If this question should be left in the past, she would give the answer without hesitation.

At that time, apart from her father, Yan Yuan was the most important thing in her opinion.

Even Xiaodouzi will be ranked behind Yan Yuan.

When she heard this question today, she just wanted to say that she would leave with Yan Yuan.

He hesitated and fell silent without thinking about opening his mouth.

Yan Yuan on the side couldn't wait and said:
"Honey, is this question difficult to answer? Based on our years of sisterhood, of course we choose..."

Zhang Ling picked up Yan Yuan's words in time and said:

"That's right!"

Yan Yuan proudly looked at the frustrated Li Xiang, just about to show off that he has a good girlfriend, Zhang Ling's words unexpectedly sounded in his ears.

"I choose not to choose."

After hearing Zhang Ling's answer, Yan Yuan almost exploded and said:

"What the hell is choosing not to choose?"

It was precisely because he understood the tongue-twisting answer that Yan Yuan lost his balance.

"Just don't choose."

Yan Yuan thought that Zhang Ling would change her mind because of her reaction.

I never thought about it and got affirmation again.

"Why?" Yan Yuan asked in disbelief.

Zhang Ling calmly said with a naughty smile:
"That's a matter between you. Why do you want to involve me and make me make boring choices. No, I won't choose. Let's see what you can do to me?"

For the first time, Yan Yuan heard Zhang Ling's answer of abandoning her.

The many imbalances in my heart are all because of Li Xiang.

So he smashed his mouth and shook his head and said:

"I've always thought that the word obscenity is only reserved for men. I, Yan Yuan, will never use it in my life. Zhang Ling, I misunderstood you! Hmph..."

"I..." Zhang Ling wanted to explain.

"There is no need to explain. Your behavior has already been explained." Yan Yuan curled his lips and said.

Zhang Ling was a little puzzled and said:
"What did I explain?"

Yan Yuan sneered in disappointment and said:

"I didn't expect, oh, I didn't expect, Lingling, you actually ignored our sisterhood for many years for a man."

"Do I have it?"

Zhang Ling knew that Yan Yuan blamed her for not answering directly and positively.

It's a bit like a wife and concubine in the backyard of a mansion complaining about a flirtatious man.

"You have!" Yan Yuan said decisively, "Don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. What do you mean by choosing or not? That's an excuse you deliberately made for staying in the first place."

Zhang Ling stared blankly at Yan Yuan, as if she had hit her little thought.

Li Xiang felt warm when he heard Yan Yuan's aggressiveness towards Zhang Ling.

This is a woman's duplicity.

I think Zhang Ling does have him in his subconscious.

Before, those negative emotions were swept away in an instant.

What he didn't expect was that things ushered in a new turning point.

Yan Yuan came to him at this time and said angrily:
"That's Chen Jian's girlfriend! I agreed to this. You just say how to play it."

This answer made Zhang Ling and Li Xiang dumbfounded.

Wasn't Yan Yuan extremely reluctant before?
Zhang Ling was skeptical and kindly persuaded based on years of sisterhood:
"Yan Yuan, you can't suffer because I didn't promise you..."

"Cut, I'm very happy, okay? I remember you pretended to be a couple with Mr. Li. It's only been a while, and the two of you are as gluey as one person. Why can't you come to me?"

Li Xiang was delighted to hear Yan Yuan's words.

It turned out that the relationship between them was so in Yan Yuan's eyes.

"It's not...you..." Zhang Ling wanted to argue.

But for a while, I don't know where to start?
Yan Yuan didn't wait for Li Xiang's reply, and said anxiously with obvious displeasure:
"Hey, you're a man, just give me a quick word, such ink marks are waiting to make me change my mind. Then I..."

"Don't don't, I'll say it." Li Xiang was anxious when he recovered.

After finally persuading Yan Yuan, he didn't want any more accidents.

So he explained to Yan Yuan according to the plan agreed with Chen Jian last night.

Zhang Ling clearly saw that Yan Yuan was listening to the plan with great interest.

She seemed to suddenly understand.

I understand that Yan Yuan didn't really want to refuse.

Because she remembered that Yan Yuan had once expressed a point of view.

People never cherish what is too easy to get.

Men, especially, showed this flaw to the fullest.

Therefore, women should understand the role of restraint at all times.

It turned out that she was eventually tricked by Yan Yuan.

In other words, Yan Yuan showed her the role of reserve by showing her own experience.

Li Xiang obviously paid more attention to Yan Yuan than when he first invited Yan Yuan.

Even more lucrative rewards were promised for Coach's latest light blue bag.

Among the rewards, of course, is the lipstick that Yan Yuan has always wanted.

For Yan Yuan, this is far more cost-effective than buying directly with his own money.

You only need to play a play to earn money.

