Chen Jian didn't understand Zhang Ling's question.

"What's wrong with Yan Yuan? I was lucky enough to meet her at noon today. She said that she has been doing well recently. Could it be that something happened after I left her?"

As Chen Jian spoke, his emotions became more and more excited.

Seeing that he was worried about Yan Yuan, he didn't seem to be pretending at all.

"An accident?" Zhang Ling continued with a cold snort, "I think you just wish that Yan Yuan would have an accident. So that someone won't keep hindering you and your old lover."

During the last meal, Chen Jian's parents noticed that Yan Yuan's speech was vulgar and lacked the elegance of a scholarly family, and they always felt that Yan Yuan was not good enough for Chen Jian.

Without comparison, it is impossible to know what it means to be in the blessing and not know the blessing.

After comparing with He Yuan, they felt that Yan Yuan was the best daughter-in-law.

At least Yan Yuan was obviously much more sincere than He Yuan when dealing with people.

Unlike what He Yuan said in Tiannan, he had to go to Haibei to listen.

There is absolutely no credibility at all.

I'm afraid only their stupid son Chen Jian would choose to believe He Yuan's nonsense.

So Yan Yuan's sincerity is invaluable to their son Chen Jian.

At least they were more willing to believe that Yan Yuan would not deceive Chen Jian.

So they often used various methods to persuade Chen Jian not to be deceived by He Yuan again.

Maybe Heyuan is the kind of addictive poison for him.

It always makes Chen Jian want to stop.

Zhang Ling's words seemed to have entered his heart, and he explained with a little embarrassment:
"Nonsense! Where is the old lover? We...we just reunited after a long absence."

Zhang Ling smiled mockingly.

A former playboy can naively say such things.

She didn't know whether to say Chen Jian was dedicated or stupid?

"I don't care about your resurgence of old love or reunion after a long absence? I just want to know your attitude towards Yan Yuan."

Chen Jian lowered his head and pondered for a while with a dignified expression, and said:

"As for asking Yan Yuan to help me act as a girlfriend when I'm in trouble. It's all yours and mine."

"That's all?"

The reason for asking this is because Chen Jian asked Yan Yuan for help this time.

They held flowers and gifts in their hands, stopped Yan Yuan in public, and deliberately kneeled on one knee, which was very similar to a marriage proposal.

But who would have expected Chen Jian to ask Yan Yuan to forgive him for his rude words last time.

Based on this alone, Yan Yuan believed that Chen Jian had enough sincerity.

At the same time, it has a fantasy that should have been forgotten.

Chen Jian guessed in response to Zhang Ling's words:
"According to what you mean, you want to make up for it? No! I promised to make up for her. It's just that Yan Yuan was unwilling to accept it at the time. Could it be that she wants it again now? You can..."

"Shut up!" Zhang Ling snapped angrily.

Yan Yuan has expressed his love for him very clearly.

Many occasional encounters deliberately, just want to say a few more words with him.

Can't Chen Jian see that Yan Yuan's affectionate eyes are only for him?
She thought that Chen Jian was pretending to be confused while pretending to understand.


Chen Jian still didn't realize the meaning of Zhang Ling's words.

He also didn't want to give up his intention of making a special trip to find Zhang Ling.

So he looked around and made another request:

"Zhang Ling, there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding between us. I'm afraid we won't be able to argue for a while standing here. How about I go upstairs and sit down and talk slowly?"

Zhang Ling sneered a little bit weirdly and said:

"Forget it, I'm timid."

"Timid? Zhang Ling, I haven't seen you for a few days. You really know how to joke."

Chen Jian thought Zhang Ling's words were funny.

Because how could Zhang Ling, whom he knew, be timid?
She once went deep into the grassroots workshops where worker riots may occur at any time for her work.

Not only did she successfully stop the riots from happening.

It perfectly reconciles the contradictions between grassroots workers and management.

Zhang Ling smiled meaningfully at him and turned to leave.

He looked at her back as she was about to go away, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop her and continued:
"Wait a minute, I haven't told you about Li Xiang yet. Why are you in a hurry?"

"What does Li want?"

Being brought up again, the final parting scene played in her mind.

Regardless of personal safety, he held her tightly in his arms.

Although the half bottle of mineral water didn't hit her at all.

But a warm mist rose from her heart like a water bottle falling to the ground.

For a while, she couldn't understand Li Xiang who was escaping.

Until I ran into Aunt Li again and learned the whole story of the two men that day.

Her first impression was that these two men were so childish.

But then I felt that this competition of determination seemed quite interesting.

It made her feel like an ancient emperor in a film and television drama who was jealous of his concubines.

Even though he knew that Li Xiang was tricked by Qi Diaozhe, he couldn't bear it, but he still didn't plan to take the initiative to find Li Xiang.

