Yuniang's grave.

After the visitor got over the panic, they started looking for Ning Xi. However, when they found the Liu family that Yu Niang had mentioned, they found that Mr. Liu was holding a funeral.

It turned out that Mr. Liu was recruiting new people that day, but in the early morning of the next day, he was found lying on the ground alone, suffering from cold and wind, and hemiplegia.

After the doctor diagnosed and treated her, she was told to take good care of her. However, within a few days, another cold wind came and took her away completely.

Everyone in the Liu family was busy with Mr. Liu's funeral, and no one had time to find a little girl who had escaped.

Naturally, the people from the Ning Mansion didn't find Ning Xi. They searched the entire village and the town, but they couldn't find Ning Xi.

The sycamore tree is still growing slowly in the yard, with a huge crown and luxuriant branches.

He had stayed in this yard for more than ten years, and he was used to listening to Yu Niang's scolding and watching Ning Xi busy working.

But now the yard is suddenly empty, leaving only a solitary grave, which is still a bit unaccustomed to it.

Autumn turned to spring, and in early March, a person came to the yard.

A man, about thirty years old, wearing a dark green gown, tall and tall, and handsome in appearance.

He brought a bouquet of camellias and placed them in front of Yu Niang’s grave. He stood there for a long time and read a poem,

"Ten years of life and death are boundless. If you don't think about it, you will never forget it."

Wutong tree spirit couldn't understand. Isn't this poem a poem in memory of his deceased wife?

He recognized this man. He was the head of the Ning family, Master Ning of the capital. He used to be the heir apparent of the Hou Mansion, but now he should be the Marquis of the Hou Mansion.

But isn't he already married, and he is still in harmony with his wife, and their love is unquestionable?
In the past ten years, hadn't he driven Yu Niang away from the Ning family and rushed here?

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