By the way, I can have a bit of drama addiction.

Because she often said that she has superb acting skills, has been teased by the gods, and is doing regular copywriting work.

Fortunate to release my natural acting skills.

Yan Yuan was extremely excited, so how could he simply refuse?

Zhang Ling hated her carelessness for forgetting this.

Actually perfectly coordinated with Yan Yuan to act in a play.

Thinking of this, she looked at Yan Yuan and shook her head with a smile.

It's not to deny Yan Yuan's actions, but to admire Yan Yuan from the bottom of his heart.

In other words, she would definitely not be able to do what Yan Yuan did.

As the time for Chen Jian's blind date approached, Li Xiang and Yan Yuan continued to rehearse endlessly.

One dislikes that the other party did not understand what he said, and the other dislikes that the other party's expression is not in place.

Sometimes they would quarrel endlessly like shrews swearing at the street.

At first Zhang Ling was worried that the two would fight, so she stood up vigilantly to fight.

The more times she did it, the more numb she became.

Because she knew that Yan Yuan really wanted to play Chen Jian's girlfriend.

In other words, Yan Yuan has the intention of making a fake show for real.

So even if she was tired of persuading Yan Yuan not to act, it was useless.

Time often passes quickly amidst the noise.

Zhang Ling looked down at her watch more and more frequently.

Kindly remind Li Xiang that the time is almost up.

Li Xiang always smiled and said over and over again:
"Not urgent!"

For a while, it seemed that Zhang Ling couldn't wait to watch the show.

This made her very annoyed.

But he couldn't openly accuse Li of thinking.

I had to put on a bitter face like a child who has been wronged, and hid aside and drank tea all by myself.

She drank and felt something was wrong.

Ask yourself what happened to her?
There's no reason to be angry about something that doesn't seem to have much to do with her.

What's more, he was still angry with Li Xiang.

Logically, she was helping Yan Yuan.

Even if he wanted to be angry, he should be angry with Yan Yuan.

It may be because the aura emanating from Zhang Ling's body is obviously different.

As a result, the careful Li Xiang noticed it.

He suddenly turned his head and found a trace of anger remaining on Zhang Ling's bewildered face.

Why do you say residual?
Because the sense of slavery of this trace of anger is very full.

From this trace of anger alone, one can feel the anger at her peak.

In particular, those piercing eyes knew that they were staring at him at a glance.

His body suddenly trembled like an incoming call.

Obviously something he said or did made her angry.

After thinking about it, I have no clue.

He tentatively asked like caring for a patient:
"Zhang Ling, what's wrong with you? You look a bit ugly. No, we can ignore Chen Jian's affairs for now. I'd better take you to the hospital first."

When Li Xiang spoke, it was as if Zhang Ling had walked over.

Yan Yuan, who has been looking for the feeling of acting, also came to her in surprise.

"What? Zhang Ling, you are sick!"

The sudden attention caught her by surprise.

Looking at the two people swarming in front of her, she said with a smile:
"It's all right, I just thought of my father suddenly. I'm a little angry for no reason. My father always doesn't take me to visit my mother."

"Well, Uncle did go too far." Yan Yuan said.

Li Xiang has been curious since she heard Yan Yuan's introduction on the night when she fell into a coma from a cold.

Looking at her today, he suddenly made a bold guess and said:
"Zhang Ling, I feel like my uncle is hiding something."

He didn't fully express his guess.

I was afraid that I would say that Zhang Ling believed that her mother, who had been dead for more than 30 years, was probably still alive.

Whether this matter is true or not, it will have a huge impact on a person.

I believe that few people will still remain calm.

Zhang Ling was shocked because of the word "concealment".

Thoughts were flying like opening Pandora's box.

All the words about the father against the mother are filtered in the mind.

Especially the scene where the father is telling her mother the bad news is the most suspicious.

At that time, she was full of expectations and continued to ask her mother as before?

Because she knew that today was the day her father promised to tell the truth.

But when my father heard her questioning, he not only pretended to be confused at first, but when he felt that he couldn't make excuses and refused to answer, he suddenly got up with a serious face.

Yes, especially the serious look on his father's face.

Because she couldn't see any trace of sadness.

The problem lies here.

After informing her that her mother had passed away, every year her father would use an excuse to pay homage to her mother at a certain time.

During the days before and after mourning her mother, Zhang Ling still couldn't see any sadness from her father.

Sometimes even humming "Sweet Honey", which is said to be my mother's favorite song.

Once Zhang Ling specifically asked:
"Dad, you hummed this song by Teresa Teng just after commemorating your mother. Do you think it's appropriate?"

The father's humming smile suddenly froze for a while before he accepted and said:

"Girl, you see that the deceased is gone. Paying homage to your mother is just a memory of the deceased. But the living can't stop living well because of the death of an important relative."

