Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 151 Chen Jian's First Love

Zhang Ling finally understood the real purpose of Qi Diaozhe's gift of the folding fan.

A spoiled child just gone.

I don't know if it should be said that the wicked have their own harvest?

Or should it be said that the wicked should be tortured by the wicked?
Either way, Zhang Ling feels inappropriate.

How a person's life is like a master of calligraphy and painting painting a picture.

A new life coming into this world is like a blank slate on which a painting is made.

At first, the basic style of white paper was pure and simple.

In general, before the painting is completed, it is impossible to determine the final keynote style of the painting.

Parents (or someone acting in their place) are often only able to set the initial tone.

The initial tone style does not represent the final artistic conception of the painting.

For example, Zhang Yanyuan of the Tang Dynasty, "Zhang Sengyou, Record of Famous Paintings of Past Dynasties":
"Zhang Sengyou painted four dragons on the wall in Anle Temple in Jinling, without dotting the eyes.

It is said every day: "Tap it and it will fly away." People think it is false, so please click it.

After a while, thunder and lightning broke through the wall, and the two dragons rode the clouds to go to the sky.

Drawing a dragon is like parents setting the initial tone and style of the painting.

Whether or not the eye is dotted becomes a necessary condition for the dragon to fly away.

And Qi Diaozhe is like the last touch of Zhang Sengyou's finishing touch to the elegant boy.

That is to determine the final tone and style of the painting.

At the beginning of human nature is good.

The current evil of the elegant boy cannot be separated from his parents.

The man in front of him used his own way to make the elegant boy pay with his life for his evil deeds, and perfectly revenged the parents who condoned their children's evil deeds.

She seemed to have heard the elegant boy's parents crying heart-piercingly in her ears.

Blame it for the elegant boy who used Coke to create the momentum of opening champagne.

The waiter instantly became a drowned rat.

The boy's parents still didn't realize the mistake, and incited public opinion to blatantly scold the waiter on the grounds that "it's just a child".

He also forced the waiter to apologize for the elegant boy in public on the grounds that "the customer is God".

Thereby the waiter who discovers the hidden danger of gas leakage fails to remind maintenance in time.

Or the parents underestimated the powerful bear gene of the elegant boy;
Or the elegant boy remembered Qi Diaozhe's words of encouragement that excited him.

After also noticing the leaking gas, he boldly started to ignite it directly.

Then there was an astonishing explosion, and the bear boy completely lost his chance to be kind.

Master Jade Carving, no matter how you look at it, is a figure with significant influence.

It is an existence that can become a god-like idol in the hearts of others.

Perhaps as long as a simple word of admonition can turn a brat back to the shore.

She just felt that this young boy passed away inexplicably before he experienced life in a real sense.

First, let the immoral parents abuse and temporarily go astray.

Then Qi Diaozhe not only did not persuade, but also used his personal influence to connive and magnify the evil of the elegant boy.

In the end, the child indirectly ended his young life with his own hands.

When Zhang Ling saw Qi Diaozhe's eyes looking forward to her praise.

It feels like a meritorious soldier is asking for credit from her officer.

But she didn't have the slightest thought to affirm his credit.

Her body couldn't help shivering.

I always feel that if she continues to be entangled with Qi Diaozhe.

She probably fared no better than the elegant boy.

Thinking of this, she put on a stiff smile and said:

"I know. I heard that at the last party, you specially recognized a boy as your godson. Why do you seem very happy to hear that something happened to your godson's family?"

This is what happened after she left Li Pan's party.

Back then, the elegant boy's mother didn't know how to restrain himself, and even made Qi Diaozhe agree to come to have a light meal.

This means that it is likely to get another work by a lacquer master.

Can this not arouse the envy of everyone?

"No, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible." Qi Diaozhe denied without hesitation.

It makes people feel that he has developed the habit of talking nonsense with his eyes open.

"is it?"

Zhang Ling looked at Qi Diaozhe's solemn appearance, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly with a bit of contempt.

It was obvious that Qi Diaozhe must have regarded her as a fool.

"Zhang Ling, please listen to me..."

Hearing his anxious tone, she felt a little more comfortable inside, and then interrupted calmly:

"Don't say anything to me. I'm not at all interested in what you want to say."

What he wanted to say couldn't be more clear.

It's just that what he said is the truth.

All you hear from other people are rumors.

This is really treating her as those silly love brains.

Thought she would believe those nonsense.


Qi Diaozhe opened his mouth wide in surprise.

Looking at the sumptuous meals on the table in front of her, Zhang Ling picked up the napkin beside her and wiped her mouth, saying:

"I'm full. You should know that my father stipulates that I must go home before ten o'clock."