Because she thinks that if Li Xiang really loves him.

Certainly not sticking to any bullshit gentlemen's agreement that appeared in front of her on its own initiative.

Thinking of this, she looked at Chen Jian pretending to be indifferent and said:
"Is there anything he wants you to convey? It seems that this matter is not that important. Since it is not important, then there is no need to say it, and I don't bother to listen. "

That's what she said, but she still wanted to know his recent situation very much in her heart.

So this time, after finishing speaking, I didn't rush to move.

"No, it's not conveying. I came to you, but Li Xiang didn't know. That dead wood must abide by some gentleman's agreement."

"Enough! Stop talking. I don't want to hear anything more about him."

Zhang Ling couldn't stand it.

It turned out that Li Xiang didn't love her as much as he said.

Just for some gentleman's agreement to give up on her.

Chen Jian heard what Zhang Ling said on the surface, but didn't see that she had the intention to leave, so he continued to say to her:
"He's sick, he's sick because of you, and he's very sick. Can you be indifferent to this?"

When Zhang Ling heard that Li Xiang was ill, an anxious expression appeared on her face.

In a blink of an eye, he pretended to be indifferent and asked:
"What disease?"

Chen Jian said seriously, "It's the lovesickness that I miss you."

A smile appeared on Zhang Ling's face and snorted coldly.

He looked at Chen Jian with meaningful eyes for a while, as if silently accusing him of talking nonsense.

Chen Jian saw Zhang Ling's thoughts and asked:

"You do not believe?"

Zhang Ling just shook her head slightly and continued to walk towards the hotel entrance.

Chen Jian was completely anxious.

Quickly chased after Zhang Ling again and stopped Zhang Ling and said:

"Wait a minute. Zhang Ling, what exactly do you want me to do to trust me? Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will do it."

Chen Jian remembered that Li Xiang hid in a place where no one was there and cried all night after expressing his broken love.

Start working like a robot from day two.

Working crazily with no regard for his health.

The daily sleep time is no more than 3 hours.

Such a high-intensity job is almost indistinguishable from suicide.

Tomorrow happens to be the day for the Li family's sacrificial activities.

So he thought that he must tell Zhang Ling all this today.

Let Zhang Ling fulfill her promise to accompany Li Xiang to participate in the sacrificial activities.

Even if the two can't get back together, it can at least stop Li Xiang from abusing himself.

Zhang Ling was obviously displeased.

I think you, Chen Jian, don't even understand your own life.

And the face ran to her eyes to meddle in the affairs between them.

It's really a bit of a dog taking a mouse.

So she said with a bit of yin and yang:

"Don't dare! I don't want to be warned by your long-lost lover. Say that I'm Zhang Ling, who is flamboyant and has nothing to seduce you. I don't want to be such a villain."

Chen Jian complacently argued that:

"How is it possible? My family and Yuan are the most kind-hearted. When walking, the ants under her feet are reluctant to be trampled to death. How could she do the kind of thing you said?"

Zhang Ling sneered and said:

"Chen Jian, I don't think you are wearing myopia glasses. Your eyesight should be normal."

Chen Jian nodded and said:
"Yes! But what do you mean by that?"

She knew that Chen Jian heard the implication.

So pretending to be suddenly enlightened, he continued:
"Oh, I understand. Probably there are always many people in this world who just like to look at the surface. They don't know that there are some people who are very good at pretending. They are best at showing you the side you want to see."

"I believe He Yuan is absolutely not." Chen Jian said confidently.

Zhang Ling shook her head and continued:
"Do you believe it? Hehe, you must know that men and women in love are used to using this method. It makes you mistakenly think that he is the kind of person you like. This is why many people say that they have been cheated by the other party after marriage. reason."

"Zhang Ling! You, don't go too far!" Chen Jian shouted for Li Xiang, suppressing the anger in his heart.

Because he heard Zhang Ling's words were talking about He Yuan.

Zhang Ling continued:
"Too much? You can think I'm too much. But I will never apologize for it. After all, this is the price you paid for not letting me go."

She looked at Chen Jian's angry look.

I feel like I have let out a bad breath for Yan Yuan.

But she wasn't satisfied yet, and she was thinking about using some legitimate reason to beat Chen Jian violently.

"Okay, okay..." Chen Jian continued in a hurry, "My good Zhang Ling, when you say I'm all right, but what about you?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"You... you, Zhang Ling, have black hair all over your body, and you still lick your face and make fun of the crow with black feathers. How ridiculous!"

Zhang Ling's brain buzzed instantly.

The whole person is like a statue standing motionless in the hotel lobby.


She, Zhang Ling, is indeed very similar to Chen Jian.

