Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 123 I Have Him In My Heart

Just escaped to a safe area.

There was a loud bang!
A pair of steel advertising frames fell right where they had just stood.

Not even his car was spared.

The driver's seat was completely smashed and dented.

He felt a cold sweat run down his spine just by looking at the nearly scrapped car.

If Zhang Ling hadn't come out to look for him.

Then he probably really wants to explain here.

Furthermore, in terms of the selfishness of human nature, most people will choose to escape on their own.

However, Zhang Ling chose to drag him to a safe area at a critical moment.

Obviously, if she wasn't purely kind, he would have walked into her heart.

Thinking of this, he actually looked at her and smiled slightly.

Just after surviving a catastrophe, she saw that he was acting like a fool, yet he still had the heart to smile at her?

This puzzling reaction made her a little annoyed:

"Hey, are you scared stupid? Why are you laughing at me? Why don't you call the police?"

"Call the police! Yes, you should call the police. I'll call the police right away."

Still smiling, Li Xiang took out his mobile phone and called the police.

To be honest, the people who connected to the alarm call, when they heard Li Xiang's words full of smiles, suddenly suspected that Li Xiang was not the victim, but the maker of the accident.

For this reason, he also specifically asked Li Xiangzhen to be a victim?
When Zhang Ling called the police, he looked around to make sure there was no suspicious person.

She wanted to boldly step forward to see why the ad frame fell off.

Li Xiang hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her wrist, and said worriedly and nervously:

"Zhang Ling, what are you doing? Don't go there!"

Zhang Ling felt a little funny about this.

Just now Li Xiang kept smiling, but now he is holding her with worry and nervousness.

"Let go! I just want to go and have a look..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Xiang said firmly:

Because he felt that the danger still existed.

Or it will still come from the location of the billboard, or from the smashed car.

The safest thing to do is to stay away from the car for the time being.

Zhang Ling sneered, and said with some stubbornness:
"If you're scared out of your wits, just stay here obediently. I just want to see if the billboards falling from the sky are man-made?"

After speaking, she tried again to break free from Li Xiang's grasping hand.


The muscles on his face were tense, with a pleading look, he looked at her and shook his head and continued:

"No, it's not that I'm scared. It's that I can't bear to see you have another accident in the past. Can you understand that?"

She had a slight suspicion that his words were just excuses.

But in the depths of her soul, because of this sentence, it echoed countless times in a short period of time.

So she felt that besides her father, he was the only opposite sex who cared about her from the bottom of her heart.

This feeling of being cared for is like an extra port of call for a ship that has been wandering for many years.

It is not just a harbor for simple repairs and replenishment of supplies.

There is obviously a strong sense of exclusiveness.

Because only her ship is allowed to berth here.

So she felt an unprecedented happiness from the bottom of her heart.

She said with a happy smile:

"Okay. Then listen to you, I won't go."

He smiled and let go of her wrist and said:

"You wait."

At this moment, she slightly lowered her head with a bit of shyness and gave a "hmm".

I thought he would do something to calm her down.

Or step forward and hug her directly.

Eliminate all negativity with his strong and warm heart.

She swore she would never deliberately exclude him this time.

Because she also wanted to snuggle in the arms of a man like a normal woman at this moment...


Almost 3 minutes have passed.

Why hasn't Li Xiang moved yet?
She complained that he was just a fool.

At this time, I didn't know how to take the initiative.

Could it be that she still needs to be a woman to take the initiative?
Forget it, she decided to wrong herself.

He looked up suddenly and saw that Li Xiang had already disappeared beside him.

He wandered around and watched the fallen billboard alone.

At this moment, she fully believed that he had expressed that he was not scared out of his wits.

"Hey, you won't let me pass, why did you pass? Come back to me!"

Zhang Ling shouted at him in an orderly tone.

Isn't she worried that something will happen to Li Xiang?

"Oh, I'll come right away." He turned around and agreed.

Li Xiang heard the strong worry in Zhang Ling's words.

He was also afraid that she would follow him to the scene of the incident.

At the same time, he temporarily found no trace of the accident caused by humans.

Most likely an accident caused by the billboard's age and disrepair.

The reason why he was risking his life was to rush forward to have a look.

On the one hand, Zhang Ling was anxious to know the result just now, and he took the risk for her;

On the other hand, Li Xiang also wanted to know whether the accident was man-made?
If it is artificial, he has enough reasons to directly reject Zhen Li Xiang's request.

