Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 124 Sick Beauty

The police surveyed the scene and initially determined it was an accident.

The billboards have been in disrepair for a long time, resulting in severe corrosion, wear and fracture of the interface.

In the end, perhaps a gust of evil wind completely blew the billboard down, causing this thrilling accident.

As a victim again, Li Xiang naturally wouldn't be too embarrassed.

"In the future, there will be opportunities to understand?" He became more excited as he repeated what Zhang Ling said just now, "Zhang Ling, you mean that I can often come to make breakfast for you in the future? This is really great!"

Zhang Ling watched Li Xiang jump up and down like a child on the spot.

If there were many passers-by on the street, it would have made him blush for what he just did.

She briefly analyzed Li Xiang's retelling, and it seemed that she could really understand it according to Li Xiang's statement.

Did she subconsciously think so?

So her mouth did not live up to the truth.

It's terrible!

She couldn't wait for Li Xiang to reach this point.

"No, it's not." She quickly denied it.

Not because she didn't want to admit the truth.

Rather, she felt that such progress was much faster than expected.

He thought about giving himself a hint through verbal negation, and restraining his steps towards Li Xiang.

Because she also thinks that it is the truth that men never cherish people who are too easy to get.

That's why I always think about creating some difficulties for Li Xiang intentionally or unintentionally.

"No?!" Li Xiang asked with a puzzled expression, "If you can't understand that sentence in this way, then can you talk about how to understand it?"

How to understand?
Zhang Ling was dizzy for a while, and couldn't think of sophistry words.

He could only pretend to be angry and reprimanded:

"Hey, you idiot! If you don't understand, go back and ask your elementary school teacher. I have no obligation to answer your questions. Hmph, I'm too lazy to talk to you. Let's go."

She thought her disguised explanation was perfect.

But Li Xiang carefully saw the secret joy on her face that was revealed in advance when she turned to leave.

It turns out that women sometimes do what Chen Jian said.

Favorite duplicity.

So he decided to come to make breakfast for Zhang Ling often.

Do it for the rest of your life if you can.

Another day.

The father paid homage to the mother and has not returned yet.

There was an urgent matter at Muzi's family, and before leaving, I specially had a farewell dinner with her at XX Hotel.

She had already refused to accompany Li Xiang to Shangguan Aoxue's birthday party.

Inexplicably, she agreed to Muzi's simple words.

To be honest, she really admired Li Xiang for inviting Muzi, a top lobbyist.

This is not the worst!
What was even more annoying was the bastard Li Xiang, who had expressed that Shangguan Aoxue looked very elegant and beautiful except for his bad temper.

Hearing this, she also thought of Shangguan Aoxue.

The unintentional comparison made her deny herself.

I feel that I am not as elegant and beautiful as Shangguan Aoxue.

The ghost | envoy | god | messenger actually agreed to accept the training of the etiquette teacher.

The devil gave her two days of etiquette lessons.

Standing posture, sitting posture, and dining etiquette, etc., she has not escaped any of them.

Every moment I want to strangle Li Xiang to death after seeing Li Xiang.

But every time Li Xiang came here, he licked his face and praised her with a smile.

Said that today's her is obviously more charming and elegant than yesterday's.

Under the attack of various compliments, she completely forgot her original intention of beating Li Xiang.

At that time, I gradually felt that all the sins I had suffered were very worthwhile.

Sure enough, people like to hear words of praise from others.

Especially being complimented by a loved one is like being soaked in a jar of honey.

Rationally wants to struggle to escape, but emotionally it is difficult to resist the erosion of sweetness.

Sometimes a strange circle actually formed.

The more she struggled to escape, the deeper she sank into the honey.

The deeper she sinks, the more difficult it is for her to breathe normally, but the gentle sweetness is so beautiful.

Subconsciously, he would rather give up the instinctive breathing, but also drown in the gentle sweetness.

This also leads to why many people always say that the IQ of men and women in love is far lower than normal.

Today she finally realized a serious problem!

What is the purpose of her suffering and doing all this?
Keep your word and fulfill your promise to Muzi;

Or look at Li Xiang as her substitute boyfriend, fulfilling the responsibility of being a girlfriend;
I still have the urge to compare that arrogant Shangguan Aoxue.

For her, these simple purposes seem to be completely unnecessary to make herself suffer so much.

Zhang Ling was deeply involved but still realized it.

It is enough to show that her IQ has also been affected to a certain extent.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be overly addicted to Li Xiang's sweet words.