Because of the words "you should know", Qi Diaozhe said excitedly:
"Know, know!"

Zhang Ling glanced at the watch time and said:
"It's getting late, so I'll take my leave first."

"No, wait a minute."

"Eh?" Zhang Ling had already stood up, temporarily suppressing her temper and asked, "I ate this meal according to your wishes. What else does Master Qi want to do?"

He explained with a bit of a silly smile:
"Zhang Ling, don't get me wrong. I just want to hear that you can call me the same way as before."

Qi Diaozhe wanted to hear her call him a little flea again like before.

After hearing this, Zhang Ling sneered, picked up a small half glass of juice, walked to Qi Diaozhe's side, and poured it into the remaining half glass of red wine in his hand.

She then said to him with a meaningful smile:
"Do you think I can still drink the original juice in your red wine glass that was originally in my glass?"

"This..." Qi Diaozhe thought for a while, then suddenly looked at the back of Zhang Ling who had turned away a few steps and said, "No, wait a minute. Zhang Ling, if you really want to drink, I can pour you another glass myself... ..."

Zhang Ling stopped and turned back with a little sneer and said to him:
"It seems that Master Qi knows that I can't drink the original juice in your glass. So Master Qi, do you still have the nerve to let me call you like before?"

The juice left in her glass is like the rest of Zhang Ling's life.

It was poured into the wine glass of Qi Diao Zhe, as if it had been baptized and eroded by the years.

It is no longer possible to drink the taste of the same glass of juice.

Qi Diaozhe choked and stopped talking, just watched Zhang Ling's disappearing back silently, picked up the red wine mixed with fruit juice, and drank it with a smile.

An indescribable taste stimulated his taste buds.

He looked at the red wine glass in his hand in surprise and said with a smile:
"This new flavor is really good! I don't understand why she still likes the original juice after all these years?"

To be able to say such words has already fully demonstrated that he is no longer the him of the past, but she is still the same as her of the past.

When she came to the hotel lobby, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Zhang Ling, Zhang Ling, wait a minute."

She turned her head and saw that it was Chen Jian.

His originally playboy smiling face now showed a bit of vicissitudes.

She said in a somewhat mocking tone:

"So it's Mr. Chen! What's the matter?"

"There is an important matter. I wonder if you have time, let's find a quiet place to talk."

"You want to inquire about Yan Yuan's recent situation from me. I don't think so. She's doing well recently." Zhang Ling was about to move away as she spoke.

She really didn't want to see Chen Jian.

Originally thought that he had said such unfeeling words to Yan Yuan back then.

They should never meet again.

Who would have thought that Chen Jian's parents seemed to be very satisfied with Yan Yuan, who had just met by chance.

He kept asking Chen Jian to invite Yan Yuan to his home for a casual meal.

He wanted to learn more about Yan Yuan's personality for Chen Jian.

Chen Jian always shirks with various reasons.

His parents were completely furious!

It seemed as if he had seen through the real reason why Chen Jian refused to take Yan Yuan home for dinner.

That's what this girlfriend did on a blind date to fool the old couple on purpose.

So Chen Jian's parents found another satisfied woman and forced him to go on a blind date.

Chen Jian was forced to have no choice but to temporarily agree to take Yan Yuan home within three days.

And Yan Yuan has forgotten that he has ever liked Chen Jian.

Subconsciously, he also had some resistance to Chen Jian.

But Chen Jian still chose to agree to various requests for courtship.

Said it depends on the relationship between Zhang Ling and Li Xiang.

It is necessary to have a good relationship with Chen Jian.

This time, Yan Yuan was brought to meet his parents on a special trip, and there was an unexpected accident.

Chen Jian's previous girlfriend He Yuan approached him.

He secretly swore in his heart that he would be a stranger to Heyuan from now on.

The moment Chen Jian opened the door, this woman was crying with pear blossoms.

Especially in conjunction with her delicate body that seems to be able to blow her down with a gust of wind.

It must break the heart of any man who sees Heyuan.

But Chen Jian's hand that was supposed to keep the door out just didn't obey and he didn't close the door immediately.

Honest's body turned sideways to invite He Yuan into the room.

He Yuan didn't care about Yan Yuan at all.

In front of Chen Jian's parents, he cried and told about his miserable life in recent years.

Said that the man who married her was too philandering, and would provoke two or three mistresses almost every month.

He Yuan's life in the past ten years is like a thrilling spy war drama.

In the end, he still did not escape the fate of being abandoned.

Heyuan's husband found a girl who was a dozen years younger than her.

He resolutely divorced her.

She also said that at the moment of divorce, she thought of Chen Jian's kindness.

So this time I made a special trip here to catch up with Chen Jian simply.

