Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 104 Important Truth

Yan Yuan saw the difference in Zhang Ling's eyes.

There is a sense of familiarity buried in the bottom of my heart.

That was exactly the affectionate look in her eyes when she looked at Qi Diaozhe back then.

Intuition told Yan Yuan that Zhang Ling definitely did not express her love for Li Xiang by sublimating her feelings for Li Xiang.

I faintly feel that this is a kind of embezzlement.

little flea.

Yes, that's the name.

At first, when Yan Yuan heard her address Li Xiang like this, he didn't have such an obvious feeling.

It's just that they simply feel that after the class reunion, the two of them have a deeper relationship.

Listening to Zhang Ling addressing her face to face again today, I faintly felt an inexplicable sense of disobedience.

When she called him, she obviously felt that he was not him in her eyes.

Yan Yuan looked at Li Xiang again, the kindness of her nature prompted her to ignite endless sympathy, and an urge to step forward and expose the truth.

Especially Li Xiang, who was kept in the dark, had a happy smile on his face when he heard the name "little flea".

Yan Yuan's impulsiveness also inexplicably became stronger.

Li Xiangben smiled at Zhang Ling innocently, as if enjoying her praise.

"Li Xiang" suddenly echoed in the private room.

Li Xiang restrained his smile, looked sideways at Yan Yuan seriously and asked:

"Is something wrong?"

Yan Yuan has been addressing brother-in-law since the first meeting, but this formal and serious address made him a little unaccustomed to it.

Obviously, this is to prepare to tell him some important secret.

"Yes, I think there is something I must tell you." Yan Yuan glanced at Zhang Ling with a bit of shame on his face.

It was this expression that made Li Xiang mistakenly think that Yan Yuan had thoughts about him.

He swallowed nervously, and subconsciously glanced at Zhang Ling.

It seems to be telling her silently, asking her to believe him no matter what she hears later.

Believing that she has already occupied the entire space in his heart, he promises that he will never allow anyone's love again.

He vaguely saw her smile, as if he had received an affirmative answer.

Only then did he pluck up the courage to look at Yan Yuan and ask:
"What do you want to say? Say it, I'm listening."

"It's about the past."

Yan Yuan bit his lip lightly, as if he had made up his mind, and subconsciously glanced at Zhang Ling again.

Zhang Ling also realized from Yan Yuan's gaze that the matter she was about to say probably had something to do with her.

Based on what she said before, I don't think Yan Yuan will mention her first love.

Of course, these are just her guesses.

She tried her best to calm herself down, and stared at Yan Yuan with a little nervousness just like Li Xiang.

"The past! Who's past?" Li Xiang looked at Zhang Ling with some curiosity and continued with a smile, "I'm only interested in her now. If it's about other people, I'm sorry I'm not interested at all."

Listening to Li Xiang's words, Zhang Ling's restless heart calmed down for a while.

"Yes, I'm talking about her past."


Zhang Ling looked at Yan Yuan in surprise.

About her past, she must tell Li Xiang.

She first thought that Yan Yuan probably wanted to mention his first love, Qi Diao Zhe.

With Yan Yuan's affirmation, Li Xiang finally became interested, glanced at Zhang Ling and said with a smile:
"Okay, you say."

While Yan Yuan nodded, he looked at Zhang Ling and said:
"Zhang Ling, I'm sorry, I know this matter, and it's a bit unkind for me to expose it. But I think it would be too cruel to my brother-in-law if I didn't tell it."

Only then did Zhang Ling fully realize what Yan Yuan was going to say.

The alarm bell of danger is ringing!
Yan Yuan has a problem. In order to "perfectly restore" the truth of the matter, he always likes to use some four-character words that don't match.

Just going through similar scenes in her mind made her break out in cold sweat.

She didn't dare to let Yan Yuan be her spokesperson.

So she took the initiative to grab Yan Yuan's hand and asked:

"Are you trying to say that I had a crush on a boy named Qi Diaozhe in high school?"

"Yeah!" Yan Yuan nodded suspiciously.

Then I heard Li Xiang say:

"I know this!"

Yan Yuan looked at Li Xiang with even more surprise and doubt:
"What! You know?"

But Li Xiang didn't know that "little flea" was Qi Diaozhe's nickname at first.

In order to cover up the truth, Zhang Ling deliberately stood by Li Xiang's side, looked at Li Xiang with a smile and continued:
"Yan Yuan, do you think that with Li Xiang's status, even if I don't tell him this, he won't know my information?"

