When Zhang Ling realized this problem.

She has sat down safely.

Wanting to get up and leave suddenly for no reason is obviously not something she can do.

They come, the security.

Then, I just took this opportunity to continue asking why Qi Diaozhe hadn't contacted her for more than ten years.

She suppressed her blissful smile.

Naturally, he took a sip of the juice prepared in front of her.

In the process of putting down the cup, he said seriously:

"I heard from the vice president of XX that the group is holding a mid-level and high-level party here tonight. What about the others? Why didn't even the vice president of XX who notified me come see me?"

"Yes, that's right! Don't you see me as the middle and high level of the group?"

Qi Diaozhe found a job at the top of the group by virtue of his status as a jade carving master.

It's the kind of idle job that doesn't require salary from the group and has a legitimate reason to approach Zhang Ling.

"You!" Her eyes were full of surprise, and then she sneered, "Can you represent all the middle and senior management of the group?"

"Uh, how should I put it?" Qi Diaozhe lowered his head slightly, and turned his red wine glass on the dining table with one hand, "Actually, there are two places for the group's mid-level and high-level gatherings. We are the only ones you came here."

Zhang Ling's smile was full of anger and said:
"Okay, where is the other place? I'm going to go there right now. I don't want to stay where you are."

Qi Diaozhe said in a very performative surprise:
"My God, did no one tell you? It seems that the group's rumors that Vice President Zhang was targeted by other high-level officials turned out to be true!"


Zhang Ling heard this with a strong sense of ridicule, but her inner stubbornness could not be ridiculed by Qi Diaozhe.

So he forced himself to put on a professional smile and retorted:

"Where did you hear that? Nothing. I just got something called conditioned amnesia because of someone's presence."

"You're sick!" Qi Diaozhe seemed to stand up very nervously, but then asked with a puzzled look, "I've never heard of amnesia! What kind of disease is it? Is it serious? Should I ask a friend for help?" You seek out an expert."

Zhang Ling said solemnly:
"It's not serious. It's not serious, but it's very serious when you think about it. This disease doesn't need an expert, and the cure is actually very simple."

Qi Diaozhe was a little dazed by Zhang Ling and asked:
"This... What kind of disease is this? How to cure it? If there is something that can help me, please speak up. I will do my best."

That's what he said, but his heart had already begun to prepare for the worst.

That is what Zhang Ling said, if there is no solution to the illness, then decisively choose to disappear.

Zhang Ling smiled slightly and said to him:
"My disease! To put it simply, as long as someone can completely disappear from my eyes. This disease will heal itself if it is not cured."

Qi Diaozhe could hear the taste in her words, but still pretended to be confused and said with a smile:
"Interesting and interesting, this illness sounds interesting."

Now she can't help but look at his smile.

It was obvious that he was gloating.

So she asked with displeasure:

"I'm sick, and that's what amuses you?"

Qi Diaozhe stood up in a panic and waved his hands to explain:

"No, no, please don't misunderstand. My interest is only for the disease you have."

"Is there a difference? I don't see it."

"Of course! I feel very sorry for you being tortured by the disease. If possible, I am willing to endure the pain of the disease for you."


She looked at him disdainfully.

Sure enough, Yan Yuan was right!
Man's mouth deceitful ghost.

Especially when you are chasing a woman, what you say is especially nice.

"Do you believe that I am sincere?" As he said that, Qi Diaozhe picked up the knife in front of him and gestured, "If you do not believe me, you can use the knife to cut open my chest to see. The heart that loves you is absolutely hot and prosperous."

"Come on." Zhang Ling waved her hands disdainfully.


Qi Diaozhe wanted to explain, but Zhang Ling didn't give her a chance, interrupted and continued:

"You can make other people's illnesses interesting. How can a person like you want me to believe your sincerity? You really think I'm easy to deceive."

"Oh, it seems that you have misunderstood me too deeply."

"Misunderstanding? I don't want to misunderstand either. I will give you a chance to explain. If you don't tell me, what can I do?"

After hearing her words, Qi Diaozhe was secretly happy!
I feel that Zhang Ling's love for him is hard to hide.

But he still had no intention of explaining to Zhang Ling.

Instead, he deliberately diverted from the topic of "explanation", looked at her pretending to be worried and said:

"Let's talk about your illness."

Zhang Ling still didn't wait for an answer, her eyes were full of boredom with him:

"My illness? There's nothing to talk about. Wouldn't it be better if I could live for a few days?"

"No, no, Zhang Ling, please don't say that, please? You know, I love you, that's why I made a special trip back to China for you."

Hearing Qi Diaozhe's expression of love again, her heart throbbed like first love.

It seemed to drag her back to more than ten years ago.