At that time, Zhang Ling thought it was reasonable and nodded repeatedly.

But the father continued with a smile:

"Even if your mother can see us in the spirit of heaven. If, seeing you and I live a sad life every day, do you think she can feel at ease?"

"Impossible." She, who was sensible since she was a child, came to the conclusion from empathy.

"Presumably your mother also hopes that you and I live a happy life every day."

Seeing Zhang Ling nodding in agreement, the father concluded:
"So Dad hummed a song according to your mother's wish, it's not too much."

She was really convincing when she heard this speech.

No matter how I think about it now, it seems like my father is justifying his own guilt.

Seeing Zhang Ling with a complex face, Yan Yuan asked again worriedly:

"Lingling, are you really alright?"

"What can I do?" Zhang Ling then put on a calm smile, "I just suddenly remembered something about my father in the past. Don't worry, it's okay."

Although Li Xiang affirmed his conjecture, seeing Zhang Ling's complexion, he continued to ask questions.

Glancing at his watch, it was almost time for the appointment with Chen Jian.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard the rapid ringing of his mobile phone.

Li Xiang answered the phone in public without avoiding it, and Chen Jian's eager voice came first.

"Hey, brother promised that you will help me through this calamity. The time is about to come. But now I can't even see your people. You don't have a conscience and you don't want to leave me alone."

Hearing Chen Jian's complaints, Li Xiang said with an unhappy face:

"Oh, since you said that, then I can only say sorry. By the way, I kindly helped you to investigate that girl and she is indeed a good girl. Then I wish you a happy blind date in advance. Goodbye!"

"Don't, don't hang up! Am I wrong?"

Although Li Xiang didn't see Chen Jian's anxious appearance, he saw Yan Yuan shaking his head at him and waving his hands at the same time.

People feel that they are obviously more afraid than Chen Jian that Li Xiang will not help.

Yan Yuan bowed his head in embarrassment and sat down under the strange eyes of Zhang Ling and him.

Zhang Ling came to Yan Yuan's side with curiosity and asked quietly:

"Are you afraid that the play you have been rehearsing for a long time will end up with nothing to do, or are you worried that Chen Jianzhen will marry Miejue Shitai's daughter?"

"I was..."

Yan Yuan went over the question in his mind.

Suddenly realized that no matter which answer she chooses, she cannot escape the fact that she already likes Chen Jian.

Seeing Yan Yuan's blushing face with her own eyes, Zhang Ling seemed to be more restless than Yan Yuan himself.

She moved closer to Yan Yuan, and whispered provocatively in her ear:
"No need to answer. Your blush has answered everything."

At this moment, Yan Yuan acted like a little girl acting like a spoiled child beside her mother.

He buried his head in Zhang Ling's arms, making a buzzing sound.

This voice confused Li Xiang who had just hung up on Chen Jian's phone.

"Zhang Ling, what did Yan Yuan just say?"

Zhang Ling looked up at Li Xiang and shook her head with a smile:
"I can't say. Hey, why are you a man so concerned about girls' affairs?"

Li Xiang was inexplicably complained, and with endless envy in his disappointment, he sat by himself and watched aggrievedly.

He envied when he could truly have a language with Zhang Ling that belonged to them.

If it wasn't for the knock on the door of the private room, Chen Jian broke in.

Yan Yuan was still crouching in Zhang Ling's arms like a child.

Yes, Chen Jian knocked on the door and broke in.

You must know that Chen Jian's rudeness is usually only directed at Li Xiang, and the occasion is only limited to Li Xiang's office.

Please don't doubt Chen Jian's etiquette quality.

Others covered their ears and steal their bells, but Chen Jian covered his eyes and pretended not to see them. He glanced at Zhang Ling and the others and said:

"I...sorry, I didn't see anything, you guys continue. I'm leaving...that's right, I didn't enter the wrong room."

Chen Jian didn't see Li Xiang immediately, but was the first to see the scene between Zhang Ling and Yan Yuan.

Only after seeing Li Xiang's figure did he react.

Then, showing a crack in his finger, he complained loudly:

"Li Xiang, you hurt me!"

To be honest, the moment Chen Jian saw Yan Yuan present, he wanted to turn around and leave the private room immediately.

Because he had just been discharged from the hospital not long ago, he didn't want to go in again today.

Even to escape the blind date, I don't want to.

In Chen Jian's view, blind dates are far less terrifying than the terrifying Yan Yuan.

Li Xiang glanced at Zhang Ling and the others, and pretended to be innocent and explained to Chen Jian:

"What did I do to you?"

He deliberately let Yan Yuan play Chen Jian's girlfriend.

The purpose of this matter is not simple.

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