I am afraid that only an infatuated fool would choose to believe this.

When Chen Jian's parents heard this, they understood that the person who came here was his son's first love who had tortured his son for more than ten years.

The old couple were filled with righteous indignation and berated He Yuan to get out immediately.

And Chen Jian rekindled his old love for He Yuan.

Not only blocked all the attacks of his parents for He Yuan, but also took the opportunity to hold He Yuan tightly in his arms and refused to let go.

It felt like picking up a lost treasure.

It made Yan Yuan on the side feel very uncomfortable.

There was a feeling that her boyfriend was cheating on her in front of her.

I can't wait to kill this pair of dogs and men with my own hands.

Until Chen Jian's parents shouted at him:

"Well, you bastard, you...where do you put Yan Yuan?"

Chen Jian's heart skipped a beat when he heard the name "Yan Yuan".

The originally drowsy brain instantly woke up a lot.

He pushed He Yuan away in his arms, looked back at Yan Yuan with a face of shame and said:
"That, that Yan Yuan, I'm sorry. You can also see how inconvenient it is today, or this meal will stop here. Another day, another day when I'm free, how about I treat you alone?"

Yan Yuan forced himself to put on a smile and said:

"Okay, okay. But it's okay to treat alone. Me, I'm leaving."

When He Yuan was facing Yan Yuan at this moment, she seemed to be the hostess of the house, grabbed the bag that Yan Yuan had forgotten, stepped forward and handed it to Yan Yuan, saying:
"Yan Yuan, right? You forgot your bag."

"Thank you!" Yan Yuan took the bag with some discomfort and responded.

He Yuan smiled and waved:
"I should thank you. During the days when I was not with Chen Jian, thanks to you for taking care of Chen Jian. But please rest assured, I will be by his side from now on."

As he said that, He Yuan's face was covered with a happy smile, and the little bird leaned on Chen Jian's shoulder comfortably.

Yan Yuan didn't respond immediately to this, but shifted his gaze to Chen Jian who was aside.

He has obviously acquiesced to what He Yuan said.

So he looked sideways at Heyuan with the same happy smile.


Yan Yuan saw this completely enough.

She rushed out of this disgusting space without saying a word.

Maybe it was because of Chen Jian's strong stimulation to her this time.

Let Yan Yuan wake up the forgotten feelings from the depths of memory.

As a result, Yan Yuan is like an infatuated girl, whenever she has time, she will silently hide in the distance, watching Chen Jian and the others show their affection.

For this reason, Zhang Ling couldn't bear Yan Yuan's self-torture, and persuaded him many times not to do so.

But the persistent Yan Yuan is still persistent.

It seems that she has completely forgotten her life motto:

Men are like clothes, and beautiful men are like luxury brand clothes. If you have the opportunity, you must try it on first (whether you buy it or not is another story).

And Yan Yuan obviously got a clothes fetish this time.

There was a strong feeling of reluctance for the clothes in her eyes.

Even in the face of He Yuan in order to defend his absolute position in Chen Jian.

Behind Chen Jian's back, he found a few ruffians to remind Yan Yuan not to appear by their side again from now on.

One night Zhang Ling saw the bruises on Yan Yuan's body and became angry.

Those who are impulsive must educate this scumbag Chen Jian for Yan Yuan.

When you feel that Yan Yuan is useful, you can lower your posture, turn into a caring little padded jacket, and ask for help with all kinds of good words.

Now for the woman who had abandoned him.

Let Yan Yuan suffer pain that he shouldn't have endured.

But this idiot Yan Yuan is really stupid!

In a daze, Zhang Ling, who stood up for her, was stopped.

He even foolishly said that he was just walking unsteadily and fell.

It's fine for Yan Yuan to be stupid.

She also took it for granted that Zhang Ling couldn't tell the difference between the injury caused by the fall and the injury caused by the beating.

What can Zhang Ling do?

Yan Yuan himself was unwilling to pursue Chen Jian.

No matter how hard she tried as an outsider, it was useless.

At this moment.

Zhang Ling was afraid that if she stayed here, she would not be able to control her emotions and violently attack Chen Jian.

So choose to leave quickly.

Chen Jian looked at Zhang Ling's back and quickly said:

"No, Zhang Ling, wait a minute. I came to you this time because of Li Xiang."

Because Li wanted to?

Zhang Ling stopped and looked at Chen Jian with eyes full of surprise, and couldn't help asking with a sneer:

"Li Xiang's matter is not urgent. I just want to know now. Haven't you thought about saying something to Yan Yuan?"

It's not that she doesn't want to know about Li Xiang.

But she felt that at this time, she should seek a reasonable explanation for Yan Yuan first.

It is not in vain for their years of deep sisterhood.

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