Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 168 Scary Black House

Chapter 168 Scary Black House
Zhang Ling quickly hid in the corner where debris was piled up not far away.

She clearly saw two security personnel approaching.

One of them was the security captain who couldn't understand Zhang Ling's Mandarin anyway.

Another security guard said with a flattering smile:

"Captain, it seems that we have been bullied by that bastard Xiao Wang again. Is there anyone here?"

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed across the security captain's expression. In order to protect his face, he could only put on a smile and say:

"Be careful sailing for ten thousand years! No one is better. If we offend the old patriarch because of your negligence, we will have no good fruit."

"What the captain said is true!" The security guard looked up at the sky and said, "It's really hot today! Captain, let's go back quickly. You are the backbone of our brothers. Don't suffer from heatstroke anymore."

The chief of security obviously took great pleasure in these words.

Nodding with a grin, he turned and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, a yellow butterfly kite with a broken thread floated in the sky.

Seeing that she flew straight to the place where Zhang Ling was hiding.

Because of the flying kite, the security guards were also attracted to the corner where Zhang Ling was.

Her heart almost jumped out of her throat when she saw this.

He took the initiative to fight out, broke in through the window, and rescued Xiaodouzi.

He was still picked out by these two nasty security guards.

Just when she was making a decision, a weird gust of wind blew out, blowing the kite, which was less than two meters away, to a bend and flew to the foot of the security captain.

The captain glanced at the kite under his feet and said:
"Strange! Where did this thing come from?"

After speaking, he raised his foot and wanted to step on it a few times.

I want to vent the stagnant anger in my heart.

The security guard on the side quickly leaned over, picked up the kite from the captain's feet, and flattered:
"Captain, it's wonderful! This kite with a broken string must have carried a beautiful wish. It just happened to land at your feet. What does that mean?"

"What does it mean?" The security captain asked suspiciously.

Anbao continued to flatter and fool:

"It means that you, captain, must be the chosen one. In the near future, you will surely rise to the top, step by step, and become the envy of everyone."

The security captain took the kite, looked at it with a smile and said:

"Not bad! You really can talk, kid. It's just such an accident that you can tell the truth. However, I still like it very much."

"The conscience of heaven and earth! I just hope that when the captain eats meat in the future, don't forget to give the little one a bowl of soup."

Zhang Ling complained inwardly when she heard Anbao's words.

"Bah! Are you still worthy of talking about your conscience?"

She hated Anbao for helping the old patriarch kidnap Xiaodouzi.

I can't wait to rush out and send these scumbags to prison to reflect on myself.

But considering that Xiaodouzi is still suffering in the ear room.

The risks of doing so are simply too great.

She could only grit her teeth and endure it temporarily.

The security captain said "yes" three times in a row, and the two smiled and prepared to turn around and leave.


A tile on the roof next to Zhang Ling shattered less than 30 centimeters from Zhang Ling's feet.

The two security guards who had just turned around and walked a few steps looked back again.

"Who? Where is who? Come out, I've already seen you."

Zhang Ling was shocked!

Has she been found?

never mind!

Now that she was discovered, she stopped pretending for the sake of Xiaodouzi.

A cat's meow stopped her impulse.

Follow the reputation!

It was as if a cat just jumped from the eaves to the wall on the other side.

She recognized the cat.

It happened to be the cat that helped her cover when she left the west ear room.

She smiled at the cat on the wall.

The security captain glanced at the cat pacing on the wall, shook his head and subconsciously walked towards the tile.

Another security guard quickly stopped the captain and said:

"Captain, why are you going?"

Just as Zhang Ling's nerves relaxed, she became tense again because of this sentence.

"Since I saw it, I want to clean up the tiles." The captain explained back.

Another security guard was unwilling to clean it up, and found an excellent reason to say:
"Captain, you said that as a security officer, you must always understand what your job responsibilities are? Cleaning tiles seems to be a cleaning job."

The security captain froze for a moment and said with a smile:
"Okay. You're right. When you see the cleaning chief, let them send someone over to clean it up. Let's go."

Looking at the backs of the two security guards going away, Zhang Ling couldn't help complaining and cursing:
"Damn! You are the only ones who deserve to talk about security responsibilities? I think you have long forgotten your responsibilities as security."

As soon as the words were finished, she vaguely heard Xiaodouzi's faint cry for help from the window again.

She really wanted to respond to Xiaodouzi's cry for help.

But she was also worried that if the person guarding Xiaodouzi heard it, it would be bad if she moved Xiaodouzi to another place.

In order not to make Xiaodouzi suffer more.