Even if it is to default on a huge debt, it will not hesitate.

Or the location where the billboard fell belongs to the facade room.

Or maybe everyone around is fast asleep during this time period.

So it's been almost half an hour since the accident.

Still no good people came to watch.

I just vaguely saw a road sweeper coming here in the distance.

When Zhang Ling saw him come back to her.

I didn't hear the so-called good news that Li Xiang brought back.

She just yelled "Li Xiang" at him, and the voice made him tremble.

He thought that he would be reprimanded like a little bean.

And he was looking forward to such a scenario from the bottom of his heart.

One is, so that he can understand why she yelled at him;
One is that she understands that if a woman is willing to nag you, it is a sign of love.

I saw her lips moving, but she didn't hear a word, she turned and walked towards home.

Is this not enough love for him?

Or maybe.

But he felt that she should be more angry.

But he didn't know what he did wrong to offend her?

The worst thing is that the police have arrived at the scene of the accident.

Even if Li Xiang wanted to catch up and ask about the situation, it was impossible.

Is Zhang Ling angry?

She does get mad.

She also realized that she was angry when she moved some distance away.

I can't help but ask myself why I left angrily?

Stopping and looking back, Li Xiang didn't chase after him.

She stomped even more angrily.

"Doesn't this wood know how to chase me? I'm so mad! He deserved to be single for so many years before me. Hmph..."

She was indirectly saying that she was the savior in his life.

Complaining that he is a fool is not enlightened.

Aunt Wang saw her back, moved behind her a few steps, and heard half of her words.

"Girl Ling? It's really you!" A hand was lightly placed on her shoulder. After confirming that it was Zhang Ling who turned around, she said, "It's rare that you got up so early today. Want to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables together?"

Aunt Wang has been getting up early to buy vegetables habitually for ten years.

Desperate to buy the freshest veggies to cook a hearty meal for the family.

This habit even my father once expressed that he was ashamed.

"Aunt Wang, there's no need. I already bought it in the supermarket when I got off work last night." Zhang Ling said evasively.

She just didn't know how much Aunt Wang heard what she just said?
Unavoidably, some embarrassing eyes flickered, trying to find a reason to escape as soon as possible.


Aunt Wang did not find Li Xiang, so she interrupted Zhang Ling who was looking for a reason, and asked with some doubts:
"That Zhang Ling, I just heard you mention your boyfriend, what about others?"

"Boyfriend? Aunt Wang, I didn't mention boyfriend. I think you must have heard it wrong." Zhang Ling suppressed her nervousness and said.

Only then did I realize that Aunt Wang, who is usually a little deaf, has surprisingly good hearing today.

Obviously, Aunt Wang heard her words.

But I just don't know how much I heard?
I just hope that the excuse just now can fool Aunt Wang.

"Did I hear it wrong?" Aunt Wang also began to recall with self-doubt, and then said with an embarrassing smile of self-doubt, "Maybe I am really old, my ears are not working, and I heard it wrong again."

Zhang Ling saw that Aunt Wang had already doubted herself.

She was really glad in her heart.

But he had to make up for what he owed, and comforted him kindly:
"Aunt Wang, don't say that. You are still glamorous in my eyes. Don't you remember? The last time you and I were lucky enough to walk on the street, someone thought we were sisters."

Aunt Wang smiled and did not answer Zhang Ling's words, because she knew it best in her heart.

At that time, Zhang Ling was fortunate to know that it was her birthday.

Deliberately arranged such an outing to make her happy.

Just be happy about it at the time.

There's really no need to take it seriously.

Of course, Aunt Wang knew it well, but she didn't want to reveal the matter.

After all, some things are happy when they are not spoken, but they are likely to become a burden to each other when they are spoken.

"Zhang Ling, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, the last time I saw you with your boyfriend, I thought you really matched each other!"

"is it?"

She is not one to be easily carried away by the feeling of being in love.

Soon, she realized that Li Xiangding had used his power to bribe Aunt Wang to speak for him.

However, she was still happy to hear this.

Because men are willing to spend money for women at all costs.

So it means that men like women in their hearts.

To be precise, at least it is certain that Li Xiang has a strong love for her.