Yan Yuan originally wanted to reveal the important truth about "Little Flea"!

But after hearing Zhang Ling's words, Yan Yuan said:

As soon as Yan Yuan spoke, she always felt that if she continued, she would be as ridiculous as a clown.

Zhang Ling felt that what she just said was obviously flattering and praising him.

But when she saw Li Xiang's face, she didn't show the slightest feeling of happiness.

Because he is struggling with who he is at the moment?

When he heard her words of affirmation to him, a proud smile subconsciously flashed across his face.

That smile was indeed from the heart.

There is no element of pretentious acting.

It seemed that at that moment he really felt that he was the real Li Xiang.

The real big boss of Zhihua Technology.

Then he remembered that the day Muzi invited him to dinner, Grandpa Liu reminded him not to forget his roots.

That voice soothed his soul.

Let him fall into a brief moment of self-blame...

He blamed himself for forgetting his roots and losing himself as Grandpa Liu said.

It is true that he plays a role for a long time. In order to make the role vivid and real, he often puts his true feelings into it.

Doing so leads to a realistic role playing.

And he himself sometimes wonders who he is more than once?
Why did he appear on some occasions where he should not have come?


Waiting for the soul-like self-question made him even more confused and entangled.

In the past, when he couldn't make it, there was grandma, as his strong spiritual support, supporting him not to lose himself.

Therefore, when playing the real Li Xiang, there will always be a period of time that forces him to recognize who he is.

He hadn't had that kind of time since grandma passed away.

Basically always in a high-load working state.

Even though he often meets Zhang Ling, most of the time he plays the role of the real Li Xiang because of the occasion.

Even if he had the opportunity to take off the disguise for a while, he still couldn't face Zhang Ling with his true colors.

Because he really wasn't sure whether Zhang Ling would resolutely leave after knowing the truth of the matter.

After all, he officially became her boyfriend by virtue of his true identity as Li Xiang.

To be honest, Li Xiang regretted using the real Li Xiang's identity to help Zhang Ling out.

So much so that it became a joke for him to choose the traditional blind date.

That's right!

It really became a joke.

Choosing the traditional blind date at the beginning is to show the true self to the other party.

Now he is mostly showing the other party the other person he is playing.

To be honest, he would mercilessly reprimand himself now when no one was around.

Derogatory words such as hypocrisy and vanity filled his ears.

This is not the result of the blind date he wanted.

As time goes by, the pleasant moments when meeting Zhang Ling gradually become different from the past.

Sometimes it turned into torment because of the inexplicable guilt in his heart.

Li Xiang's complex expression caught Zhang Ling's attention.

Said that he was disappointed that he did not hear valuable clues from Yan Yuan.

But the disappointment is obviously a little more self-deprecating irritation.

This feeling is obviously caused by what he thought of?

She stood up beside Li Xiang with a bit of worry, put her hand on his shoulder and said:

"What's wrong with you? You seem to have something on your mind. Tell me if you can. Believe me, I must be a competent listener."

He looked up at her and smiled, the idea of ​​what to say did flash through his mind, but his reason quickly extinguished this dangerous thought and shook his head and said:

"No, it's okay. I just thought of grandma."

Yan Yuan, on the other hand, said inappropriately:
"Mr. Li, I remember that your grandma has passed away for many years. It is rumored that your relationship is not very good. I am curious what do you miss grandma?"

Even when Zhang Ling was talking to Yan Yuan, she kept winking to tell him to shut up.

Yan Yuan, who was selectively blind, finally finished what he wanted to say.

I saw that after Li Xiang finished listening, a bit of sadness appeared on his face, and his calm tone became a little more choked.

"That's just a rumor after all. Grandma... Grandma is very kind to me..."

The two women watched Li Xiang's lips move obviously, but they could no longer hear any sound, as if the world suddenly lost its voice for this.

Just to follow Li Xiang in silent tribute to the deceased grandma.

After immersing himself in for a while, Yan Yuan couldn't stand the current atmosphere, so he took the initiative to ask:
"Brother-in-law, I'm sorry, I want to make sure, are you still talking? I can only see your mouth moving, but I can't hear any words."

Li Xiang seemed to have entered a ritual state, and was suddenly interrupted by Yan Yuan's words, with a hint of displeasure in his blank expression.

"Oh, didn't you hear? I guess I was talking to myself."

Are you really talking to yourself?
Zhang Ling, who was the closest, didn't believe it.

Because she heard every word clearly.

Moreover, the sound of each character is so thick, powerful and clearly distinguishable.