She looked up at the window in front of her, wanting to break through the window directly for rescue.

When she finally confirmed that no one was coming, she opened the window of the side room.


The windows were sealed with red bricks.

So far she finally understood why Xiaodouzi always said it was so dark inside?
How can a room without windows be dark?

Perhaps it is due to the maternal nature of being a mother.

Her heart became more flustered and worried.

Because she remembered what was mentioned in a magazine that she casually flipped through not long ago.

A psychologist in the article pointed out that fear of the dark is a common problem among children, and mild fear of the dark is normal.

But if the child is too afraid of the dark, or even afraid of the night, it will affect the normal development of the child's character.

Children's fear of the dark largely comes from conditioned reflexes.

If the child has ever been frightened in the dark.

Or have seen or imagined something that exists in the dark.

It is very possible to associate darkness with these negative images, thereby forming negative conditioned stimuli.

When the child enters the dark environment again, the child will feel emotional and fearful.

So if the matter of rescuing Xiaodouzi cannot be handled well.

Then this child's personality will definitely have big problems in the future.

Zhang Ling didn't want to see such a thing happen.

But in the current situation, she couldn't sneak into the east side room through the main room to rescue Xiaodouzi without anyone noticing.

Just when she was distressed, she heard someone shouting in the yard:

"It's on fire! Come and put out the fire!"

For the first time, Zhang Ling felt that Li Xi's voice was so pleasant.

She smiled and immediately moved over to observe that Li Xi was standing in the yard pointing to her room, directing everyone to put out the fire.

The people who had been cleaning the main room all rushed out to help put out the fire.

Obviously, Zhang Ling's best time has finally come.

She took the opportunity to sneak into the main room and walked straight to the east side room.

What appeared in front of me was a desk, and the bookshelves that almost filled the entire wall behind it.

What makes her wonder is that she doesn't see where the door is?
For a brief moment, she suspected that she had made a mistake.

However, standing beside the desk, he could still vaguely hear Xiaodouzi's faint cry for help.

Think of the secret room plots that are often performed in film and television dramas.

She suddenly became enlightened!
Just as she was trying to find out where the agency was, she heard security personnel coming in to check the situation.

This also made Zhang Ling, who was hiding aside, even more sure that Xiaodouzi must be behind the bookshelf.

Just the two security guards who came in this time.

As soon as the two of them came in, they both walked towards the vase on the side of the bookshelf.

He also deliberately looked the vase up and down for a few seconds.

It's like making a special trip to check whether the mechanism button has been touched by someone.

No, it was more like he came in specially to remind her where the button to open the secret room was.

Wait and watch the two security guards leave.

She also came out from behind the curtain on one side.

Without hesitation, through the reminder of the security, turn the vase according to the Romance in the film and television drama, and the bookshelf opens slowly like an automatic door.

At this moment, she cursed in her heart:

It seems that as the film and television drama said, all rich people like to do this.

The door was fully opened, and the voice of Little Bean calling was clearer.

Perhaps because Xiaodouzi saw the light, excitement and hope were evident in the voice of calling.

Zhang Ling hurriedly walked into the door and at the same time called impatiently:

"Little Douzi, where are you? Mom is here!"

Xiaodouzi curled up in a corner, through the light that only came in from the door, she confirmed that it was indeed her long-awaited mother who came in.

A bright smile appeared on her frightened little face.

The body that was trembling due to the coldness no longer trembled.

He got up from the ground suddenly, ran towards the light, and threw himself into Zhang Ling's arms, crying:

"Mom, Xiaodouzi is so scared! I thought I would never see you again in this life."

At this moment, Xiaodouzi really knew that only Zhang Ling's mother's embrace was the warmest in the world.

The original chill on her body dissipated instantly.

She was wrong!
Only then did she realize that she had wrongly blamed Zhang Ling's mother!

Because when her heart is as close as possible to her heart, she can clearly feel that Zhang Ling's mother loves her very much.

"No! Look, mom is not here to look for you. Don't be afraid, don't cry. Quick, tell mom, why are you here?"

Xiaodouzi choked up a little and said:
"This... this little Douzi is not very clear either."

Zhang Ling reminded with a smile:
"It's okay! If you can't remember it, you don't have to think about it."

Xiaodouzi then recalled:
"I just remember a few steps when I passed the corner of the corridor. I suddenly felt that my mouth was covered with a handkerchief that exuded a strange smell. I fell asleep within a few seconds. When I woke up, I Appeared here."

"Forget it, I don't want to. Mom is here." Zhang Ling held Xiaodouzi into her arms for a while while speaking.