Aunt Wang went on to say:
"Your boyfriend is really nice! Yesterday morning he was wearing such expensive clothes and helped me carry a bag of rice upstairs."


She recalled that the clothes Li Xiang was wearing were very valuable.

Only the custom-made tops are designed and sewn by internationally renowned fashion masters.

This is not simply measured with a string of numbers.

Thinking of this, she smiled happily.

Because she has already basically understood her position in Li Xiang's heart.

"Yes, it was yesterday." Aunt Wang said a little emotionally as she spoke, "You know, it was my son who was begging for a living in X factory who was unwilling to help carry the rice bag, but Li Xiang carried it. .”

Aunt Wang didn't mean to belittle her son.

Because Zhang Ling has indeed seen her son several times.

There were two rice bags that Zhang Ling took the initiative to help Aunt Wang carry.

Therefore, Aunt Wang has always looked at Zhang Ling differently.

"Well, I see." Zhang Ling replied with a nod.

"I listened to Aunt Wang's persuasion. In this day and age, there are really very few good men who are willing to put down their figure and help women carry rice bags."

Aunt Wang is also talking about herself.

Because her husband was a man who didn't even bother to help the oil pot on the cooking table when it was down.

So let alone helping Aunt Wang carry the rice bag.


She couldn't help imagining what Li Xiang looked like when he was carrying a bag of rice in her mind.

Combined with what Aunt Wang said just now.

She also felt that Li Xiang did have his unique cuteness.

"Zhang Ling, do you remember that being a man has put down your figure for you, so don't always put on airs. Therefore, if you miss it, it will be a lifetime regret. Silly boy, do you understand?"

Aunt Wang's words are the experience of her life.

Back then, she missed her true love just like that.

What's even worse is that her now narrow-minded husband found out about it by accident.

She felt that her days had become dull and colorless.

However, Aunt Wang is still a little confused.

You must know that there is no man in the world who can tolerate, accompany his wife, and think about the good of another man in his heart every day.

"Understood, I understand!" Zhang Ling hurriedly made sure that no outsiders said.

It seems that Aunt Wang heard everything she should have heard.

However, even if Aunt Wang is an elder, it is normal to be called a silly child.

But she was somewhat rebellious and felt uncomfortable inside.


Aunt Wang is not a person who likes to catch the younger generation and nagging non-stop.

Seeing that the well-behaved Zhang Ling was very obedient, she smiled very satisfied.

I also thought that I had to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

I had no choice but to bid farewell to Zhang Ling temporarily.

She looked at Aunt Wang's back and let out a long sigh of relief.

The tense feeling is like the protagonist in a high-quality spy war drama is about to be exposed.

However, this plot reversal is a bit confusing.

The protagonist has obviously been exposed, but in the end the "villain" left.

Then it can only be said that she looks like a villain on the surface, but in fact she is an accomplice with one heart.

It was also because of a conversation with Aunt Wang.

She bowed her head and thought for a while, then decided to go back and look for Li Xiang.

Turning around suddenly, Li Xiang was standing in front of her.

"Zhang Ling!" He knew that she turned around because of him.

"Li Xiang!" And she knew that he was not a piece of wood.

The two said in unison.

The voice is full of love for each other, echoing in the current sky.

Li Xiang took the lead with a bit of a silly smile and said:

"Ling'er, weren't you curious about how I cook love eggs yesterday? Let's go, I will demonstrate it to you personally today."

She is not Yan Yuan, she needs someone to demonstrate in person to understand the truth of the matter.

Because she alone can think of at least three or four cooking methods.

First of all, she thought that Li Xiang used a mold that had already been prepared.

After using it up, the mold was taken out of the sight of everyone present through blindfolding.

Secondly, he used the ingredients in the kitchen to make a mold by himself.

And this mold made by hand can just eat your stomach.

In the end, she thought that he had a super hands-on ability, and could use the characteristic of quick-setting egg liquid to draw love eggs without using molds.

She looked somewhat surprised and said:
"Oh, I'm not too curious about this! In the future, there will be opportunities to learn about it. Now I'm quite curious. How efficient will the police be? You can get away so soon."

Because Zhang Ling didn't know that Li Xiang had notified the real Li Xiang of what happened to him in advance before calling the police.

After negotiating, Muzi, who is super strong in handling affairs, let Li Xiang temporarily get rid of the entanglement of the police and leave.

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