At the moment when Li Xiang lost his voice, it seemed that there were only two of them alive in this world.

And only she knows his every thought best.

Even if the other party only moved his lips without making any sound, she could clearly hear every word he said.

"No, you spoke. I heard it, and I heard it clearly."

Zhang Ling's voice echoed in the private room.

Even Li Xiang himself found this answer very abrupt.

Because he did not make a sound on purpose.

I just want to express my thoughts and repentance to grandma in this way.

Yes, there is indeed a confession.

Because he really almost lost himself after his grandma passed away.

"Listen clearly!" Li Xiang looked at Zhang Ling in disbelief and said.

Zhang Ling nodded with a smile and continued:

"I know you are very reluctant to part with grandma's sudden death. Because your dearest grandma passed away suddenly, it is normal for you to lose yourself occasionally."

When Li Xiang heard what Zhang Ling said, his nerves obviously tensed up.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ling did hear clearly.

I was even a little bit worried that Zhang Ling would threaten something because of this?
But after thinking about it, he smiled gratifiedly again.

Because he felt that Zhang Ling could hear what he said clearly.

Then maybe they are really a fate specially arranged by Tianan as grandma said.

He was suddenly full of confidence in the development of his relationship with Zhang Ling.

"You don't need to underestimate yourself too much. Really! It's good that you can do what you are doing now. You just need to continue to live a good life according to your own heart. I believe that Grandma Izumi Izumi will be pleased to send you blessings .”

When Li Xiang heard this, he felt a bit like a child who couldn't grow up, and plunged into Zhang Ling's arms and shed tears.

Because Li Xiang felt that apart from grandma, there was no one of the opposite sex who knew him so well in this world.

She even suddenly regards Zhang Ling as her dearest mother.

Although his mother remarried after abandoning him cruelly.

He also likes to fantasize about it.

So some people say that a man is always like a child who can't grow up.

Before I got married, my mother always took care of me and grew up, and I never knew what sorrow was;

After marriage, the man's wife takes over the baton of the man's mother and continues to play the role of the man's mother to take care of the man...

Therefore, some men can only truly mature and grow up after divorce or the death of their parents.

Yan Yuan looked at the interaction between the two of them in surprise, and his mouth and even his whole body felt sore.

Looking at the two who were throwing dog food wildly in front of him, he shook his head and said:

"Alas, let me ask you two, can you hold back a little bit, there are still single dogs eating here. My teeth are soured by you. But they are not full yet! Be careful, I will sue you for cruelty to animals."

Zhang Ling and Zhang Ling looked at each other and smiled tacitly at this moment, then looked at Yan Yuan and said in unison:
"Then let's have a drink."

After Yan Yuan heard it, he obediently followed suit and took a sip of boiled water.

Then put down the water glass in his hand, and said a little angrily:
"I drank it. Brother-in-law, are you planning to let me have a full drink?"

Li Xiang shook his head with a meaningful smile and said:
"No, no, the main purpose of drinking a sip of plain water is to dilute the sour taste in your mouth before eating. If one sip is not enough, then drink a few more. Don't worry, I can let them take care of it."

Yan Yuan stepped forward with a bit of anger, glared at Li Xiang, pulled Zhang Ling to her side and said coquettishly:

"What! Lingling, your man is too bad! It's obvious that he doesn't want me to eat."

Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiang with a serious expression, then at Yan Yuan and said:

"Sister, are you that obedient? According to what I have known about you for many years, you should not be so obedient!"


While talking, Yan Yuan, like a mountain native who has never seen the world, threw himself on the table and began to eat and drink.

From time to time, he also expresses that he must eat poor Li Xiang and other words.

Yan Yuan's words and deeds instantly brought endless joy to the three of them.

Li Xiang's previous negative emotions also disappeared together.

The three of them had already put down the bowls and chopsticks in their hands.

At this time, Li Xiang expressed to Yan Yuan that he wanted to ask Yan Yuan to pretend to be his girlfriend and help Chen Jian get through tonight's blind date.

Yan Yuan was a little excited when he heard it.

In the end, I don't know what Li Xiang said was wrong.

Yan Yuan opened his mouth to completely stop Li Xiang from continuing to persuade.

He even threatened that if Li Xiang continued to talk, he would pull Zhang Ling away immediately.

Li Xiang felt that this seemed to be an opportunity, so he tentatively looked at Zhang Ling and asked:
"If I continue to persuade Yan Yuan, will you really leave with Yan Yuan?"

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