With great fanfare, Chen Jian directly chose his predecessor.

And she just seemed to be forced to choose to be with her ex on the surface.

She is really ridiculous when you think about it that way!
Suddenly, she giggled a bit like a lunatic in a mental hospital.

That laughter sounded creepy.

Then the word "funny", every time Zhang Ling uttered it, the sound would be raised naturally.

When he said it for the seventh time, the voice caused everyone in the hall to stop and watch.

Someone was muttering and calling her crazy.

Some people felt sorry for Zhang Ling and cursed Chen Jian as a scumbag.

Chen Jian looked at her with a wry smile, and asked carefully:

"Hey, let me tell you, Zhang Ling, are you okay? We've said it all, we'll find a quiet place to talk. It's alright now, you and I have been misunderstood."

"What are you afraid of? You're already used to this kind of scene. Chen Jian, it's me you should be afraid of, okay?"

Zhang Ling's face and expression resembled that of a boudoir and resentful woman.

"What are you afraid of?"

After asking this question, Chen Jian regretted it.

Because he had predicted Zhang Ling's answer.

"Of course I'm afraid that your family's Heyuan will find someone to take care of me."

Hearing this sentence again, Chen Jian instantly realized something.

So he immediately tried to ask Zhang Ling for proof:

"Zhang Ling, what do you mean by what you said, does it mean that He Yuan asked someone to take care of Yan Yuan?"

Zhang Ling's brief smile froze, and then she said in relief:

"Not bad! You're not too stupid, you finally realized it."

When Chen Jian heard Zhang Ling's affirmation, he felt bad instantly.

The space around her was still, and the ears could only hear the sound of the heartbeat clearly.

He played back at high speed in his mind the details of getting along with the two women.

Very strange!
Although he has the least memory of Yan Yuan, he has the deepest impression on Yan Yuan.

Including every subtle movement of Yan Yuan when he tortured him in the hospital.

It feels like it just happened.

As for Heyuan, who has experienced the most, she thought she would never forget the beauty, and her brain seemed to be short-circuited, unable to remember the specific details.

He didn't understand why he was like this?
But none of this seemed to matter.

He eagerly grabbed Zhang Ling's shoulders and shook:
"Tell me, tell me, tell me quickly, what happened to Yan Yuan and Yuan?"

Her shoulders instantly felt like Chen Jian's ten fingers were embedded into her skin.

But she seemed a little numb from Chen Jian's worried look.

So she didn't feel the pain from her ten fingers on her shoulder at all.

She could basically think that Chen Jian subconsciously liked Yan Yuan.

Just don't know why?
Chen Jian always suppresses his love for Yan Yuan.

So Zhang Ling decided to help Yan Yuan, and said to Chen Jian:
"Want to know? She's at XX Bar. You can go and see for yourself."

"Thank you, I'll go right away."

Chen Jian immediately let go of Zhang Ling's shoulders, quickly turned around and ran two steps towards the hotel gate, then stopped again for unknown reasons.

He restrained his excited smile, returned to Zhang Ling and said:
"There is no rush to see Yan Yuan."

"Yan Yuan's matter is not urgent!" Zhang Ling sneered, "Then He Yuan's matter is urgent to you?"

Chen Jian shook his head and said:

"No, the focus of meeting you today is Li Xiang."

"Li Xiang?"

"Yes, it's Li Xiang. Since you don't want to accompany me to find a quiet place to tell Li Xiang. Then I'll just say it here."

Zhang Ling looked at Chen Jian with somewhat expectant eyes and did not speak.

Chen Jian nervously continued to say:

"I heard Li Xiang once commented on you like this. He said that you are a person who keeps promises. What you said, no matter what difficulties, even if you grit your teeth, you must fulfill your promises."

The corners of Zhang Ling's mouth raised up in a graceful arc unconsciously.

She never thought that she was such a person in his heart.

I feel that his evaluation of himself is not wrong at all.

There is a sense of joy of meeting a bosom friend welling up in my heart.

But she still didn't speak.

With a bit of anticipation, I continued to listen to what Chen Jian said next.

And Chen Jian looked at Zhang Ling's reaction, and his tense nerves relaxed a little bit, and he continued:
"So you promised to accompany Li Xiang tomorrow to participate in the family sacrifice. I think you will definitely be there without hesitation."

"Of course!"

After Zhang Ling finished speaking very naturally, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

She secretly made up her mind that she would never take the initiative to go to Li Xiang's.

But in order to fulfill her promise, she had to take the initiative to find Li Xiang.

She looked at Chen Jian with resentment in her eyes.

He knew that he had been tricked by Chen Jian's superb negotiating skills.

Thinking in my heart, is it too late to repent now?

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