Xiaodouzi's body was once again wrapped in Zhang Ling's body temperature.

Her frightened young mind was briefly soothed.

The clever little Douzi suddenly said in Zhang Ling's ear:
"Where is Mommy here? It's really scary! Xiaodouzi heard a horrible cry at that time. It feels like an emissary from hell is here to catch her."

Zhang Ling listened to Xiaodouzi's words.

Only then did they suddenly realize that they were still in a dangerous place.

"Xiaodouzi, listen to me that you can't stay in this place anymore. Let's go, go out with mom first. After you go out and find dad, mom will answer your questions, okay?"

Little Douzi didn't want to stay in this dark place for a second.

Hearing her mother's words, she nodded vigorously with a little excitement.

When she walked out of the secret room and closed the door, Zhang Ling hesitated while holding Xiaodouzi's hand.

How can their mother and daughter leave here safely?

If she was the only one, she would definitely be able to say that she had never been to this hospital.

But now that there are many little beans around, it is difficult to leave without being noticed by others.

Just when she was a little dazed, Xiaodouzi suddenly yelled "Dad".

With a shudder, she saw that Li Xiang really followed the old patriarch in, and Xiaodouzi rushed towards Li Xiang excitedly.

Li Xiang leaned over and hugged Xiaodouzi in his arms, looked at Zhang Ling who was coming towards him strangely and asked:

"How come you are here?"

Zhang Ling explained with a smile:
"The room next door where Li Xi lives is on fire. Let's come in and take a look. It's just because Xiaodouzi is playful and mischievous. I'm afraid of this child, don't let this place also cause a fire. So I followed in."

She was a little worried after explaining.

She was not worried that the old patriarch would dare to expose the lie in front of Li Xiang.

Instead, she was a little worried about Xiaodouzi who had been taught by her not to lie.

It's best not to say a word at this time.

It's not good to tell the truth.

The old patriarch looked at Xiaodouzi with a smile and continued:
"It's okay. It doesn't matter if my place is set on fire by Xiaodouzi. As long as my great-great-granddaughter is safe and sound."

While speaking, the old patriarch tried to step forward and stroke Xiaodouzi's head with his hands.

At this time, Xiaodouzi was a little scared, and quickly tilted his head to the other side.

Then he tried to hide his head, and at the same time he hummed and said in Li Xiang's ear:
"No, no! Dad, you have to trust Xiaodouzi, he is not a child, and he will never do anything like set fire."

Zhang Ling listened to Xiaodouzi's words.

Finally feel relieved.

But when she saw Xiaodouzi's reaction, it was obvious that the little girl had a premonition.

Then she became worried again.

"Okay! Dad believes in you."

While speaking, Li Xiang freed up one hand and stroked Xiaodouding's head.

Zhang Ling stood beside Li Xiang at this time, and said as naturally as possible:
"Have you finished talking about your important matters? Chen Jian called at that time and said he couldn't reach you. He called me. He said that there was something urgent on business and he wanted to talk to you face to face. After I saw you, I told you to hurry up." Go to the gate of the ancestral hall to meet him."

"Ling'er, you don't need to worry about him! If this guy Chen Jian is really in a hurry, he will definitely come in and find me directly. It took a lot of trouble to let me go out to find him. It means that this matter must..."

Zhang Ling didn't wait for Li Xiang to finish speaking, she pinched his lower back hard.

Only then did Li Xiang, who was in pain, react.

Zhang Ling must have used Chen Jian's pretext to discuss something urgent with him in private.

He then looked at the old patriarch and explained:

"I'm in a hurry. The patriarch, the family sacrificial matter, we will talk about it next time we have a chance. Li Xiang still has urgent matters to deal with. So I will leave first."

The old patriarch saw that he couldn't keep people, and he couldn't force them to stay, so he just dealt with it on the surface and allowed the family of three to leave together.

Just walked out of the old patriarch's courtyard not far away.

Li Xiang is a bit like a primary school student who made mistakes, always following behind the teacher's ass and dare not make a sound.

Xiaodouzi in Li Xiang's arms spoke first to break the somewhat weird atmosphere.

"Dad, that great-grandfather must be a big villain!"

Li Xiang heard that Xiaodouzi was nervous and stopped immediately.

Looking around, I didn't see half a figure, so I looked at Xiaodouzi in my arms and said:

"Little Douzi, why are you talking like that all of a sudden?"

Xiaodouzi's aggrieved face was dotted with two tears of fear and said:

"There is a scary dark room in that great-grandfather's room. Xiaodouzi was imprisoned in the dark room for a long time for no reason!"

(End of this chapter)

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