But only for a moment.

"For me! Haha, should I be grateful to Dade for jumping into your arms now?"

Qi Diaozhe didn't seem to hear the irony at all, and waved his hands with a smile and said:
"No, no, you just need to explain your illness clearly. Even if I search for world famous doctors for you, I will definitely help you cure your illness."

Zhang Ling was indeed touched by these words.

If there were no more than ten years of tormented waiting, she would definitely throw herself into his arms...

"Since you asked so sincerely, then I will tell you mercifully."

Zhang Ling's tone at this time was obviously much milder.

Qi Diaozhe looked forward with even more joy:
"You talk, you talk, I'm listening."

"My disease! It's the same as AIDS. It's nothing in terms of symptoms alone. The main danger is the dangerous complications."

"What complication?"

Qi Diaozhe looked obviously more worried than she was.

Of course, I am more worried about myself.

Worried about his plan to return to China because of this accident.

But Zhang Ling actually misunderstood that this worry was for her.

So her tough heart towards him became much softer.

So her tone became gentler again and said:

"If there are any complications and unexpected violent incidents, Master Qi will have to take care of it."

Her expression didn't make Qi Diaozhe feel any fear.

Instead, it made him laugh out loud on the spot.

He also kept saying that she had become more humorous after not seeing her for many years.

It was because of this that he opened up his chatter box, and began to talk freely, reminding her of more than ten years ago.

Said that at that time she looked dumb on the surface, but in fact she was even more cute.

Often chasing him to ask stupid questions.

such as:

Because they talked about a happy thing, they laughed happily.

And Zhang Ling would suddenly ask him curiously, why do you smile instead of frowning when you are happy?
When he didn't satisfy her because of his answer to this question, she frowned and asked another question.

Why do some people say that your IQ plummeted when you faced me?


Listening to Qi Diaozhe's imagination, she did suddenly return to her high school days.

The homeroom teacher advised the students to cherish the last pure land of innocence in the first class.

Speaking of leaving the high school campus, no matter where you go, no matter who you have, the friendship is no longer pure.

Even the lover who will join hands with you for a lifetime in the future will have interests.

Is high school the last pure land of innocence?

Zhang Ling, who has experienced high school life, disagrees.

Just because she listened to the words of the head teacher and relaxed her vigilance towards Qi Diaozhe, she was deeply tortured by the scumbag for more than ten years.

Her mind was full of bleak images of her expecting him to come back.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ling couldn't suppress the anger in her heart again, stood up suddenly, leaned over and slammed the long table in front of her with both hands and shouted:


Because of this sound, Qi Diaozhe's hand holding the red wine glass trembled violently, causing the red wine to spill on his lap.

But he didn't care about these things, and looked at the angry Zhang Ling with a look of astonishment.

She had a happy smile on her face before.

How did it turn into anger in the blink of an eye?
He swallowed the remaining wine in his mouth, and asked anxiously:
"What's wrong? Zhang Ling, you..."

Zhang Ling didn't intend to make him speak, and shouted again:
"Enough, stop, I don't want to hear a single word from you."

Qi Diaozhe looked at Zhang Ling's angry appearance, and finally closed his mouth obediently.

She went on to say to him:

"You took so much trouble to lure me here, do you just want to reminisce for me what you think is a good high school life?"

She held back her anger, and originally wanted to hear how Qi Diaozhe gave a satisfactory explanation for her disappearance for more than ten years?

But Qi Diaozhe didn't care about her focus at all.

The so-called words do not speculate more than half a sentence.

She has no extra time to waste on this scum.

What surprised Zhang Ling the most was that Qi Diaozhe frankly nodded and admitted to her question.

"Bah!" Zhang Ling didn't evade, and said directly to Qi Diaozhe.

Such an inelegant move did not shock or disgust Qi Diaozhe.

Instead, he laughed happily, and then said provocatively to her:
"I'm back, I'm back, the Zhang Ling I knew before is finally back."

Zhang Ling was a little confused by these words.

Qi Diaozhe took the opportunity to continue:
"I thought you had been with that idiot Li Xiang for a long time. The unique frankness and liveliness of your body was completely worn away. Haha, fortunately, my Zhang Ling is finally back."

"Your Zhang Ling? I said Master Qi, please pay attention to your words. When did I become yours?"

Facing Zhang Ling's questioning, Qi Diaozhe acted as if he hadn't heard it, and continued to put on a show, stood up and said:
"Come, come, let us drink this cup to the full and celebrate your return!"

After finishing speaking, Qi Diaozhe didn't cooperate even if he saw Zhang Ling.

Still full of joy, he drank the red wine in the glass and said:

He was so stunned that he drank the red wine out of the momentum of white wine.