That's her nature, and it's not like a few days of etiquette lessons can turn her into another person.

Besides, why should she live by the rules set by others?
Know that there is no red tape in this world.

It was only formulated by the managers of the world in order to strengthen their dominance.

The purpose is to limit those souls who yearn for freedom.

Since learning etiquette in the past few days, let alone her soul is free, her body has not been comfortable for a day.

She suffered all kinds of torture during the day, and even if she relaxed at night, her joints and muscle tissues were sore.

If this so-called elegant torture is based on a strong body, that's fine.

But in order to maintain the so-called elegance and beauty, the etiquette teacher made her body practice painfully to maintain a morbid beauty.

For example, butterfly bone back, right-angle shoulders, A4 waist, etc.

Butterfly bone is likely to be accompanied by shoulder and neck pain, difficulty in raising the arm, hunchback, etc.

The right-angle shoulder is a disease in medicine, and the medical term is called subscapular gyration syndrome.

A right-angle shoulder can lead to limited shoulder mobility, induce acromial impingement, and cause subacromial bursitis and rotator cuff injury.

This will lead to neck and shoulder pain, and the arm may also be implicated, causing arm numbness and so on.

Because there are too many examples, I will not give examples in detail here.

She couldn't figure out why this unhealthy beauty was popular?
Regardless of the popularity of right-angled shoulders, butterfly bones, or A4 waists, it all reveals that modern people still regard thinness as beauty, as if women should be slim and skinny.

But this aesthetic has long been overdone, even a little mean.

Going a step further on the basis of thinness as beauty, telling people:

It doesn't matter if you are unhealthy, beauty comes first.

Speaking of this, people can't help but think of Europe in the past, where "pale beauty" was popular to the extreme.

At that time, European women were no longer satisfied with pretending to be sick, corseting their waists, whitening with arsenic, etc., and went crazy enough to romanticize the beauty of tuberculosis.

Some people even deliberately look for opportunities to contract tuberculosis.

Created a perfect breeding ground for a tuberculosis epidemic.

This ridiculous and similar approach is quietly becoming popular at the moment.

But because beauty ignores health, this is undoubtedly picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon.

What's more, aesthetics is a dynamic process, which is always flowing. If you always follow blindly, you will always follow the trend.

Human beings are visual animals, but beauty is definitely not the only criterion.

Before many people pursue the so-called beauty, please put health first.

Without health, your beauty will be nothing but loess in the end.

When she practiced here tonight, she really couldn't stand this kind of torture, and shouted at the etiquette teacher emotionally:

"No, I won't practice! I've had enough of this morbid elegance. Anyone who likes to practice should practice? Anyway, I'm determined not to practice anymore."

The etiquette teacher didn't dare to say too much after seeing this.

Because Muzi has taken care of the etiquette teacher more than once.

It is said that Zhang Ling will teach if she wants to learn, and she will not teach if she does not want to learn.

Everything depends on Zhang Ling's personal wishes.

So the etiquette teacher was very happy when he heard Zhang Ling's cry.

You must know that no one wants to have a grudge against Comfort.

Coincidentally, Li Xiang came back to buy drinks for Zhang Ling.

There was a smell of gunpowder in the room.

He tiptoed towards her.

Looking at the window, she was pouting, panting heavily, looking angrily at the night scene outside the window.

It felt like she was going to burn the night sky red with the anger in her heart.

It made him who was standing aside feel suffocated by the heat.

He didn't understand and wanted to ask the etiquette teacher.

But before he could open his mouth, he heard her say angrily:
"Don't practice, let me tell you, anyone who wants to persuade me to learn etiquette now, I will be at odds with him."

"Then don't practice." Li Xiang said with a sigh of relief.

He originally disapproved of her practicing these things.

It's just that Zhang Ling was very interested in these etiquettes at first because of Muzi's words.

He was worried that Zhang Ling would be seriously displeased if he said something against her original intention.

As a result, the relationship between them broke down, and they parted ways and became strangers.

You must know that women's behaviors and performances are often intuitive and instinctive reactions based on personal feelings.

Sometimes you don't understand your impulses until there are serious adverse consequences, or until you calm down afterwards.

He didn't want to ruin all the goodwill he had raised in front of her.

I can only silently choose to support all Zhang Ling's choices.

I also hope that she can take the initiative to wake up.

Or someone said that his behavior fully demonstrated the falseness of his love for her.

So what is true love?
Because of a sentence that should not be spoken for the time being, the relationship is tense, and then they part ways and become strangers, and one party has to wish the other party is true love.


True love should not mean that lovers can stay together happily all the time.

Maybe Li Xiang's point of view is a bit extreme.

Zhang Ling is usually an extremely calm woman.

She won't completely vent her anger and doubt his sincerity because of something he shouldn't have said for the time being.

She may choose to reconcile with Li Xiang after she calms down.

You may have forgotten that the IQ of human beings is affected when they are in love.

For Li Xiang, Zhang Ling is his only spiritual pillar at this stage.

Even if there was a possibility of one in ten million, he did not dare to try it lightly.

Even if Li Xiang believes in a brief misunderstanding, Zhang Ling will definitely take the initiative to find him to resolve it.

But he couldn't predict the time when Zhang Ling would wake up and ask him to resolve it.

It is even more impossible to predict whether he will be able to choose to live firmly for her when facing the next test of life and death.

But at some point he found that his efforts had turned into a joke.

Even a brief separation from Zhang Ling due to a misunderstanding may cause him to lose hope of living strong when his life is seriously threatened.

After all, he has no confidence in himself.

Without confidence, how long can he be firm after losing the only spiritual support to live in this world?

While Zhang Ling was waiting for Li Xiang to come back, she had already figured out how to prove her point of view with reason and evidence.

She didn't expect Li Xiang to agree so happily.

She looked at him in disbelief and said:

"Hey, are you serious?"

"Of course!"

She saw his serious expression without any sense of falsehood.

After thinking about it, she asked with a trace of anger:
"So happy to agree?"

"Yes, just like when you decided to learn etiquette, I still unconditionally support your decision."

She was not satisfied with Li Xiang's answer.

So he went on to say:
"Then why didn't you directly veto it back then, I won't have to suffer this pain these days."

Li Xiang asked with a wry smile:
"Then if I didn't approve of your etiquette class, would you readily agree not to take it?"

"No!" Zhang Ling replied without hesitation.

Because of the many suggestions that Li Xiang put forward recently, she usually chooses to directly reject them.

Even if he cooks breakfast for Zhang Ling, it can only be done smoothly through Yan Yuan.

The purpose is to make Li Xiang feel that it is not so easy to pursue her.

Li Xiang already knew Zhang Ling's answer and said:

"Since I already know your answer, why should I make fun of it?"

"You're pretty smart."

On the surface, she was smiling and praising him, but in fact, she had beaten him countless times in her heart.

Li Xiang felt her hostility, and quickly continued to explain:
"We must know that in many cases, only by experiencing some things personally can we truly understand the kindness and malice of others."

"From what you said, you mean that you deliberately want to see me wake up after suffering for a few days?"

As Zhang Ling spoke, her heart burst into flames for no reason.

If the etiquette teacher was not there, she would have directly brought his face into close contact with the tempered glass in front of her.

"This..." He seemed to feel the danger, subconsciously took two steps away, and at the same time waved his hands again and again, "No, it's not what you think. Zhang Ling, you must listen to my explanation."

In the eyes of the etiquette teacher, they are flirting and showing affection.

I deeply feel that if I continue to stay here, it will inevitably hinder their further communication.

So he took the initiative to say hello and left in a hurry.

Zhang Ling was grateful for the etiquette teacher's sharp eyesight.

Intentionally forced Li Xiang into a corner.

Rolling up the sleeves, hands on the hips, a bit like the eldest sister among the local rascals.

"Okay, I just want to hear how you argue?"

Li Xiang hated this blind etiquette teacher to death.

Yesterday he treated guests to a meal, and the etiquette teacher said that Li Xiang is an honest person.

In the future, as long as Li Xiang needs it, she will do her best to help.

Now he needed help, but she slipped away early.

It can only be said that the feelings of some people in this society are limited to the dinner table.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief when he was allowed to explain.

Fortunately, she didn't do it directly. She pressed him against the wall and rubbed him back and forth a few times before allowing him to explain.

He stood up straight, tidied up his messy appearance, and said very formally:

"Please believe me, I never wanted to see you suffer."

"Cut!" Full of disdain.

I feel that Li Xiang's love for her is just talking.

He felt that as long as she responded, the explanation was useful.

So he continued to explain to Zhang Ling:

"I have expressed to you from the very beginning that I will fully support you in whatever you want to do. The answer just now also supports your decision. Presumably you will not want the attitude of not being supported in whatever you do."

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