Zhang Ling finally understood.

Qi Diaozhe just wanted to use this method to deliberately avoid the questions she wanted to know.

Then she felt that it was meaningless for her to stay here.


She threw four words at Qi Diaozhe viciously, then turned and walked towards the door.

There was no panic on Qi Diaozhe's face, and he sat back peacefully.

He just pulled out the napkin, lowered his head and wiped the wine stains on his trousers, and then said a little casually:

"Vice President Zhang, you rushed to leave before the leader left at the company party. Is this really okay? I'm worried that after you go to work tomorrow, you may be called by the general manager to talk again."

That's right!

Although Qi Diaozhe is an idler in the group, he is indeed Zhang Ling's superior.

She never expected that he would use this identity to exert pressure.

So he had no choice but to stop, and suddenly turned his head to look at the strange first love in front of him and asked:
"I said, Qi Diaozhe, what exactly do you want?"

Her current situation in the group is delicate.

Although those who were against her at the beginning have settled down a lot recently.

But if you can find the real clue from Qi Diaozhe.

It is hard to guarantee that these people who targeted her will not make a comeback.

He put on his smile again and looked at Zhang Ling, gestured to the delicious food on the table in front of him and said:

"Don't be angry. You know me. What can I think of you?"

Zhang Ling shook her head after listening to Qi Diaozhe's words, and showed a meaningful smile helplessly.

And Qi Diaozhe continued to say as if he didn't care about her attitude at all:
"It's very simple! I just want you to stay and finish this dinner with me. This request should not be too much."

"Not too much?" Zhang Ling snapped.

After ten years of torment and waiting, she wanted to smooth things over with just one meal without saying anything.

Is it really easy to deceive when she is a young girl who doesn't understand the world?
no way!

But Qi Diaozhe didn't care about the anger expressed by Zhang Ling's three words.

What kind of anger that pinned Qi Diaozhe to the ground and rubbed it casually!

He deliberately regarded the three words Zhang Ling as a normal statement.

With a smile full of expectation, she gestured to her previous seat and said:
"Since it's not too much, please sit down and let's continue eating."


For a while, Zhang Ling had no way to deal with Qi Diaozhe.

Looking at the empty seat, he hesitated for a while, and finally moved to sit down again.

Qi Diaozhe continued to happily introduce the delicacies in front of him, saying that they were all prepared by the chef according to Zhang Ling's preferences and tastes.

As he spoke, he signaled the waiter to put a plate of fish in front of her.

And he was like a chef himself, explaining the fish to her.

Said that this dish was her favorite West Lake fish in vinegar.

Specially choose herrings that are less than [-] centimeters long and weigh less than half a catty.

After slaughtering and tidying up, cook it in clear water and put it in a pot. Thicken the sauce and pour it on the fish before serving.

In particular, this soul soup is very particular.

Naturally, vinegar needs to be added, but not too much, and soy sauce is available, but not too much.

There should be more soup, but it should not be thick, let alone add oil, it should be clear and light, slightly transparent.

It can be served with minced ginger, but not chopped green onion, let alone sugar.

Only in this way can the original taste of freshly killed fish be maintained.

People, sometimes they are extremely worthless.

She has been desperately resisting Qi Diaozhe's food temptation in her mind.

But the honesty of her body has completely broken her line of defense against Qi Diaozhe.

Ben was just taking a sip of meaning in his mouth.

Unexpectedly, she had already eaten nearly half of the fish in the blink of an eye.

If it wasn't for Qi Diaozhe's reminder, there would be another dish of cinnabar tofu that she loves.

It is specially cooked with Gaoyou salted eggs with bright red yolks.

She has not eaten authentic Gaoyou salted eggs for many years.

So she must try this cinnabar tofu.

Or the taste of food makes people feel happy physically and mentally.

Qi Diaozhe took the opportunity to invite her to have lunch together tomorrow.

She actually agreed casually.

Zheng Fang was so worried, how could she get rid of this dinner?

Qi Diaozhe smiled again and said to her:
"Zhang Ling, I have some good news for you."

She pretended to be indifferent and said:
"Just say what you want to say, don't beat around the bush."

"Did you hear that the biggest gas explosion happened in Wuchuan in 30 years yesterday?"

"I heard that a child died on the spot, and nearly 30 people were hospitalized with minor or serious injuries. Alas, it's just a pity for that child."

"So you know."

"Knowing is knowing. I don't understand why you ask me to know this?"

"So you don't know!"

"Hey, stop playing charades, okay?"

Qi Diaozhe showed a sinister smile and said:
"Do you still remember that I gave a boy a folding fan at the party last time? It was that boy who had the accident."

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